Toxic males btfo

Toxic males btfo

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Looks like the big nose girl in the big bang theory.

She's really hot! Got any moar pics?

good for you man

This is pretty much the main root of transgender shit

can't get a girl to save your life, so you become your idealized version of one

consider chris-chan

Purge all trannies


Top Narcissus

I can't wait to smash that tight boipussy.

If he did something about those eyebrows he’d be a half decent trap. Those are some DSLs.

Going on a date with a girl like this what do?

You have to admit, though, that she is unusually attractive with that semi-smirk. I bet she sucks cock like an incredible champion too, right?

Pre or post op?

Manhattan Transfer.

Pfffft hahahahahaha I look forward to hearing about its suicide. What an absolute embarrassment. Ahhh shit, it would be sad if it wasnt so funny.

autism + narcissism = trannies

I wouldn't

It's true.

The selection pressures created by dating apps will turn a whole segment of low value, young, horny men 'prison gay' where in they are devoured by their anima and castrated. We are seeing the birth of a third gender that will be populated by genetic back wash and leftovers that couldn't cut it, all while chad builds his harem.

Just like how it was in the bronze age.

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just nuke us already

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Hi, I'd like to return this male. It's defective.

I was thinking this was more the mentality of traps.

Looks like a Jew. And why does everybody nowadays wear these huge thick rimmed glasses? They're fucking ugly and only old people and creepy pedos used to wear them.

Make out with her, and then reach down her pants and check if you find sausage or soup.

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>Kekistan flag

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The state of 2019. Wtf happened to this new gen?

she wouldn't date you.

you think he would date himself? would his "nerd girl" self be attracted to his former nerd self?

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Would unironically let the right suck my dick

clearly b8 bruv

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>trannies are weak males who would rather wear the skin of their ideal woman rather than seek her out

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>find sausage or soup

kek I've never heard this. Is this a known vulgarity or did you just come up with it yourself?

Jesus fucking wept

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Im 28 and after years of heavy alcohol use I still look younger than this troon

I wish I could glimpse into the future are see what these people's lives are like when they are 30-35. I wonder how many would even be left alive by then.

What's the relationship between what I said and this picture? If that tranny freak keeps that outfit on and doesn't speak in a deep voice, it's basically a blowjob from a woman.

Made it up right here, right now.

I read that as west_euthanasia
oh god, the police are coming, they heard me thinking wrong, it's off to the shed with me

Why am I laughing so hard? Holy shit, I can't stop.

Friendly reminder
>Mutilation doesn't turn a penis into a vagina
>Pumping yourself full of fake hormones doesn't make you a woman
>You will never pass
Permanent damage to your body isn't the answer to psychosis and delusions.

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>basically a blowjob from a woman
Imagine being this gay, and being this in denial about it.

No way this is real, it can't be.

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cute shoes.

>mom is dad

it's not gay just holepilled.

Hahaha... fuck. What the hell is wrong with these turds?


So gay but with denial.

These two guys have spent more money trying to become women than most people will ever accumulate in their lifetime, and this is the end result. Even will near unlimited resources, this is the best that these can hope for.

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i'm 29 and i've been drinking smoking and doing drugs every day for nearly a decade and without my beard i look like an actual teenager.

No FUCKING way is this real

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how loose do you think her boipucci is

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Anyone have more of this one?

She's so cute and I bet she has a cute dick

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That if you give him your sperm you can use his.

it's no standards at all. gays have standards. even trannies have standards. the holepill is giving up any pretension at all of being picky. if it has a hole, it'll do. take the holepill.

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>3 hours a day for 2 years
If you survive that long you get to look forward ty doing it until you die.

Peak cuckery.


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You're sick.

This disheartens me on several levels. Poor, poor sadfag.

That's the gayest cope I have ever heard.

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What if they were alive and happy?

lmao Sohybois btfo

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Well you're in denial about your bisexuality being default.
Can't expect a self hating semite coward to have a brain.

what if the nazi ufos flew out of the hollow earth entrance in antarctica and vaporized all the jews

This guy gets it. For those of you who weren't aware, there's a type of tranny that is even more degenerate than others. They are often man hating "lesbians" and even more deluded than the typical tranner. The one in the OP is that kind-- the one that wants to be the gf. The fact is they don't even have the meme disorder at all, and are usually much uglier. Avoid this biological failure at all costs.

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Thank goodness for social media or I'd never be able to share in this guy's life development.


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45% disagree

>when you realize the transexual movement is technically a eugenics program

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This. Spread the word. Most trannies are just plain old perverts.

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>it's not gay if I tell myself it's not gay
...he said, sucking on the third cock to poke through the glory hole in the last twenty minutes.

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That's racist!

based digits

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Imagine turning down a blowjob from a cute looking boy that looks like a woman.
I bet you're a virgin, too. Topkek

It got it backwards about the evil being up there. Cutting your dick off is evil, and it will be punished. Enjoy your shitty diapers, faggot.


>Manhattan Transfer

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Either a piss poor troll or deluded faggot
Either way kys.

What's up with the sudden increase of transxeual people in the young?

>have a gf and family that love me very much
>they are fine with me mutilating myself

is more believable than

It's dysgenic because it's only a first world phenomenon. Declining birthrates and replacement migration means an increasingly docile and dependent population. It's an NWO plot unironically

kill yourself


Yeah for about 5 years, until "she" commits suicide.

What a horror story.
People are lying to transgender people

Cringe. Let’s try and make better music popular so we can move past this niggatry quickly

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>I can now be the gamer gf I always wanted
Where were you when this was a redpill? Guys who like gamergirls are fucking KEKS!