Wtf I love the Patriots now. Pol is always right

Wtf I love the Patriots now. Pol is always right

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Peyton Manning and Jeb Bush are the true Jow Forumstrician choice

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Thomas Edward Patrick Brady Jr

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Hey OP you ready for muslims to kill your whole family? Israel is fucked you stupid little kike.

that damn basedface

stop with the memes guys, you're bending reality again

Remember when libel was illegal?

Haha look at the twitter guys head... I'd hate to be that feminine.

This stirring up of a racial aspect seems like a last ditch effort to get whites to emotionally invest in football. Didn't work. Lowest ratings in a decade.

Holy shit I never realized how much Manning looks like the Situation from Jersey Shore

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Brady is such a smug motherfucker, I love the butthurt his smiling face creates

sounds so much better than Imperial Wizard of KKK

>white supremacy and domestic abuse

Umm, sweety, most football players are black and most of the ones who hit their spouses, or even murder people? Ummm.....

Kys OP you faggot

>football is white supremacy
>most players are non-white

6 Super Bowl Rings
Brazilian supermodel wife
Literally Trump level Chadianism
>How can the left compete?!?

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>gay smiling donut face


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I don't like Tom Brady but I love how badly he triggers the anti-white crowd. Go Pats.

>"I loathe football" he writes with his mouth wide open ready to accept a penis as long as it doesn't belong to a white male

*blow job mouth*
Jesus fuck, dont they know by now, that everything that triggers/outrages/shocks these people...all of that stuff it what we love.

>Support the country you live in


This is literally a repeat of 2016 when Trump said he’s hoping the patriots wins so libs have a giant lynch mob against Patroits

Like holy shit you fucking psycho’s

WTF, I love white supremacy now.

>white supremacy

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HGH Acromegaly look

It’s because the star players are white

Imagine being one of these creatures. No really, imagine this was your life.
Rick and Morty, nintendo switch, Tyrone coming over every weekend.
It can't possibly be a happy existence. You're constantly depressed, self-medicating, self-teaching yourself to love things that run counter to your own nature (for instance, other men fucking your women, female body odour and deliberate ugliness, being hated by all of your allies, etc. etc.).
You're harming your mental health with delusions that you're living in a dictatorship run by Orange Hitler, you're too scared to have an opinion that will make women mad at you, the only temporary high you can get is by being a hero on twitter, safely calling out injustices from behind a screen on a platform where everybody shares your opinion. You'd be little different from an animal, living off of external stimuli and simple learned behaviours.

I simply can't fathom it. I don't think I'd be able to go on living such a life. And yet, here he is, a complete specimen. These people fascinate me.

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I can't believe he already assumed the position for BBC in his profile pic. It's too good.

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The fuq?
Is he storing nuts in his cheeks for winter, or is he just deformed?