Who is responsible for race mixing?

Every time a white woman race mixes, you need to be logical as to who is responsible.

To just get angry and say "I hate women" and "toll paid" is very narrow minded. Here is who is truly responsible: Globalist > White cuckold > Nigger in question > Woman in question. In that order. So, the first on the list: Globalist. They (mainly Jewish) are the precursor to everything. The root of all policies. The root of all propaganda. The root of all twisted ideas. They shape minds. They shape society in such a way that disgusting concepts like race mixing, end up becoming normal and accepted. Next on the list: White cuckold. The white cuckold has had his mind shaped. He is completely and utterly brainwashed to celebrate diversity, to celebrate mixed babies, to celebrate being gay, to celebrate people of color. White cuckolds can be your parents, your friends, your neighbors, your teachers, your judges. They are everywhere and they are useless, for they do nothing to prevent women from race mixing. Guilty by ignorance. Next on the list: Nigger in question. The nigger in question is just acting his animal instinct. He is hungry. He can see a meal of juicy fried chicken. He jumps on it. The problem is not the nigger itself, rather, that the nigger is able to exist in your environment and do as he pleases in the first place. Last on the list: The woman in question. The woman is in fact the least responsible out of all. You can not rely on the woman to behave, just as you can not rely on an untrained dog to behave. If the white cuckolds do nothing to train, to teach, to protect, to intervene then the dog will misbehave. It will misbehave until the very end.

This is just my honest opinion. My words are harsh, but the truth can be harsh.

Attached: RaceMixing.jpg (1618x1123, 471K)

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What I dislike more than race mixing is that young women get pregnant and usually they don't take care of their skin just as they didn't take care of their sex life and end up with wrinkly horrible abdomen skin folds and even if she's pretty her body becomes disgusting for life.

And i'm not even going to talk about their now gap wide vaginas.

Why do woman put cute ribbons on their fugly mutts?
Do they really think it makes them look any less hideous?

Today I was in the Walmart parking lot. Across from me was a car with a kind looking old white man asleep in the passenger seat. As I passed the car, I heard a little girl's voice yelling "GRANDPA DON'T SLEEP". I looked over to see a mixed girl in the back seat yelling the command at her grandfather.

Fuck this noise.

Attached: diner old men.jpg (960x639, 133K)

>Who is responsible for race mixing?
White males, for letting their dicks shrink to puniness. No wonder white women are going after properly virile and masculine cocks.

ps -- imageboard posting and vidya habits only make you less attractive to women and less sexually functional.

Attached: Hot white girl blacked.jpg (720x900, 292K)

Women have agency and must therefore be held accountable when they betray their race to fuck monkeys. There's no excuse.

Even dogs have some agency.

>must be held accountable

The only way they will be made accountable is if white people take back power over society.

the devil. The one who can't mind his business. the oppressor of the earth. People like you who actually have power to act on their anger and impulses. You are just a useless pawn paying taxes. your anger means nothing. keep puckering your white chest out. Nobody cares anymore about you. Nobody wants to be like you anymore other than the dumb niggers you create (white to black).

Honestly, women are incapable of understanding what's good for them. Women, especially white ones, have no sense of accountability.

Very few people actually race mix

Sage this