He likes postmodernist Marxist video games like metal gear

>he likes postmodernist Marxist video games like metal gear
If this is you, you need to leave

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There is no need to search for a secret agenda in every piece of media, user. Sometimes you should be able to just enjoy things.

Thats not the message of the series at all though.

Trump is Big Boss or at the very least George Sears, Armstrong is Obama.

>Just enjoy (Promote) it goyim no need to (degenerate) read between the lines and exposes (lifestyles) Jewish ageda
>Thats not the message of the series at all though
It literally is
Le epic pregnant soldier said she wanted the world to (((be one))) as she died

>establish a nation for the strong who have been forgotten
>build nuclear arsenal to gain leverage.
>take on shadow government controlling flow of information.
Big boss was based and you're a fag

Video games are shit.

You can find "secret agenda" anywhere if you try hard enough. Eventually you will end up hating everything and completely isolating yourself.

This is wrong, as in you didn't understand a fucking thing about the series.

Yes, and inspires the guy who becomes essentially the bad guy of the series.

If genes don't matter, why did solid get all of the good genes while liquid got the shit tier?

Also notice genome soldiers all have an IQ over 150, and yet they are still retarded.

The game treats it like a bad thing

I've tried numerous times to get into MGS series again since I played it as a kid but the fourth wall breaking and comedy ruins it for me.

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But she's not necessarily the hero. Almost any character with an agenda is a villain or a complex anti-hero. There are very few 'good' guys in MG, let's be real.

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>literally objectifies women
>goes into other countries to kill sandniggers and communists
>pro gun af

Cherry pick all you want OP, it goes both ways. I haven't touched vidya in 3 years but let me tell ya, MGS isn't indoctrinating anyone.

I dont like metal gear because of how hard it tries to be fucking movies
I want gameplay not 30 minute long cutscenes with retarded 12 year old toilet humor
Id vote for armstrong

The series talk about making people forget important things while they overflow by stupid shit.
The series talks about language as the last bastion of one's culture that we must preserve.
The series is about a bunch of (((them))) trying to make a worldwide nation.
You got it all wrong.
Hell I'd call kojima redpill.

The series literally considers her to be the only truly good person

Pro gun isn't exclusive to the right wing
Im a lefty and I support the second amendment
Also in the 4th game you help sand niggers
Just saying
The comedy honestly helps make the game better Imo
Makes you like the characters more and feel worse during sad moments
Liquid got the good Genes but thought he had the bad genes so the placebo made him fail

Just curious, never played. How was MGS pro gun?

The second game literally is against censorship
While I don't think the Patriots represent da jooz the series definitely isn't "leftist"
That's only because he interprets her will wrong
She wanted peace so soldiers wouldn't have to kill allies
Big boss went on and only listened to the "a world where soldiers dont need to kill allies"
Then zero heard "unite the world" and tried to control it all
It's basically a game of telephone gone horribly fucking wrong

5 is about running a private military corporation on a floating super structure out in the ocean away from nations.
It's ancap if anything.

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In the 4th game the big bad literally turns almost everyone's guns off and is able to gain control

If they had working guns they would be able to fight back
Plus the series is Jow Forums as fuck anyway
Fun fact
Players made so many nukes that it reset the nuke counter
Proof that anarcho capitalism and recreational nukes will lead to world peace

Isn’t Metal Gear against Marxism?

Big Boss, and by extension The Boss, are ultimate antagonists in this timeline.

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>t. dipshit who knows nothing about metal gear

Not Marxism per say though you could say it's against cultural marxism

>Le epic pregnant soldier said she wanted the world to (((be one))) as she died
The whole point of Big Boss's story arc is him realizing that The Boss' real wish was for the world to be left alone, you fucking retard. The guy who has the "unite the world" conception is flat out the fucking antagonist for a bunch of the story.

>patriotism is bad
>when the boss IS a patriot
>when Armstrong litteraly is an anarchist and not trump
>when Big boss is a vilain who did everything wrong

>killing is bad
the latest game in the franchise kinda don't care about that

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Tfw there will never be MGR2

I honestly don't even care if it's not MGR
Just bring back the blase mode and terrain slicing mechanics

>nukes are bad
im betting not one of you idiots can defend nukes in any other way than

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What? Solidus litteraly want freedom and don't want the world to be controlled, he's not like trump or any politician and litteraly did nothing wrong. he WAS a child soldier when he used child soldier, he just looked old and was manipulated.

I don't expect anyone else to have played all this shit or listened to all of the hours of audio these games contain. If you've spent a generous amount of time with any of the games, especially MGS2, you would have found inklings of truth that are *always* apparent.

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Kojima isn't a Marxist, he's an anarchist. MGS criticizes the USSR as much as the US.
Postmodernism is a rejection of metanarratives. Kojima has a clear pacifist, anti-American and anti-state narrative.

