Why do you still fall for vaccines and let yourself being poisened by Jews?
Why do you still fall for vaccines and let yourself being poisened by Jews?
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Fuck off kike. Vaccines aren't good for people at all. Thats why the media is spamming stories like these.
Bill gates donated 10 bil to push vaccines
They said ddt was safe
They said arsenic was safe
They said opiods were safe
They said vaccines were safe
(((They))) are poisoning you
If you cant figure it out just by decoding the propaganda you deserve what you get.
Anti-vaxx is another conspiracy pushed onto the dissident right to make the rest of our ideas look dumber by association. OP is either a shill or an idiot who would best benefit white people by committing suicide. Either way, kill yourself, OP.
DDT is safe. Hippies worried it was harming birds.
That used to happen to my lips when I was a little kid. I think it was from wind chap and I kept licking them.
What is it aside from my favorite wrestling move?
The jews poisoned your mind, it was the vaccines they injected into your eyeballs that did that.
Thats from that movie Martyrs. I remember how fucked up that was and it haunted me for weeks. I had no idea what the movie was going to be about so it really blew my mind.
>it's not herpes I swear!
I hope you get polio you fucking autismo, hope some of these anti vax kids start dying so their waterhead parents can kill themselves
>Keep doubting Etienne
The best movie ever
Yeah, just inject dozens of vaccines into the body of a small infant, like the good goy you are. Look at all the morbidly obese, ill and autistic Western people who listen to the false information about health spread by (((mainstream media))). Oh, and also cut off the foreskin of your baby as Dr. Goldsteinwasser recommends.
Vaccines are shit, but...
Checking her profile
I knew it.
Blind to facts, these old dying diseases don't affect the vaccinated only those who aren't, how could you see it any differently, the mainstream roasts you fags because it's on the level of flat Earth almost everyone understands it's crap
You obvioulsy know nothing
It causes polio moron
Lol. I wont because i dont get vaccines
NPC “the vaccines r safe because the billion dollar industry that sells them tell me they r safe” reeeesed
The funny thing is I have no reason to worry, but if you wanna kill yourself that's an A+ way to go about it natural selection at play
I've written so damn many posts on why vaccines, aside from a few select vital ones (like 2-3 max), are a terrible idea, but the next thread vax shills are just at it again. Much like Hitler said, the next day they will have no recollection and harp on again about the same points.
There's no real point in arguing with them, dump redpills on vaccines, especially in easily digestible image format, and that's it. Hope decent people with a brain will realize themselves that it isn't a good idea, let the rest rot.
if vaccines don't work then what happened to smallpox
Your autism riddled children aren't gonna be able to walk chips to your deathbed when you're 40 because they're going to be crippled or dead from polio
>goes to another country than his
>gets the plague, spanish flu, ebola, tuberculosis etc
>fucking jews!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good, be the first to stop getting vaccinated so your kids die, you die and your bloodline fades from existence from preventable diseases. Please, just do it you're essentially eliminating brainlets like yourself from the genepool.
>stays in own country
>jews flood your country with undesirables
>undesirables are let into kindergartens and infect dozens of children with tuberculosis
Hello, my research is in development of vaccines, I have literally never met a single Jewish person in Japan and know the hierarchy pretty much all the way up, not a -berg or -stein in sight, just an awful lot of Satos
Why do you insist on being cruel to poor researchers with your misinformation?
lying vegan
I insist on being cruel to poor english teachers.
i love the guess the flag game
are you american?
or german?
I do not trust any of you. Anti or pro vaxxers.
Holy fuck you're a dumb cunt
Oh, well, I'm not an english teacher, I came to Japan to do research, though since my colleagues require English for their jobs and all monumentally suck at it, I am doing an awful lot of teaching anyway.
It feels nice that I can help even when my research has hit a complete dead end, you know. Motivation is important! Besides, it's a great way to get qts to talk to you
Anti-vax people are some of the stupidest cunts out there.
You should be forced to live on an island so you can all die of preventable diseases together. Dumb fucking cunts
how the fuck is a vaccine supposed to give you herpes mouth
only people with this vaccine scar are allowed in the ethnostate, sorry
just put them in a zoo
It's possible. Even likely! If it makes you feel better, though, almost every human has some form of herpes virus already. You don't need the vaccine to get those stylish sores anyway.
Damn she’s pretty.
It's veganism in her case.
I have it because I was born in the cold war and was expected to fight the imperialist pigs. But then my family changed the sides and now I'm ancap.
>implying own genes are superior
>needs vaccines to survive
Fuck, I DDT gas bombed my apartment when my first roommate moved out.
I was cleaning her room and got eaten alive by fleas, flea bites up to my knees, another week using regular treatment with no effect.
So my brother a truck mechanic was able to get me a pack of 6 DDT gas bombs from Mexico.
I closed all the windows opened all the doors threw on can in kitchen and one in her old room. Then locked it up.
Came back three days later and washed everything that can be washed.
It's been 9 years and never seen a bug in my apartment.
So am I going to die?
Also with my children I was very selective of what shots my children got and when. I researched everything I could.
Most of them do more bad than good and are ineffective.
My children don't have allergies, asthma, are not autistic, they're in great shape.
I still remember the pain it caused just by touching it and it's been 17 years
>Be a thot
>Roll the Coal(TM)
>Get facial herpies from Jamal
>Family and lefty friends stays away from diseased face
>"Tehee, its actually because of the vaccination" "I'm a cute blonde conservative, dues vult" #TradLife #Censored
Because tetanus, encephalitis and other life long bugs.
Japanese never had autistic or allergies before the nes vaccinations where introduced.
