55 Posters in the last thread lad. Every day we grow stronger
Éire/pol/ - Through The Night Edition
Keep her lit lads, had some genuinely interesting conversation re NP vs irexit
Fuck off you white niggers. BUILD THE WALL in Northern Ireland.
Im an idiot, got the date wrong
Kill yourself kike.
le 56%
Don’t give him you’s
I like this place. I think I might stay. Beats Jow Forums. They're not even really racist.
Is maith liom uisce beatha
What is the appeal of int? Is it just /b/ sans traps? I used to be a /b/ poster years ago but never left Jow Forums when I came to it
The last comment in the last thread was perfection
/b/ ruined mó bheatha
What was it? I’ve closed the thread
Kinda. It's /b/, minus the porn, and any other interesting shit. All it has is flags, flag generals, and occasional history discussion. Basically everyone shits on each other because of where they're from. Kinda like the UN, only less civilised.
might go there when I get sick of politics. Gonna happen real soon now
Stay away from the generals. Nothing but trite and anime.
How much of a cesspit is Tuam and Galway these days?
Far more redpills and whitepills to be found
Galway is a libtard stronghold. Not sure about Tuam.
They seem to have built a motorway to facilitate knackers burglarising people
Also how do u do fellow irishmen?
u have motorways now? When i visited 2 summers in 2004 and 2005 i remember u had very little, that's good.
Those shitty narrow streets were a death traps
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Something is off about your flag, deartháir.
If you draw a line from Dublin to Galway everthing is south
One motorway running across NI from belfast though
We've been infiltarded by Liga Nord
100% Celtic blood here Liam
t. Humphrey Murphy