Men are entitied to women's bodies. No man should feel excluded...

Men are entitied to women's bodies. No man should feel excluded. Feminists talk about equality and even equity yet they still use sex as a manipulation tool and bargaining chip. We will never have equality until sex power is taken away from women. Women have certain advantages and privileges because of the desire for sex that men have and it should be illegal for a woman to use this to her advantage because men can't do it in the same exact way.

This is one of the main reasons men and women will never be equal and it's unfair for women to be treated as men's equals AND have this sexual power and privelege.

How do we take womens sexual power away? What kind of ideas do you guys have? Sure we could pass certain legislations, and decriminalize rape OR we can limit womens liberties. What direction should we go in to equalize the sexual dynamic in our society because it's immoral and cruel to allow women to get away with double dipping?

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You're right about everything op we should do all those things

I know this is bait but men could collectively reinstall a patriarchy overnight if they wanted to

We're going to kill all the agressive baboons and weed you out of society until you're irrelevant.
Just accept your fate.

When last did you get laid, OP?

If you feel excluded, it is probably not because you are a man, but because you are far from a man. The same desire you have to be with an attractive women, is the same desire women have to be with an attractive man. If you’re not desired, that has less to do with all the women who don’t desire you, than with you and your horrible attitude. You clearly have never felt the ‘sexual dynamic’ of a man and a woman meeting and being drawn to one another. Maybe when that happens to you, you’ll change your mind.

I don’t disagree on the entitled part, but pussy doesn’t feel as good when she doesn’t fully want it

The smartest way to break female control of sex is to end alimony, child support, and public aid. And gain control of the media to shame women for hypergamy.

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Women love sexist guys as long he’s not grumpy about it

A woman's body has always been a woman's most important asset. Provided she is at least fairly young and attractive of course.

How do we change that? We don't. It's the way humans have evolved. Men have evolved to be more capable and stronger in terms of providing and protecting, which is why men on average are more successful professionally. Men on average are simply better at work and we are more driven by success and achievement. Women on the other hand have evolved to be as beautiful as possible. It's no rocket science.

Historically, men were mostly selected by women based on their ability to provide, protect and their social status. While women have always been mostly selected based on how beautiful they are. This is why women, on average are simply more attractive physically than men.

It's the cold hard truth and i don't see how this would ever change. It's deeply ingrained in the way humans are.

Oh we all have dry spells. When i do have a gf they usually are very generous and also give me lots of sex. They treat me so good because i am kind of a chauvinistic guy, but I treat them pretty nice.

I'm really writing this post because women are spoiled and this makes it worse for all men.

No hypergamy isn't to bad. But it's enabling single mothers is what should be stopped. If women start ending up homeless and fucked other women will be more cautious in the choices they make with their bodies. If we shame women for being sluts, divorced and single mothers then women will have more integrity and have more respect for men.

The government needs to stop being a available for women to practice triangulation. Women don't need men as much because the government is completely on the side of women. Making women more vulnerable and insecure, and forcing them to sink or swim just like they do to men will produce women with more character and morality.

No you won't. We will remove the security nets and special protections that are not available to men and then women will be begging to go back to the 1950s.

If we made it so women were truly equal to men women wouldn't want it, minus a few exceptions.

No you won't. We will remove the security nets and special protections that are not available to men and then women will be begging to go back to the 1950s.

If we made it so women were truly equal to men women wouldn't want it, minus a few exceptions. I only want true equality and if it ever happens women will cry "misogyny" and "oppression *. Soon you will realize how much of a double edged sword true equality would be and you wouldn't want it because women are lazy cowards for the most part.

>Men are entitied to women's bodies.

They are not. I'm gonna write the second stupidest paragraph, you already wrote the first:

>Women are entitied to men's bodies. No woman should feel excluded. Mens rights advocates talk about equality and even equity yet they still use sex as a manipulation tool and bargaining chip. We will never have equality until sex power is taken away from men. Men have certain advantages and privileges because of the desire for sex that women have and it should be illegal for a man to use this to his advantage because women can't do it in the same exact way.

Except that those safety nets and protections are there for men too. Remove them and you'll see marriage become extinct. There is no regression in the Revolution of Love, only progress and shackles being cast aside. If you don't provide a system that works and with evidence, society will. Currently NonMonogamy in the Natural culture is taking the lead.

Women can easily get laid whenever they want. They can also use sex, or the possibility of giving sex to manipulate men to use them for money ir favors. You're an idiot to even imply women don't have a lot of privileges that men don't in this way.

Women use sex as a bargaining chip in relationships to. This should be a criminal act just like rape or physical abuse. They make it illegal to use their natural differences to manipulate and coerce women so we s should make the mirror image illegal too.

You can't compare men and women like this because there are huge differences. But only the interests of women have been addressed by the government.

All women are going to disagree with me, call me a misogynist, or an incel, or an abuser but only because they don't want to lose the priveleges they have that they use to abuse and take advantage of men with. Women will never willingly give up their priveleges. We have to make them.

>They can also use sex, or the possibility of giving sex to manipulate men to use them for money ir favors.

Or you could just say no.

