Have no social skills

>have no social skills
"just go out and talk to people"

>spend free time indoors at home
>no friends, no hobbies, so no reason to go out
>rarely interact with people
Where am I supposed to find opportunities to be social in the first place?

>talk to strangers on the street
and interrupt their day, theyre probably trying to get somewhere?
>online dating
I get no matches
everyone at a bar goes with their friends, I cant interrupt their night, they want to chat with their friends and I can't interrupt a conversation already in progress
The groups in my area are mostly tech related, some language exchange and ESL groups, women only groups, and groups for people 40+. None of these apply to me

What do?

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>no friends, no hobbies
>free time indoors at home
>rarely interact with people

So, uh, what's your question exactly? You're a boring human being and unless that changes you'll be completely undesirable by anyone.

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go working in another place. Change as often till you find someone to talk to, like co-workers.

the question is where do i meet people to talk to, to practice social skills

auxiliary questions are, how do i stop being a boring human being and how do i get friends

honestly, it seems most people don't have hobbies. they just have friends that they spend their time with and are able to talk about stories of their friends
>so and so is doing ______ (new job, traveling, weddings, etc.)
>we went out to _________ (brunch, restaurant, club, party)

but how do i get friends in the first place

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there must be a reason why you end up this way. It is probably autism then, if your social skills are shitty. You gotta practice them through work then, charity events or shit

Where girls pant at

Do archery. It's good for your mind, too. Met a handful of friends at the range while I was practicing. Use Eastern-style archery with the thumb draw. Half of the friends I met were interested in the style I was using and half talked to me out of nowhere because they probably found me attractive. Lots of women there, too.

Play social sports, talk to people at work, pick up a hobby that can interact with other people etc...

she has no undies

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read the book
doesn't tell me where to meet people

i have bad cardio and worse hand-eye coordination

they all know i'm autistic

>hobby that can interact with other people
have any examples?

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And her shirt seems too small.

Do you want us to tell you it's okay to be alone and have no friends and not try anymore? because it is. I won't feel sorry for you.

The Western world is abysmal in terms of having a sense of community, especially in the Americas which is where I'm guessing you're from. Go to another continent, and you'll learn socials skills and get more friends. Ever since I worked in Asia for 4 months, I went from someone similar to you, to a pretty confident guy.

You've gotta get a hobby or two too user I think you know that's a problem.
>trading card games
These things won't necessarily let you meet new people but it will certainly help, as you'll be more interesting a person. Do things you've always wanted to do. For me it was some of those things, taking classes in things I wanted to try like getting certified as a scuba diver. I don't utilise a lot of it but it teaches you to be diverse and it makes you an interesting person.

>but how do i get friends in the first place
you were supposed to make frens in school, then at work, and then have your own family. making new frens is very difficult, especially since the bond will never be as strong. your best bet user is to get a gf/waifu. good luck with that.

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>What do?
keep doin what you're doin

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how old are you
none of those matter for adults

have money, dont stink, be independant
bonus if you have a big penor or a sense of humour and women will want you

keep making excuses and whining about it on a mongolian sock puppetry forum, that will surely help

join a suicidal group, I'm sure you'll find someone more miserable then you

>making excuses
are you implying these are not appropriate excuses?

>and whining about it on a mongolian sock puppetry forum, that will surely help
what should i do instead

Social skills are acquired via experience, people tell me I'm great at being social and I believe its bullshit but that might be because I work in retail where I have to talk to many clients plus I've learnt to act and even taken an eccentric form (I greet regulars with "howdy" due to my own personal history)

>No friends/hobbies
what, not even a chump you met from school that you have some sort of contact with, and do you even game at least, surely you do more than watch tv and shitpost on Jow Forums, I build models and game and plenty of groups for that (though girls on the other hand unless I branch off into their fandoms I'm shit outta luck)

>talking to strangers
Via job, or at a pub if its quiet and you notice something unique, if you pay attention and seem curious you can strike up amazing chats, but if you don't give a shit you're fucked
>online dating
they just want your money, the service I mean
I did mention it but that chat logic applies anywhere, you can scratch this off
not into tech, oh dear
OP this guy is spot on, I literally only have 3 friends from school and they're closed circle themselves (except one guy who's met every gf he ever had from facebook groups, he's a bit of a romeo but he's clearly scared of being alone when you see what he brings home)

if you got a job you have co-workers, make friends with them and not just fb friends like actually going to the movies sort, otherwise take up some courses, if you don't meet anyone in those use the jobs they provide to meet new people, I can't help you if you're earning millions an hour but work as a lone wolf in which I suggest thinking of what you actually enjoy, if you really do sit there like a sack of shit watching tv look for groups online that discuss this thing and look for meetups with them

I gotta say its funny, only 3 friends the rest are just people I know from work who aren't deep or meaningful and I thought I was fucked

Did she lost them? Serusly where is them?

It's a serious problem. She could get cold.

i know! and what if someone see her?!


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Worse, what if someone took a picture and shared it on the Internet?

Make yourself worthy of interrupting thier day. And that shit is not true at bars. Have talked to groups alone and people have come up to me and my friends many times, with our without friends and haven't once had someone get pissed off. All it takes is resesting the fear off rejection. It hurts like hell but if you manage it'll be 100% worth it

just be yourself

Search harder in your local area, you only need to find one that suits you. If all else fails do something yourself that involves being around others, eventually they'll notice you or you'll get so used to them you'll start talking.

As if that could ever happen.

join a group class on something, yoga or judo as a couple of examples. and then you will automatically have an interest in common

how do i talk to people in those classes?

>take hot yoga
>after class i just change and leave
>see some people outside the changerooms standing/sitting and talking
>i just leave
i don't want to awkwardly hang around them and try to join their conversation or hope they talk to me
what would i even say

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>what would i even say
Hey, my name is ...., how'd you like today's session? How long are you doing this now? I like doing ... It is nice getting to know you. What else do you like do in your spare time besides Yoga? Oh, really - looks like we have something in common. What job do you have? Do you like it? Why not/Why so? Etc, etc....

thanks for this


Ok Op
You have a smart phone on you?
Use that to keep posting and searchin the web outside, maybe at a bar, maybe the park, place with crowds. When talking to a girl, be extra nice to the amount you recieved yourself. The only way of meeting people is being nice.

Get hobbies

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>hot yoga
I'm sorry, I'm like really sweat desu, I have to go shower. bye.

I haven't read all the posts, but I've seen you don't like sports.
Go to a chess club then, or find a group that does something you usually do alone, but in a social environment.

You are a hero.

become a home invader, no other way will you find a girl who matches your profile