..And most of ya'll would just run and hide and post memes online while brigades of blue haired faggots and stronk women of color claimed the streets for themselves and their degeneracy. Atlanta was a test run to see how much pussies ya'll would be. Day of the rope cancelled.
The right are cowards
>brigades of blue haired faggots and stronk women of color
That's just a normal day in the ATL, you dumb faggot.
it was controlled opposition and anyone with more than a couple brain cells would've known better.
Gotta choose the right moment to strike back.
We'll fight back when the time is right
When would that be?
When the rounds start flying.
>professional photographers
>online astroturfing
>doing something that isn't interesting at all
>tons of threads
Nah just another zionist psy op. It's literally all you stupid kikes know. You truly don't understand how sick and tired people are of these psy ops.
You guys should read SIEGE. Then you might understand what is and will be
What Suburb is this Statue in that there are so many White Boys?
/thread, only opticsfags and glowies will disagree
When Commies will shoot first
Lol yes Im scared user.
And it doesn't say anything because we don't live in concrete tombs like urbanites.
Real men don't breathe lead and drink flouride.
And we have all the weapons and land.
Oh, such sweet hubris. Remember this moment when you die screaming at the hands of those you dare to mock, you worthless degenerate .
Antifa is setting themselves up for disaster. The psyops to make them feel like they need to act is working and they will have their Charlottesville soon. Stupid idiots dont understand that IRL political violence will have the feds up your fucking ass. No sympathetic DA or judge can get them out of a federal investigation. Leftists remind me of the AR in early 2017.
No one is doing anything. The feds has everyone by the balls.
I actually didn't even hear about a muh "nazi rally" until today. I'm on Jow Forums every day.
I always thought it would be antifa drawing first blood, what with the right's fondness of walking down open streets carrying rifles.
Have they never watched those videos of troops being sniped in Iraq in the early 2000s?
There's a nazi rally?
First of all, you flag jumping faggot, what the hell do you think "this" is, let alone who most of "we" are? You are a fucking imbecile, a kike, or a CIA nigger. Anything else?
Anything that's NOT an antifa dick sucking festival is a "nazi rally" to the leftist.
>Atlanta was a test run
Do you wonder why the police didn't do anything? A lot of undercover FBI agents in that crowd
1 post by this ID.
nice try fbi.
> A bunch of nerds buy military gear off of eBay.
> March down the street like it fucking matters.
> panic Because you are a newfag
> ???
> profit
owning firearms isn't an uprising dumbass.
It kinda is when they're threatening to tear down statues and they're scaring all the locals into their homes.
>I'm supposed to have a problem with this
All chaos is good chaos, as far as I'm concerned.
The sooner shtf, the sooner things will get better.
Also, if s were to actually htf, I'd have no problem sending in a couple drones to drop home-made chemical weapons on those faggots.
No one with a working brain gives two shits about NigLanta. Try that shit in God's country faggots.
In a civil war scenario, just leave NigLanta alone and it will self destruct.
Trying to lure a retarded frog poster into doing something stupid and getting his white face plastered all over the news as the white face of HATE. So then they can hold more NOH8 rallies and pass more anti white laws.
>inb4 i get put on another couple watchlists
I meant stink bombs, obviously, not poisonous gas or anything like that.
some right-wing confederate groups planned a rally at Stone Mountain (site of a Robert E Lee memorial) but antifa said they would come so all the right-wing people pussied out and it became just a left-wing march
Digits confirm and approve of your disregard for the Geneva convention.
>rear sight folded down
>gas block front sight
>even having the two combined
This person won't be hitting much and I am guessing this person is also a HE.
Either way, where do these people get their firearms and recommendations for attachments?
The national guard,swat,and homeland would have a fucking field day with untrained commies.
Does the right wing group really even exist?
airsoft guns
I had an idea of creating fake right wing rallies at a frequent pace to make antifa spend their funds and make them infight due to no common enemy. After a while, they'll stop showing up in large numbers and right wingers can rally without having to deal with them.
probably. you can go scroll through antifa twitter and see the fb screenshots of the southern groups that were planning to attend.
Would not be the first time these groups have pulled a stunt like this.
>and all was PC, but then bikers in slayer shirts attacked
Is this a good gun for revolution?
>easily conceales
>kills, unlike bricks
Same here. Must have been small and insignificant.
I tried that. I even made posters with swatikas and captioned "Whos streets. Our streets." I got my sockpuppets banned from every platform including Jow Forums . I'll post the flyer if this thread is still up when i get to the old laptop.
Bull. They couldn't get a permit so part of the group said they wouldn't go. Then the rest said they wouldn't because they didn't have enough numbers without the guys who wanted a permit. The red faggots don't scare anyone.
Imagine larping with fake rifles, what kind of person is this?
Real Nazis masquerading in drag and hammer and sickle buttons
pic related
Instead of just randomly turning up in a random town on a random day, give us advanced notice next time and find out.
idk sounds a lot these right-wingers A. depended on daddy government for protection and B. all pussied out when they realized they might have to confront protesters directly
I don't live within 1000 miles of where this took place and don't give a shit.
This is the stuff that the Alt-Right should be doing. Richard Spencer should be focused on creating fake rallies instead of doing whatever he's doing.
Imagine the media shit storm if this was more of a common occurrence being pictured.
FBI or Soros. No one else has the balls to show up for a civil war with BB guns.
Having a memory like a goldfish wont save you.
Imagine the chaos. What is stopping a Jow Forumstard from infiltrating antifa and bringing it down from inside? What if we just start this rumor this has already happened? Would antifa fall apart from the inside?
> implying this doesnt gather more support for our side
Please continue fucking with the average person, it only make us look better
A revolution? Finally? The rule of law is no more? Cops are no more? Really?
