Shit thread

I'm an Indian, and why the fuck does entire world hate India?

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Cos u black

You have a scent that not even Jews will want to flood you with niggers.

we dont hate you
its just really easy to make fun of people who shit in the streets more then the feral cows they let roam the streets

Johnny dududududu
Johnny dududududu
Johnny dududududu
Poop in street?

No one would hate you if you stopped mass-exporting underqualified "technical" people from degree Mills. I have been to India several times and love it, but the watering down of the global "tech" industry needs to stop

Poo in the loo

You had 20,000 years to teach how to escape the cycle of life and death.
You still haven't. Now, you have Sadhguru trying to get people into environmentalism and teaching your military how to yoga.
When the time comes, you might be left behind. Fix this.

Brown China

Your kin flood into the west whilst the people do not welcome our governments do, and so you ended up on the shit list. They all open gas stations, but atleast you’re not Muslims so you’re not at the bottom of the totem pole.

Stop breeding like rats
Stop polluting
Stop migrating
And you are good


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Is poo poo India's most abundant natural resource then? LOL

meh. i like indians. just wish you'd let your women date outside the family.

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I would never go to India or support it in any way due to the amount of rape. It's cultural, just rape everyone no matter age or gender.

Also fuck your shitty tech support centers.

You pajeets reveal yourselves too easily
We do hate you and you need to go back

For my senior design project I was partnered up with two Indians and they literally did nothing to help and then complained when I wrote them off during peer review.

PS my worst professors have been Indian also your people smell and your women are undesirable.

PSS why are your men stuck in the middle school era of clothing with aeropostale and Abercrombie polos and why do you insist on working out wearing that clothing



We genuinely, 100%, do not hate you. You have your own culture and your own quirks and we laugh at your silliness but it is not hatred. There is no malice. If India gets its shit together enough to demand respect then respect and friendship it will have.

You are mid tier, and that is so far above low tier it's insane. Do not confuse chuckles for hate bro.

The fact that you shit in the streets and don’t bath makes you very repulsive. Just change that, Poojan.

I feel so bad for you dude, but I saw a few people laugh at your english about a month ago.

I wonder there isn't a single Indian on this thread. I'm op btw.

why are you being racist?

Da fak are you even talking. This is the first time I posted on Pol lol

>If India gets its shit together
What like in a pile? That could be the answer the the Indian space program is looking for. Stack it up until they reach the moon.


Streetshitter nigger truth

you rape too much

>why the fuck does entire world hate India?
because you have the world's oldest martial tradition

We don't

you are fine

t.white supremist

You could start by taking a bath.

anyone else here with curry fever?

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there’s too many poos op


Because you are full of shit

I have a honest question. Why are Indians so nonathletic? You people struggle to win a bronze metal at the Olympics. You can't make it to the World Cup. You're 1/5 of the human population. Its staggering.

Because you sent your fucking subhuman scum of the society into europe and they are wrecking havoc for 4 centuries straight. Fuck gypsies and indians all together.

It's because of T-Series. They ain't nothing but a bitch lasagna.

Indians/other South Asians are cross bred Aborigines. Not some sort of Asiatic Caucasian or something along those lines (although because of West Eurasian migration East, they are partially mixed with some Caucasian groups). With that out of the way, once you assess for their phenotypic traits, this assertion becomes self evident. For example take their conventional skin tone, and compare and contrast it with the other native ethnic groups in Eurasia. After you're done, what you'll see, is that they're the only race native to Euraisa with dark skin that exceeds the threshold of the conventional Eurasian tan(the darkest skin tone seen in other Eurasian groups). Not only that, but their eye sockets are also larger than what a Caucascoid should conventionally have. And their nostril shape is uniquely West African esk in appearance despite their geographical location. So what does this all mean? Well it means either they're recent African migrants(no genetic study points towards this) or are the cross bred descendants of the original Australasian population that balkanized and gave way to what we see in Australia, the Australian Aborigines. Who btw, seem to be their only unmixed descendants as India(their old homeland) was forcibly miscegenated into an old world Brazil.

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Quick run down on why it sucks to be an Indian/other poo Nuance:

>Androgynous racoon face
>Lowest Sexual Market place value in the dating market
>No visible difference in general non genital anatomy in regards to gender
>Conventionally sub 5'4
>Smallest cock size in the world
>No admirable genetic characteristics
>Both stupid (sub 80 IQ) and weak(nearly no unmixed world champion Indian athletes)
>Hopelessly incompetent

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Fuck off Paki 1/9

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Poo you are not as bad as
Changed my mind- slavshits are better than Pajeets


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Cope harder Paki.

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sometimes there are lots of Indians on here they might be like the French they only coalesce around certain threads about them not all of them


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Bantz, Pajeet. Bantz. You guys take things way too much to heart on here.

>Top kek!

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I don't

Without India we would not have turned it into America

>Shit thread

brown people are disgusting


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Indians are ugly and shit in the street. Very easy to make fun of. If you stayed out of our societies we wouldn't care at all.

Geo-stationary orbital space shitting

All memes aside, Indians are disgusting people

Indians are still better than all other non whites, prove me wrong.

All Indians on the internet think the British owe them something, that's why I hate Indians. We owe you nothing, we attempted to civilise you and failed.

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You guys are literally the largest unsophisticated shit hole of the world. Like a handicapped China. Honestly on the same level as Africa but a little bit smarter and innovative.

Honesty time.
1: because you guys fucking STINK. Not "poo in loo hahaha" jokes/banter/trolling. I mean, you guys genuinely fucking REEK. The only Indians who avoid this stench are the Sikh, and that's because they autism tier laws about cleanliness. Even children learn about how badly you stink.
2: you fuckers are some of the most arrogant assholes I've dealt with. Like Kike tier arrogance. It's one thing to be confident, but your people take this to an extreme. Maybe if you were as amazing as you all believe you are, it'd be less annoying, but you're not.

user here. don’t hate India.

IRS scams


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9 year olds and t series

Indians who don't go on the internet seem good people from what I see on Youtube.

eat normal food so you don’t smell like shit, stop stealing jerbs

I've nothing against India, think about all the memes you've created? Keep up the good work guyz.

You already know the 711 employees hate niggers more than we ever could

Why don't they do this in Canada under the guise of culture?

Judáši seš to ty?

We know it's you Patel, just take that meme flag off. You Goofy cross bred androgynous raccoon faced moron.

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Holy fuck my sides

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When did you get your H1B visa Pajeet ?

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indian memefagging it

tiny penis
"out of India theory"
being incompetent boobs

That's an Americanized POO.

That was pretty fucking funny to be fair

Indians are niggers with worse hygiene and a dumber religion.

u spread fecal matter everywhere and show no signs of controlling your population

Because you stink.
>pic related

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Would poo in her loo

I hate patels. Once had a whole plane of them and their suitcase busted and poored curry all over me. Literally just picked it up simply to put it on the cart and the 60lb tiny bags zipper breaks. Fuckinf rash for weeks. Then years before this these same patel niggers tried to bring in a fucking goat head. Like raw-I just cut off this goats head before the flight and through it in my bag raw. The smell was so bad they had to lock down the room cause they thought it was a dead body(got past TSAs checked bags screening of course)

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>pic related
Indians even throw like subhumans

based english teacher

Soon my dear Joao.

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It's Jow Forums bud, even if he did all this shit, (no pun intended), he'd still get shit on, (again, no pun intended.) If you ain't white, it ain't alright.

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Calm down shitavius, pajeets are top tier.

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