To The Trump Supporters

If Trump were to start a war with Iran tommorow would you still support? What is the straw that breaks the camel's back for you?

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Fuck no

Go ask on T_D, tranny

No. But id still help round up muslims, leftist jews, and commies for deportation once the govt falls

Look shillfag. No one here likes muslims, we don't care at all if everyone of you dies. We just want you to leave the west and take your jew pets with you.

Any criticism of trump and your called a shill, almost like how the leftist call anyone who criticizes them bots. Kys retard

Btw the Jews are the ones importing the Muslims into the west, the only way to stop the subversion of the west is to expell the Jew from the west.

Probably, I cant say for sure since it will never happen.

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No I hate Trump because he has isn't doing what he said he would do on the campaign trail.

slide thread. sage.

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trump can rape my 8yo daughter and i still will support him

>political groups NEVER self-sabotage in crisis times
isn't one of the right's main criticisms of communist/marxist uprisings is that they always turn into the kind of dictatorship they were trying to stop? Trump supporters are really running at less than 0 brain power

nope i wouldn't support it at all. also, iran can fucking fight. iran isn't iraq. there aren't enough C-130s built to fly all the old-glory-draped coffins the iranians would fill back home. and that's not me being anti-burger, that's just a reality.

Stop making these thread, the simple truth is that nu-Jow Forums is blind. Stop posting here and get fit or something.

>go to /b/
>create disgusting porn threads
>that'll really upset them

Yea it would probably be worse than Vietnam and destabilize the middle east for at least another 50 years.

is that you Jeffrey Epstein?

I support Trump because we have no one else even close to his positions.
He is far from perfect and has proven to be mostly useless in doing anything, but given the media, the entrenched bureaucrats, the Democrats and most Republicans all being arrayed against him and his agenda (and being against us, white men), I tacitly defend him against the worst shilling and lies.
Again, Trump is far from perfect, so many of his missteps are very disappointing. So to answer your question, no, I do believe it'd be difficult for me to continue to support him if he got us into another war.
It's one thing for him to reneg on Syria (he didn't get us in there), but it's another thing to start yet another fucking war for the fucking kikes.

Yeah that's because commies and marxists don't know they are headed towards dictatorships from the very start of their journey. It's not self sabotage, they're just too dumb to realize their ideology is flawed.

Nigger I'm not a shill, this thread isn't even anti Trump.

>don't know they are headed towards dictatorships from the very start
>they're just too dumb to realize their ideology is flawed
sounds a lot like Trump supporters.

your argument is bullshit because there's no political movement in history that intentionally and knowingly sabotaged themselves with the goal of failing. That's what self-sabotage means, that you accidentally fuck up your own progress without realizing. retard

>Nigger I'm not a shill, this thread isn't even anti Trump.
>Literally using the trump jew image
>"To The Trump Supporters "

Fuck off back to your hole, shill.

I understand your reasoning for supporting him I was the same way until about 4-5 months ago, But my reasoning is that (((certain people))) are using the Trump movement to keep the heat off of the elites while they are still subverting us, now if we were to elect someone like campaign Trump that has no connections to the Jews then we could actually have change in this country we just have to find the right candidate.

Do you think this board is even 50% pro Trump you retard? It's just a image to get your attention you paranoid retard.

>That's what self-sabotage means, that you accidentally fuck up your own progress without realizing. retard

Yeah, it's how communism works. The people implementing communism fuck up whatever progress they had made before starting to implement communism without knowing that it will sabotage their movement.

Actual self sabotage is a "Trump Supporter" mailing fake bombs to Democrats just before the midterms election. This is bullshit self sabotage that literally no one should believe was legit. No republican in their right mind would ruin public opinion of republicans a week before an election.

>I'm not a shill
>Uses image purely to get attention

Lmao you don't even know yourself, shill.

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exactly my thoughts bro. i think we'd be dragged into another unwinnable situation. it's a bit of a meme, but.. the us military could wipe iran off the map if it was able to use it's full arsenal of weapons in a "war". but as we all know these days it's be a lot of talking by politicians as our boys are being killed in yet another long term guerrilla war.

trump supporters are literal npcs. All they have are dialogue trees that get shut the fuck down by any tiny amount of common sense. It's all about disingenuous arguments that allow them to sleep at night. The regret in this thread makes my fucking day

It's a tactical support on my part really. The reality is that after seeing how undermined and how useless they've been able to make him, I genuinely have no hope that we can win via democracy. Campaign Trump was literally the best we could have hoped for, so if they can neuter him this effectively and in just two years, then I genuinely don't see us taking this country back through traditional means.
The reason I support him tactically though is because as long as he is in power, he remains "our president". If we allow them to run roughshod, then they are by extent running over us by proxy.
Idk if it'd be better to see him lose in 2020 or not, but I know that as long as he's in office I'm going to support him (at least nominally and by defending against the worst the kikes throw at him).

Plus the Military Industrial Complex wouldn't want Iran to be wiped off the map completely either, they want a steady stream of money if war was to break out with Iran

I can respect that

>No republican in their right mind would ruin public opinion of republicans a week before an election.
what about Trump who does that on an almost weekly basis: threatening to invade Venezuela like a neocon, shutting down government to "negotiate" yet getting nothing in return but the promise he'll shut it down again later, pretending to be a populist while giving tax cuts to billionaires.

Seems like trump and his supporters are more than happy to sabotage their own movement


Yes, from an accelerationist standpoint.