The far left is pro gun. The center left are the guncucks.

Would Huey be leftist or rightist ?

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Solidus was objectively a good guy. Trying to free the world of the patriots, the ends justify the means

Kojima was going to mindfuck the entire planet by releasing a game about 9/11 in august of 2001, but (((they))) didn't let that happen

That's just it though, I like metal gear solid.....

I also hate the entirety of the left, to the point that I would gladly drag the lifeless, bodies of leftists through the streets to be strung by the neck, from the bough of a tree that the whole town could see.

I fervently believe that the left is the enemy, and that they deserve nothing but pain, loss, fear, and suffering.

Why do I have to leave?

There is no way that a leftist could support the 2nd. Your full of shit, and you are a liar.

Ocelot was the only one truly based and redpilled character in the entire franchise.

centrist defo

Ocelot was so manipulated I'm surprised he didn't come back as a Snatcher.

Idk man, I'd argue that punished snake is more redpilled than ocelot.

>adult male
>plays children's games for hours and hours instead of having real world hobbies
>doesn't own a firearm because "too expensive"
>owns a $1,500 gaming rig

Real heroes don't sneak.

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Kojima gets it

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Yes, that is correct. Forego pleasure and achieve stoic greatness

>He thinks he understands the philosophy and narrative of the Metal Gear franchise

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>implying nukes aren't bad
Look I'm all for having superior weapons and the concept of a deterrent, but nuclear weapons represent the single most dangerous man-made device, capable of potentially destroying the species (or at least civilization as we know it).

Vidya redpill thread?
Vidya redpill thread.

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Karl Marx was actually 100% pro gun. It makes sense. How the fuck is the proletariat supposed to sieze the means of production if they are disarmed peasants? Today's leftists are just useful idiots for the elite. A true leftist who fights for the lower class would believe in the lower class having the ability to fight.

I'm not a leftist. I just know what Marx actually stood for.

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>implying armstrong did anything wrong
>implying series isn't against one world government and globohomo

dumb wojakposter

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We do though.
Literally 2 seconds to google this. Yes I know
But the fact that this goes upvotes shows the consensus.
Guns were also supported by Marx:
>the workers must be armed and organized. The whole proletariat must be armed at once with muskets, rifles, cannon and ammunition… Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary
And anarchists have no reason to be anti gun. They oppose the government.

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>the series considers
Virtually nothing in metal gear is spelled out like that, most villains are as morally ambiguous as the protagonists with debatebly superior motives in some cases. Understand that metal gear doesn’t follow the idea of
>antagonist bad, protagonist good, end of story
In metal gear rising it’s heavily implied the protagonist did more harm than good and the main villain probably had good intentions with brutal means.

>Because you support things like affordable healthcare it means you can't support gun rights
Also see

>Virtually nothing in metal gear is spelled out like that, most villains are as morally ambiguous
That's what makes it good.

Did you actually play the games?

I know that but I'm just saying that the boss is probably the least ambiguous of characters in the series
Now if her defection wasn't staged and she actually was just doing her own thing then she would be more ambiguous
It's why solidus is one of my favorite "antagonists" since the only thing that made him evil was his actions
If he thinks mgs2 is Marxist simply for being postmodern then I doubt he has

Keep on deluding yourself that spending your prime years pressing buttons and watching pixels change colors is a worthwhile use of time.
>Invest 1,000 hoirs reaching lvl 99 in some srupid game
>expansion comes out and all previous achievements are instantly made obsolete
>game fades into obscurity
>start new game and spend 1,000 hours leveling to 99
How awesome of a guitar player would you be if you practiced for 2,000 hours? How ripped would you be if you worked out for 2,000 hours? How smart would you be if you read classic literature for 2,000 hours? But your lvl 99 Mage in that game nobody gives a fuck about anymore sure is awesome.

>kojima makes a series that's both Jow Forums and /leftypol/ approved
How did the the madman do it?

And in a few thousand years no one will care about that sound coming from the wood with strings

>Genes don't matter
You fucking retard it's literally about not being bound to your genetic history, i.e. you shouldn't feel white guilt.