True fact
Boy you're pretty ignorant. Can you do a simple algebra problem? How about telling me the atomic number of salt? Do you understand evolutionary biology? I don't think you know a single fucking thing. inb4 google
all vaccines?
if you got bit by a bat would you still refuse a vaccine for rabies?
They didn't vaccine her against being a slut.
I have two. Does that mean I get to bring someone with me?
>Sweden thinks anyone from his country is any authority in good ideas
How is your wife enjoying those big shitskin dicks, cuck?
Or Lyme disease.
It's a sad state when the default thought upon seeing a white woman with a misfortune is assuming she's a race traitor thot who deserves it.
>boohoo, me knows stuff from book! me so smart!
Rather you are the ignorant person for not paying attention to existing dangers. Dont think you know something, just because you have read some crap somewhere.
Knowledge =/= Intelligence
you massive faggot
Stop thinking about black dick, mutt, it's not good for you.
Because I don't like having polio or smallpox.
Also, some dumb Swedesh whore gets chapped lips from sucking off all the refugees, blames vaccines, and we're just gonna believe her?
Fuck off.
The greatest contribution you could make to this world is jumping off a very tall bridge into a very quiet river to rid the world of your absolute stupidity. Please fucking kill yourself
If we’re gonna spout anecdotes: I was vaccinated at birth and the only ailments I get are seasonal pollen allergies. Never had the flu, though never been vaccinated, never get sick with anything else, and I’ve only been to the doctors twice in the last 10 years.
if we had no vaccines, there would be no autism. Jow Forums would be empty
F u c k i n g V e g a n F a g s
>except for vaccines, you can trust them with that
You can't be intelligent if you don't know anything to be intelligent about, fucktard. You know nothing and aren't intelligent. Also intelligence is a synonym of knowledge moron.
Isn't there no point in vaccinating you from rabies if you already have rabies?
>no-patent vaccine
>”big pharma”
I bet you call generic Ibuprofen “big pharma” too huh?
The rabies vaccine works up until symptoms arise, which is something like a few weeks to months later if I recall.
Follow the patents, apply logos come on dawg everything is relative
No it doesn't.
Who said black? I specifically said shitskin because I wasn't sure if you and your wife preferred sandniggers or Africans. Apparently thanks to your slip, I now know she prefers straight nigger.
Yeah right. Vaccines are poison
That's not facial herpes mutt.
Haven’t had any vaccines and I feel fucking great. Exercise and healthy eating is all you need for the most part.
exactly, Hansi.. you got it. People who know things don't know anything, right. I'll trust the knowledge of someone who doesn't know shit over someone who actually knows shit any day.
seems legit.
This is how I feel when debating vegan shills. Vaccines are terrible for your health, I've probably had 36 doses total and have an autoimmune disorder now
I've taken vaccines and I feel fucking great. I exercise and eat healthily every day.
>I dont trust doctors or modern medicine
>instead I use scented oils, ASMR, and magic healing crystals to stay healthy
You had a shitty immune system to begin with, don't blame the vaccinations for your parents.
Neat. I did not know that.
You just proved how much of an idiot you are. Intelligence is the skill to proceed information, to draw conclusion etc. But knowledge can be obtained by any idiot just by reading/hearing, learning and copying. There is no creative and self-aware rhought behind it. Learn the difference faggot. Oh right, you cant, because your brain isnt capable of proceeding information on its own, it just needs already digested information to be feed and saved as "100% facts" from crap someone else thought for you.
The point was to think for yourself and get different informations and perspectives, instead of just believing the first moron with a big mouth. You, with this other retarded user, the prime example of NPCs
I don't, nice kike thread
It’s one of the most easily curable deadly diseases because it takes so long to manifest. Basically nobody dies from it in the US anymore
Bad for your stomach and colon.
Only if you’re taking tons f it daily
You mean processing? You don't understand how your own brain works lmao. Literally every piece of data your brain processes is data every other brain has processed. The fact that the sky is blue is photon data your brain processes from the photons hitting your eyes. Every piece of knowledge you have, including the words you're speaking, you "learned and copied" with no "creative and self-aware thought behind it".
You are a maybe 20something blip of a child who has barely started existing in a world that is over 4 billion years old. Humans have been gathering and processing data for hundreds of thousands of years and some new little fresh pup straight out his daddy's nuts in Germanistan wants to pretend what his tiny, little newbie brain thinks about and processes data, a billion people over the past 4 thousand years never thought about OR proccesed. Sorry you dumb little faggot, every thought you've ever had has been thought before. Nothing is new or original under the sun. None of your thoughts are new. Poets and philosophers thousands of years ago already spent their entire lives thinking about every philosophical concept you've ever imagined. You only know of philosophy and it's concepts because of everything those ancient men ALREADY thought about has been taught in school to everyone for the thousands of years it has existed.
You know nothing, you are willfully ignorant, and because you are willfully ignorant you are stupid.
Think for yourself lol, notice how only dumb, ignorant sheep say this. What is thinking for yourself except gathering multiple points of view from others and then arbitrarily deciding which you agree with most? That's all it is. You're not really thinking for yourself, you're just making a choice of which other persons point of view fits with you best. It's not much more unique or special than anything else.
Autoimmune disorders are genetic.
They day infected niggers are liquidated instead of allowed to enter my country is the day I become an anti-vaxxer. Not one second before that.
So much text, no content. If you are trying to sound smart, try to actually understand what you are speaking about and stay on topic. Maybe you'll understand the difference between knowledge and intelligence someday, because judging by your nonsense your clearly have no idea.