Why do you need guns again?

why do you need guns again?

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To protext ourselves from 4 year old with guns

To kill kikes like you

fuck off anti semite

To weed out the people who leave loaded guns around children
Do you really want their genes spreading?
Think about it

It's just an early and late abortion. The kid did nothing wrong and no court would convict him.

Do you really care that this happened?

Did she died?


You fuck off.

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Why was it loaded by itself

Single mothers getting rid of themselves.

But were they white?


only white trash have guns

We need guns. We don't need to leave loaded guns just sitting around in reach of children, and we need children to know that guns aren't toys.

ahahhaha a real jew lmao

you forgot to hide your flag

To shoot more kikes.

It just proves that parents should teach toddlers that guns are dangerous and not for them to touch, just like they do with the stove.

basically my first and usually only thought when reading the news

It's not the bill of needs, shall not be infringed, etc

you dont need a safe you just need to not be a retard
I mean in Canada I need a safe because i legally cant have guns without it but
You dont need a safe you just need to hang your gun over The Mantle where your kids cant reach it like 200 year old Hill Billy Sterotypes do

>we need millions of third world immigrants
>but poor whites are trash
I thought jews were smart?

>muh 300 year old piece of paper

Why have an unloaded gun?


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muh stone tablets ...you're actually a jew lmao sick

How old is you filthy Torah?

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I was going to post this.

America's greatest achievement is giving full self-defense liberty to toddlers.

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Americans always brag about their guns but never use them for something else than to shoot eachother.
You went to war with Britain over a 3% tax dispute but now the taxes is 10 times higher, your country is filled with trannies, niggers and jews trying to destroy you and you do NOTHING but complain

I'm glad America is crumbling, what a joke you've become

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Can't shoot anyone if your gun isn't loaded

I feel the sudden urge to invest in lead.

>"Single" mother and her unmarried boyfriend (father of the boy who shot his mom).

So either nigs, spics, or white trash, take your pick.

4 year olds are trained and able to use firearms safe and properly because that's what a responsible gun owner would make sure.
This kid knew what he was doing. It is a murder and kid should be sentenced as an adult.

mega lel

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Oy vey

>Niggers and spics elect far left authoritarian police states
>cops don’t care about what laws they enforce, nig-spic officials will just replace ones that quit
>”sir, we’re here to beat your family up and jail you for saying that their teacher showing his dick to your son is wrong”

That’s why

It shows our amazing restraint and our respect for the lives of others. But go ahead. Keep pushing us. It won't end well for you.

And it still pisses you off that such a young country has done more in it's lifetime than your country has done in it's own. Sad

fuck they suck at their job

Caught him red handed!

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There is practically no gun violence outside of the gun free ghettos the liberals run. Stop being a fucking retard.

Every fucking time.

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I ain't got any sympathy for this family.

The dumbass parents decided to bring a gun into the house ("dad" borrowed it from a friend) without informing anyone, and hiding it in a place that his son was able to figure out.

No one bothered to:
- get a simple lock box
- teach basic common sense rules to their kids -- my kids at 4 years old knew that fucking guns were serious shit

I would wager this family is probably living in an impoverished high crime area to begin with if daddy decided to borrow a gun for protection rather than buying one.

People like this couldn't be brought out of the gene pool any faster. Pregnant mom got shot? Well hopefully she'll not breed anymore and create dumbass jrs then.

It's highly likely that dumbass jr that shot his mom inherited the genius portion from his dad, and it's also highly likely that dumbass jr will grow up to rob or assault my kids.

That's why I need guns, to protect against dumbass jr here.

You notice that they never tell you the race if it's a nigger.
I bet it was a nigger with a roastie, too bad they saved her.

>And it still pisses you off that such a young country has done more in it's lifetime than your country has done in it's own
>literaly discovered your country

You discovered a continent not a country.

To get rid of stupid people and their children like the ones in OP's news article.

>bill of needs
fuck off

>A Jew calling centuries' old documents suspect

Just not the Talmud, right Schlomo?

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all meme flag users are filthy rat jews

is this some kind of anti-troll or are you that stupid?

So why didn't you kill all the skraelings and colonize it? We should all be speaking Norwegian by now.

i have guns to kill anti semites like you. i have permission from the POTUS to "destroy" you

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>fuck off anti semite



>why do you need guns again?
All kinds of reasons, fuckwit

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>A 4-year-old boy in a Washington state apartment found a loaded gun under a mattress and used it to shoot his pregnant mother in the face, authorities said Sunday.

>The 27-year-old woman and her boyfriend were watching television in bed Saturday when their son found the gun between the mattress and box spring, King County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Sgt. Ryan Abbott said.

>King County, Washington


Pic related.

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None of that was the gun’s fault. Your argument is invalid.

That's honestly a good question, Satan

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jews are so fucking stupid in reality. every filthy rat jew in my highschool was a cheater on tests and a few probably fucked the male teachers.

>accidental gun deaths don't count because i say so

It sounds like guns work. That boy was able to protect himself from the insane feminist pregnant woman.

This. A 4 year old got hold of a loaded gun and shot the stupid cunt of a mother, effectively paying her toll both for being a stupid cunt that leaves guns around 4 year olds and for trying to bring another kid into the world to be molded in her stupid cunt image.


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>parent so fucking dumb they leave a loaded gun sitting around in the bedroom
Sounds like a self-corrected issue

You count suicides in there too, you CIS WHITE MALE.

>When your child post-aborts you

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>le joo meme proves me right
try harder retard

To kill feral niggers if they fuck with me.

guns wouldn't have done shit for them.. they were starved.. once the crops and machinery gets fucked and the growing season is over. the only thing you're eating is a bullet from your own gun

>You tried to abort me three times. Now I abort you!


lol I bet you tried to delete the thread that's why you were gone for so long

jews are so fucking embarrassing

Jews are not real.

You're a privileged white male. You're a racist Nazi.

To kill tyrants.

>loaded shotgun
How big of a moron are you?
A shotgun is one of the fastest guns to load.
why would you leave it loaded??

to kill packs of feral niggers

Jews are a living meme

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>meme flag
how fucking stupid are these filthy rat JEWS

I need guns because niggers .

that's all the reason I need

>if i put ((()))))())()()()()())())()(()))(()())(( i dont have to make argument

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Please show me where the OP mentioned a shotgun.

Bam guns now.

>((()() is a totally valid argument

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>All kinds of reasons
>Doesn't even bother to post one

Talk about being a useless fucking faggot

Why are you avatarfagging?

that's why you don't buy glock

Unintentional Firearm Deaths 486
Rates per 100,000 people 0.15
In a country of 325,719,178 where 169,936 people were accidentally killed
Your biggest concern is the small minority that was a result of a firearm?

36,338 died from falling
64,795 died from poisoning
3,709 died from drowning
6,946 died from suffocation
7,450 were just minding their own business and died from getting hit by a motor vehicle
2,432 died in a house fire

But sure those few firearm deaths are the problem.

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Have a (You) Moshe, you utter fucking baby dick eater.

Every single time


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