Remember that fag from California who introduced a bill to make it legal to give someone HIV?
He’s at it again. This time you don’t have to register as a sex offender if the person you have sex with is no more than 10 years younger than you. According to this bill, an 18 year old could fuck an 8 year old and would not have to register as a sex offender. He claims it aims gives equal treatment to homosexuals under the law.
Remember that fag from California who introduced a bill to make it legal to give someone HIV?
Other urls found in this thread:
This man is a human wrecking ball
>This man is a human wrecking ball
>weiner legislation
"they" really need to look into his history, something tells me he has skeletons in his closet
why do jews love destroying all of society?
>gay jew lawyer destroying a city with degeneracy
well i never...
I wish jews weren't as evil as they are.
It amazes me that Judaism basically teaches kids from a young age that they are genetically superior to everyone else. It's really ironic that you can reduce their ideology down to almost the exact same thing as Hitler
>It amazes me that Judaism basically teaches kids from a young age that they are genetically superior to everyone else. It's really ironic that you can reduce their ideology down to almost the exact same thing as Hitler
Or maybe the zionist founders of Israel projecting their terrible qualities onto the National Socialists and Hitler was a great man? The holocaust was done by zionists to scare European Jews and uproot them to move to Israel.
Damn. Wish I was 18 again so I could bang 8 year-olds.
So he admits that fags are innately pedophiles too?
why don't burgers wipe this piece of shit out?
i'm really curious have all of you been neutered because thirty years ago this piece of shit wouldn't be walking around causing shit
Usually I hate jews but this one is infecting California with AIDS so he's doing God's work.
no they will just move to other states and infect people
Came here just to say this.
>Currently, while consensual sex between 15- to 17-year-olds and a partner within 10 years of age is illegal, vaginal intercourse between the two does not require an offender to register as a sex offender. Other forms of intercourse such as oral and anal intercourse require sex offender registration.
>That practice, according to Wiener, disproportionately targets young LGBT people, who usually cannot engage in vaginal intercourse.
>So he admits that fags are innately pedophiles too?
No need to hide it anymore. Society has matured.
its California. The freaks take over county by county, and state by state. Progressive, slowly over time. This weird shit happens in every civilizations downfall.
But user.
They invented evil.
this man wants to change these laws because he himself is part of the "poz pig" gay scene and he wants to spread it. I bet hes DEEP in the pockets of the Pharma companies that sell PREP and post / hiv/aids meds.
Good video about ACCELERATIONISM vs racism,, he debunked racism
>it doesnt exist
Jow Forums is a great example of what Based Bellagio is talking about
We are not racist just cause we hate niggers qnd kikes, we hate them cause the media says dont touch that red button... and they are subhuman animals too
Watch this video and understand
What it means to watch the world burn!!!
Enjoy and help break shadowban
>wiener legislation
does that mean those guys have aids?
honestly pretty based. This board has a real problem with sexual insecurity
This dude looks like he has the T-virus.
> Suck dick
> honestly pretty based
fuck off fag
even the leafs get it from time to time
fuck out of here shareblue we will NEVER let up!
why do you care what other people do with their dicks? this board used to be libertarian lol
22 fucks 12. These fuckers are fucking crazy.
I don't usually advocate for violence but someone needs to throw this piece of shit in a wood chipper. How many cases of AIDS will be directly linked to this faggot? Now we're decriminalizing pedophilia so gays can fuck any little boy they want. Jesus fucking christ
Wiener did nothing wrong.
Gays spread disease, promote disgusting sexual practices and morals.
it's weird living in a time when this kind of character isn't shot instantly
Wait, I thought gays weren’t pedos? Why would you loosen up pedo laws to protect gays if gays are not pedos?!?
unless you're having sex with men there's no way you could get a disease from one
why? i say let him fuck up california. in fact, i hope he becomes governor! california should be the petri dish to see if accelerationism actually works or not.
>weiner legislation
They're coming for your penises, Calibros.
And just like that, the LGBTQ community allies with the MAP community against bigotry and ignorance. Scott Wiener is a based MAP ally. You MAPphobes need to get on the right side of history or you'll be swept away by fabulous MAP couples.
They're called MAPs, bigot.
oh fuck me, my penis inspection certification is like three months expired
It's California. They had a guy running guns for years that they ignored until they couldn't. Even then you barely heard about it.