Me and my Tikka waited so long for this. Please tell me where the insurrection is and watch the news.
>implying we care.
(((they))) or glow niggers can do whatever they fucking want to. What are we going to do about? Honestly???? Probably kill ourselves with drugs of one form or anther. And then what will they have? A bunch of dead people and other people looking to fight someone with all their pent up hate. Guess (((they))) didn’t plan shoot out to well. Some of us will make a break to that northwest front thing but I think (((they))) and glow niggers will be surprised by how docile and Americans are.
Who says that isn't happening already?
>tacticool story bro
Are you niggers dumb enough to wear uniforms...? This determines a lot.
>during race war
>wearing a tactikewl uniform with a red bandanna
Probably a commie, take him out
They look like the kids who go to those comic book conventions dressed up as characters from resident evil or whatever... Absolutely silly.
how many white conservatives have to die before the "right time"?
wow..that's the most passive aggressive shit i've heard.
>depend on daddy government for protection
You mean the cops who do absolutely nothing when the reds attack? They didn't even de-mask the reds when it was against Georgia law. Even if the reds attack all the blame will be on the whites for daring to exist. Muh gubmint pratection is a left wing talking point.
>all pussied out when they realized they might have to confront protesters directly
Despite the fact that they never pussied out before. I literally explained what happened and why they weren't there.
When the time comes I will feast on their entrails.
When your retarded left fantasy comes to a head, retard. I dont know if you've been paying attention but the right doesn't to rise up violently, but they will win.
They're more armed, have more participation, and more practice
These demonstrations are a flex by the establishment to remind us who is allowed to organize and who isn’t. Also, anyone on the right who thinks that the police are more than just cheerleaders for antifa is delusional at this point.
>Implying the right and the left live amongst each other
Like why the fuck would you care if they took a leftist dominated city?
>And most of ya'll would just run and hide
Bullshit, I would join it.
Just another in a long line of "rent-a-crowd" you're boring and you smell: fuck off!
You'll know when it happens you'll know cunt!
this sentence is going to sound retarded, but the anarchists have institutional support. When they commit crimes, the media ignores it and the cops don't arrest them. When the "nazis" fight back, it's a national story, and he serves 200,000 years getting raped in prison for "hate crimes".
America is strong country
good post
Im James Mason bitch, one of the baddest white supremists of all time. OF ALL TIME.
Wanna burn down your house and come to my compound in belize to smoke meth? Come on it will be fun, we can convert to islam, hail satan, and carve swastikas into my mentally ill tumblr gf's ass.
Gee who would benefit from another war in a white country
It's not retarded. Look at the Bike Lock Bandit, look at the inauguration day protesters, look at where Weather Underground is today. All free, all back to doing what they do best. Look at how the cops stood down during the anti-trump protests because the mayor or police chief held them back. Hell, look at Charlottesville. The police called an emergency before the march even started and then herded the whites towards a tunnel of armed left wing protesters. When the Deputy Chair of the second largest party in America can vocally support you, and the police refuse to prosecute you for any crime, you aren't the underdog. You're the system.
Stop being dumb. This needs to be supported as much as possible, leftists motivated to do these events more frequently and as radical as possible. This is good for both opticfags and realpolitik types. Why?
Two outcomes here:
>They will pussy out, but in the process show normans how "dangerous" the left is, thus damaging their optics even more.
>They will screw out, shoot someone and then we have finally some chance for much needed conflict.
We need to accelerate, accelerate, accelerate.
surprisingly endearing masturbation face
Well yeah, I was talking to him. It's a bit weird to think that in America you'd have mayors of major cities that are sympathetic to this kind of thing, but that's where we are.
Forsyth or north Fulton probably
Acceleration is stupid in this case. You know what happens when Maoist street gangs feel more and more empowered? You end up with a Maoist government! The right isn't organized at all.
I would bet money it doesn't even know how to chamber a round, let alone hit anything it was aiming at.
>You end up with a Maoist government!
>The right isn't organized at all.
"Right" needs two things to get organized - opening (like lefturds ventilating someone) and kick in the butt (like lefturds getting too cheeky).
They don't. They just LARP with them
Nice one kneepad guy. I'll be sure to remember that you're a lefty shooter.
If you want to get technically hating nazi’s and attacking them is a hate crime in itself. Just need to be prosecuted.
please let this be the other side we fight. I can't wait if so
Broke: Getting thrown in jail by the police for throwing a punch.
Woke: Electing a nationalist, loading SCOTUS to the right, taking over the police by becoming the mayor. That's where we are headed. Enjoy your degenerate parade trans scum. 2020 you lose again.
don't underestimate them. They may look goofy but being organized means more than you think. Anyone can be taught to load a fire a gun. And that creature has no hesitations about throwing lead into you and your loved ones.
You need to read these. jacobitemag.com
Will demographics agree with you? The left is organized and more than willing to enlist every illegal and corpse to vote.
It's not the right doesn't have the capacity, they do, they are the most well armed and well prepared demographic in the country. It's that the right has no reason to go out protesting, they have their president in power and they have jobs and lives to tend to. Things are going well enough to not go chimping out in the streets at the moment.
Meanwhile, the average drug addict commie loser doesn't work and has nothing better to do than larp as a revolutionary paid in drugs on any given weekday afternoon.
>spoken behind a meme flag
Haven't you realized yet that 4channers are in general just a bunch of spineless fags? There will never be a day of the rope, it is a fantasy, the people on this platform aren't brave enough to shitpost under their own names let alone start an uprising of any sort.
indeed. It would become the 15 % face when white gommunists and alt fags kill each other