Satanic traps are the way of the future biggots deal with it.
>It s name is Bilal
Satanic traps are the way of the future biggots deal with it.
>It s name is Bilal
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would bang desu famalam tb.h
We cannot win this contest whatever we do, so who cares
Also 2:02 you can see the cheapest attempt at occultism ever.
ewww. I heard about this dude. It's seriously a boy dressed up like a girl?. dafuk france.
now you will
the fags who massively watch the degenerate shitfest that eurovision has become will vote xer en masse
AHAHA. they traded Alizee for this thing!
Kill all satanists, destroy all trannies.
Fuck the EU.
An arab for the extra opression points
Well sice eurovision is very liberal we can asume who will the winner be
remember that pic related won in 2014
I hope we finish last
isn't eurovision israeli? also who gives a fuck about this normie leftist show
>Implying Eurovision wasn't always just a gaytard event
why are french arabs such faggots. even the straight ones wear tight clothes and overly groom their body hair
It s a blatant occultist attempt at showing degeneracy down the throats of the European people, of course it matters. Countless working class families watch that shit and most of them are too dumb and gutless to reject it.
This degeneratedy world.
Its just a tranny. Why are you smooth brains so sensitive?
Once they subvert the
Turning arabs and turks into feminized trannies rather than rapist terrorist chads doesn't sound so bad to me.
Have you listened to it, its vocals abilities are objectively mediocre.
Get the Famas
That will primarily affect white trash.
Someone made a copy of After the Ball how America will conquer it's fear & hatred of gays in the 90's and said where he posted it. The comment is gone. Do you think the mods deleted it?
>implying that there is more than one relevant contestant in the ESC 2019
The UK should send John Tams.
After winning the world cup with a 85% African team this kind of makes sense. France is finally ready for speaking German
it kind of looks like the trap that shot YouTube offices last year
It looks nothing like Saint Nasim.
He's not french.
bost bussy
Satan doesn't exist.
I suppose it must be infuriating to a lot of muslims to see a guy like this though so that's at least ok.
Devils are everywhere to ignore thsi is ignorant
Girls that get these stupid big eyebrows deserve to be whipped in the street.
Your tranny stands no chance against our autism.
Muslims fucking love this brand of degeneracy, Afghanistan has literal trap sex slavery problem and state of Iran pays for surgeries if Ali wants to be Aisha.
Absolutely Disgusting
Satanic traps in Israel... kinky
Disgusting trap!! SEND MORE GAS NOW!!
>It's name is Bilal
Its name WAS Bilal ;) see ya in prison
Jews did it already and "won" guessing this little twink will come out on top aswell. Good thing noone gives a kek about eurovision.
Why does he look so white there? He's a shitskin.
Maybe he just looks white to you because you're a mutt?
You are a homosexual man who is aroused by penises.
Lmao, bilal literaly means penis in brazillian slang.
Congratulations you are now in Brazilian tier music shit.
These people have no fucking clue how much the forces on the other side dont got em anymore
based and facialed
so it's the same as every year
You don't even need to go through a bunch of translations for this one, it's already the name of a demon in the bible.
What s the worst Brazil has to offer?
The Bossa Nova era was pure gold
>Satan doesn't exist.
The primal concept of evil and wrong in your mind is Satan.
You mean Ba’al? Or rather, Belial.
this sounds like shit. does anyone enjoy hearing this trash?
Isn’t Eurovision pretty gay already?
Portugal is gonna win it because of that fucking jipsie music anyways.
Can't wait for that faggot to die of AIDS complications.
Christ, how do you go from this
Get your shit together France
Gud, in 10 yrs eurovision will be a veritable freak show with producers seriously scrapping the bottom of the minorities barrel.
Have you ever seen a disabled black swede orphan sing his story of cutting of his dick to prove that people are more than the sexes we assign to them? Neither have I, but I sure wanna see that.
he's also anti semite topkek
>Israel is responsible for crime against humanity
>learn the truth about dieudonné (an anti semite comedian)
some jews are trying to shut him down here.
I like traps, I like them a lot
and even I would not
>Satan doesn't exist.
This is why humanity is trying to create him apparently. What retards...
more about it (in french, sorry faggots)
>african men are manlie...
Oh emm gee France like dafug
surprised he took that form
Doesn't matter whether you believe that or not. There are dangerous people that do, all of Hollywood and the elite are Satanists, not to be confused with edgelords like the one in this pic
that's pretty fucking gay
That's typical from what I've seen of Eurovision. At least he isn't making fucking bird noises.
The thing that bothers me most about political music selections is they can't sing. This girl won a major award in my country. She's heavily into politics, but she sounds so bad.
I was about to say "so this is what your grandparents fought for", but then I remembered that they didn't.
Would you fuck them in a box? Would you fuck them with a fox?
Is this still available?
This is what the resistance fought for. All those desperate night actions, sabotaging railways, not knowing whom to trust (even yourself), danger lurking in every shadowed doorway, only two steps ahead of the gestapo. All for this.
Would you fuck them in the ear? Even if thery're genderqueer?
>countless blah blah
It’s not
You just haven’t Googled it, cheese brain. Baguette a move on with the facts. Or you can garlic my balls. Ya French faggot.
I’m only fucking about, you’re basically right.
(pronounced "Bail" [bayl] not "Bah-ahl")you devil-worshiping idiots.
Actually, it is pronounced Bah-all. I can read Hebrew and that is the language the word is from. You are simply wrong.
You mean trannies?
I prayed the wrong images. I should habe followed with
this guy is just ugly i am much cuter
And this
Nobody really knows what hebrew was spoken like, much like latin and old English, despite having written records of it.
Don't worry, Pierre. We sent Darude to storm the sandnigger headquarters.
Would you fuck them in the mouth? Even if there's a gaping wound down south?