User try this new vidya just came out

>user try this new vidya just came out

Attached: vidya.png (1744x1080, 2.5M)

>playing battle royal games

ìts what our children play nowadays

if niggers wanna make nigger-packed games, let them. just make our own studios and make majorly white casts of characters. now they can't whine about inclusion because they finally have their "muh representation". wew

Attached: 1441614708612.jpg (225x225, 4K)

>its what our childr..
Nice parenting faggot. Kill your kids then yourself.

which game is this?

apex legends, another shitty battle royal

i dont even have a kid, but it doesnt change the fact millions of children play these games

>ayoooo so you be sayin
>*snaps medical gloves*
>some finna
>*adjusts hachimaki*
>so wat you be sayin is
>*inserts melanin IV*
>damn what the fuck wuz we dog....?

Attached: 1546184214236.gif (448x344, 1.6M)

ty, found it.

this is the "white guy" stock image btw. Totally not a fag.

Attached: apex-section-bg-legends-mirage-xl.jpg.adapt.1920w.jpg (1920x1800, 197K)

ease your mind and remember "get woke go broke". they will learn

Attached: ab7.jpg (280x391, 15K)

I don't play games unless they have cute waifus in them. If they can't create an attractive female in a game there is no point.

This shit is why Japs like Hideo Kojima will rule the gaming market. BFV showed us that heavy propaganda doesn't work when it's not subtle in the slightest especially when people have to pay to get lectured

Did we really need another fortnite/overgay clone with the same shitty characters?

Attached: 1543026471726.jpg (521x600, 30K)

technically it's (left to right): Masked Frenchy, Hawaiian guy, Nigger, robo-nigger, white-ish wamen, nigger#2, white dude, Spic. god damn it. i was hoping for some REAL wokeness so there's be a backlash and, subsequently, a happening. a 90% nog cast would piss people off.

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Just play City Battle Virtual Earth

Attached: kek.jpg (1920x1080, 570K)

Apex Legends? More like...Ape-X Legends

Attached: 1529213922904.jpg (400x400, 36K)

Nobody asked for/needed it.
but as long as (((EA))) loses money, it's OK.


Attached: 1548898486662.png (1612x1106, 52K)

Literally no one plays this

Steam top played 24h is 800.

If you ever advertise on MY board ever again, OP, i will PERSONALLY GAURANTEE

and this is a LEGAL PROMISE

I will find you (its not hard when your IP is used to create your ID and unencrypted location is used on 4chanx) and BREAK YOUR KNEECAPS with a tire iron.

Youve been warned.

get a load of this 4channer.

Enjoy your new multi culti character design.

Attached: APEX_Legends_Screenshot_BYC_CausLifeMirage_Banners_Alt_04_Clean.jpg (1920x1080, 1.37M)

At least plebs don't have instant access to the alpha white chad

jesus christ how horrifying

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>Playing video games
Nigger, I'm not 13, I'm a grown-ass man.

>hello fellow niggers

Gross, who is this even appealing to.


Attached: Korean Negro.gif (540x304, 1.44M)

is that a flying toilet?

its only on origin
i hope none plays this tho


Attached: Clash_-_Full_Body.png (1213x1964, 2.94M)