I remember this faggot. He came and made a speech at my elementary school and was force feeding us liberal propoganda at a school in the Castro in 4th grade, I remember a few months later taking multiple red pills a day.
he's jewish
Jewish fag used to be around the corner from the school at a place called Spikes Cafe where every kid went after school. Probably where he was scouting.
Oh no, that sucks.
Let's say they're not in on a grand conspiracy to destroy society and this is just who they are. why do jews do this?
It’s literally so kids don’t rupture their still developing anuses. Like how alcohol and tobaco are age restricted, too.
Solution is in the action
>Let's say they're not in on a grand conspiracy to destroy society
Based Bellagio
>When even Jerry Brown vetoes your lefty bill.
That's because Hitler was an okay goy and the kikes are projecting their own crimes upon him.
In a strange way i kind of half agree with the bill. I think 10 years is wayyy too much and there should be limitations but right now a 19 year old having sex with a 17 year old could be charged as an offender. Maybe make the age difference of 5 years and the girl cant be younger 17?
Funny how Americans will shoot any stranger in the street, but never take a shot at pieces of shit like this.
Born to subvert
It is just who they are and what they do. It is in their very nature to do these things.
Today they take away Sex Offender Maps
[spoiler]Tomorrow they import Muslims to white suburbs[/spoiler]
Jerry wasn't a good goy, he was a true believer. If he thought something wouldn't help people he would veto it. It just so happens he thought a money pit bullet train that no one asked for was going to help people.
If it's Brown, flush it down.
Pedophilia will be legalized by the time your kids are our age, just watch. California, Colorado, and NY will lead the way and America will bend like it always does. They'll lower the legal age to copulate down to 13, maybe 12.
Weed will also be legal across America
We will either end up a degenerate shit hole (Not likely) or what is more likely is we will see that having more freedoms is good for society and reduces crimes, criminals, and the degenerates just OD more often, until the public catches on (A few months) and realizes moderation is best
How the fuck is a father gonna be proud of his daughter licking p... this is just such a shonda for the goyim.
Literal demon in human form.
According to Wikipedia:
Wiener is openly gay.He isJewish.
gays -> bis -> straight women -> straight men
No, this country will burn. The public will never catch on. We're on our way to full Weimar and the NSDAP won't come to save us.
He is both of those things.
Meh. If u pee outiside or moon card as a teenager you can be put on the list for life. Should be limited to actual people who diddled kids n shit
I was an intern at the capitol when he was pushing he Net neutrality bill. I met with this dude a few times and sat in on meetings with him. Dems are crazy man.
And the chinks STILL in office
> (You)
>Wiener did nothing wrong.
Can't tell if larping.
I think it is possible that there are demons on this planet. or maybe the concept of demons came from observing society and seeing people like Scott Wiener
Not larping bro.
Interned for a rebublican assemblyman. Won’t say who.
lol wiener legislation
>logo is literally a swedish flag
It's not a Jewish name, not all -berg names are Jewish. It's swedish for mountain, Jews just appropriated names like that to hide in plain sight.
>holocaust was done by zionists
Its clear pedophilia is going to be the next thing to be normalized. This type of legislation is just preparing the battle space. I am old enough to have lived at a time when gay marriage was absolutely unthinkable. Now its reality. Fucking little children is going to become a legal reality. Not because most of the left wants to fuck kids but because fucking kids is an effective way to totally disintegrate the traditional social order.
Any right-winger who still lives in California is the ultimate cuck. You are literally ruled over by HIV faggot Jews.
>B-b-but muh weather
Lmao get fucked.
>He claims it aims gives equal treatment to homosexuals under the law.
Isn't that just admitting gays are pedos?
How about you worry about cleaning the shit and hypodermic needles off the streets of San Francisco first?
>hitler calls them out by doing the same thing
>rest of the world hates white people forevermore
someone needs to master time travel
Weiner is worshiped as a God by commiefornia demRATS.
Wasn’t this the guy who got the “Lol gave you aids, SORRRYYYYY” bill passed?
Jesus, nuke that state now
Why can't lesbians do this in public?
Thats ok user just join the trans-age movement and you can be an 8 y/o if you wanted.