You believe in gun ownership only for the purposes of a commie revolution, but not as a natural right. The gun is property of the state, and we all know how trustworthy commie governments are about that kind of thing. If you really think an authoritarian government will allow its own populace the right to keep and bear arms for the purposes of overthrowing tyranny, you are retarded.
>inb4 that wasn't real communism

>Wasn't real communism
This but unironicly

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this is sort of it, you get the impression the game tells a story about how people and groups seek liberty and freedom with assets gained through events I would believe could happen. Its honest in how these are things relatively good or bad, they can shift, you have to go out of your way to find an anti-capitalist view in this game

Why not just kill yourself? Why do you bother living? Do a flip faggot.

this, OP is a fag

or you could balance the things you're interested in and the work you do like a non-sperg mate, no point in dropping shit you like that isn't harmful if you can manage it like an adult

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>fundamentally not understanding metal gear
>patriotism is bad
Blind patriotism is bad, especially when the government of that nation destroys civil liberties ans conducts black operations that are fundamentally contrary to the system of values or at the very least, laws, that uphold the nation.
>they are just kids goyim don’t kill them
No shit, Child soldiers are victims of indoctrination by the warlords in the region, this is how it is portrayed and is mostlh accurate.
>nukes are bad guys
They’re a double edged sword, for one they have the potential to cause the extinction of the human race via a dominoe effect, and the other is that they’re great deterrence from aggression.
>killing is bad/world must become one
I can see what you mean, but it’s based on the fundamental idea that killing for no good reason is not morally justifiable.
>genes are not important
It’s literally a consistent focal point of the series and is a core element of the main antagonists and characters.

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It seems like Jack always ends up killing people who want the same thing he does because he doesn't like the methods they use.
It seems likely that, while their methods are brutal, they might cause less overall suffering by not prolonging war.

>armstrong is obama
get the fuck out

Because seeing the world fall is entertaining and comfy as fuck

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Well Armstrong's nanomachines turn him into a nigger so

Lmao saved

My gaming PC graphics card went out in about 2015. Made me quit gaming cold turkey because I was broke at the time. I really missed it for a few months. Then I suddenly realized how much more productive I was without gaming at all. I have since gotten a much better job and make much more than I did back when I couldn't afford to rebuild my PC. I don't miss it one bit and actually look at all the time I spent as a "gamer" with regret and disgust.

Big boss fought for the deep state when he was John, aka Naked Snake. Then he was betrayed by the deep state and built his own PMC to fight against the military industrial complex

Exactly, ancaps are just hyper-degenerate liberals. Big boss's men all watched him shower with quiet, that is some ancap cuck shit

Well if someone doesn't get burned by the fire how would they know what it's really about? BB dindu nuffin and is the only redeemable character in the whole series.

AAA games are shit anymore so you're not missing out on anything. To be fair the only game I play anymore is Crusader Kings II every once and a while.

Can we talk about nier automata? That game promotes Jewish existentialism and nihilism


lol The Boss didnt have a "Jewish" agenda, this was never hinted at, they only suggest a secret elite that run the world called the philosophers, and they had an entirely different agenda then The Boss because the Boss was the one who originally thought of the whole idea that soldiers should run the world, which would also be known as Outer Heaven, that obviously Big Boss eventually carried out, and then Ocelot replicated in his own way. If anything The Boss, Big Boss, and Ocelot were "counter-NWO" forces that actually wanted to take down the "NWO" already in power. If you have the eyes to see it, its all a thinly veiled plot about World War 2, Hitler, the current elites, and what the future may deal with

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you can approach something healthily or you spend too much time on it, i did the latter for a while and now i do the former as do plenty of people, what you had was a gaming/dopamine addiction, which is lucky honestly, there are people here that were addicted to junk food, porn, drugs etc and that was their degeneracy that they needed to overcome, but there are plenty of people who handle what you engaged in without spending too much time on it or having an unhealthy relationship with it, myself included in my opinion.
And of course you're going to be more productive if you free up your time a great deal, this is true for doing literally anything

MGS2 literally has one of the most redpilled bits of commentary in all of media. I don't even play many games but this thing was written by some dude on Kojima's team decades ago and it describes exactly what's going on. It's as prescient as what Yuri said, just more tuned into how his warnings will actually come to bear in a technological hellscape - youtube.com/watch?v=eKl6WjfDqYA

>We create context
>Literally (((google))) and all of media

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>Would Huey be leftist or rightist ?
He'd be a massive faggot

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At least he kills himself after getting cucked by his son.

Only game I ever finished was 4 when I was a little kid and V until you unlock Africa but that sounds about right.

It's revealed in 2. Hal ends up fucking his stepmom and Huey drowns himself in the family pool when he finds out.

Kojima is openly left wing you retards

What if I just enjoy stealth games and big tiddy bitches. Kojima knows how to do those things fairly well.

Kojima was right though at the end of MGS2, military industrial complex is a plague on the world

Pay attention guys. Kikes are going to start saying based and redpilled things are "Postmodernist" because of the cultural push-back against the genre. Getting kosher sandwich'd here.

this. all of my this. this whole game gets overlooked because kojima went so fucking hard that people couldn't handle it so he dialed it back quite a few notches. this scene in particular is just unsettling.

nobody bad mouths metal gear you fucking jew

Fuck you, MGS series are some of the only video games with good storytelling

Theres that entire fucking 500 page book in the extra content section that reads like a non-fiction account of the actual blackbook ops that DARPA and the US Navy have been conducting since 1950

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