>Women use sex as a bargaining chip in relationships to. This should be a criminal act just like rape or physical abuse

Or you could just break up.

>You can't compare men and women like this because there are huge differences.

None big enough that any of the base assumptions like the ones in your first paragraph are worth a shit, though

>All women are going to disagree with me

Most guys would too. It's pretty sad to think you're entitled to anything, it evokes a spoiled child screaming for ice cream.

Bullshit they are. It's USED by women more than men. Women have all parental rights. Even if a woman was not entitled to full patental rights she can easily just lie and say he abused her, or the kids and as long as she acts emotional and sticks to her story, she will probably win.

Id rather see marriage break down, and society to dwindle out than live in a society that gives women all the power. The family courts and divorces have always been on womens side.

Also men are the ones who primarily produce most tax revenue and this tax revenue is primarily spent on women when talking about social services. Men produce more than women by a long shot and women consume far more.

I don't give a fuck if women are the ones who get pregnant and have the children, that's HER personal problem because it's her body and her choice. She shouldnt ever be entitled to a man's money that je sacrificed for. It should be completely up to the man if he wants to contribute or not and if she was a pyschotic cunt and he decides not to, she shouldnt get anything from the government either, single men and men with families should not have to support single mothers. Remove all government support from single mothers and teach Men not to be in a serious relationship with single mothers and watch within a generation women will start being much more responsible with the choices they make with THEIR bodies that only THEY can legally decide what to do with. That's the bottom line. Men can't have a say what women do with their bodies so men should not have any obligation to it.

Women are just as capable and as intelligent as men right? So they should have no problem being responsible and making good choices

>Men are entitied to women's bodies.
Anyone who says this unironically should be gassed.
Reminder that modern degenerates act as if this is true--most men will bail immediately if a girls says she's waiting.

>If you don't provide a system that works and with evidence, society will
You mean like this, tripfag?
>"measures of subjective well-being indicate that women's happiness has declined both absolutely and relative to men. The paradox of women's declining relative well-being is found across various datasets, measures of subjective well-being, and is pervasive across demographic groups and industrialized countries. Relative declines in female happiness have eroded a gender gap in happiness in which women in the 1970s typically reported higher subjective well-being than did men."

Bitch I'm not talking about me personally. I've never allowed that to happen. However lots of men are naive, blue pilled, and bought indy feminism so if i or another guy don't allow it, women can easily find a guy who will put up with it. This SPOILS the women to the point where it makes he dating market garbage for ALL the men. Women are mostly LOW quality.

If women were held accountable collectively socially and by the government women would have much more character and integrity. Women are so entitled and so deceptive that it's almost normal for a woman to be this way now so nothing is done about it because everyone has Stockholm syndrome.

If we teach children to stop giving women the benefit of a doubt and about their true nature this problem could be fixed.

Women are a problem these days but it's because betas enable them.

Men are sluts because they created the sex service industry instead of just fucking fleshlights.

Because most women who claim to be waiting are probably are just lying and are not really attracted to the guy and want to lead him on because it'll benefit her. She can just play dumb and lie by omission..

I believe in a more traditional society in terms of family, because i grew to in a traditional family and my parents are still together (this is very rare) and i know how it works. The problem is that it's not like that anymore and it will never be like that again. Women deserve to be allowed to drive off the cliff because they embraced feminism. Trying to preserve traditional practices has only resulted in women retaining the beneficial traditional aspects of it, in a completely selfish way, while simultaneously enjoying the modern benefits of feminism. Women are not going to go back. So what we need to do is accept this reality and adjust accordingly.

I'm in agreement with you on how things should be, but you're not being realistic. Feminism has fucked women up bad and it's only going to get worse, because let's face it women (more so leftists) don't do things in a direct and honest way. Overt communication is not how women naturally communicate. It's all subversion and manipulation. This is why women were not allowed positions of power and limited in what they're allowed to do for this reason.

Id rather see society break down than hand over the power to feminists so they can use it to hurt men and prevent them from being happy.

If you could convince half of the world population to do it, sure!

But you better believe its going to take a hell of convincing since we can't even coordinate the simplest of operations without it turning to shit (eg. Occupy wall street; gaymmergate; BLM; Unite the right).

Tldr: everyone is a special snowflake with massive egoa that feels entitled to things being their way or else they'll throw a tamper tantrum.

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>indy feminism

As in Indiana Jones? The fuck does that mean?

>women can easily find a guy who will put up with it

What's "it" here?

>Women are mostly LOW quality.

Define quality, and define "LOW", because taken at face value, I think you're wrong.

>If women were held accountable collectively socially

For what? "Women" have done nothing wrong.

>it's because betas enable them

Anyone espousing these views is pretty beta, desu. You're quite literally asking society and government to force girls to have sex with you (or something along those lines) rather than just choosing not to associate with people who play shitty games or just improving yourself till you've reached a point where a partner won't want to play games because they care about you more than that.

It comes off as
>I want to put no any effort in, rebuild society so I don't have to!
which is a pretty bad look for you, user.

>It comes off as
>>I want to put no any effort in, rebuild society so I don't have to!

You nailed it on your first try.

Men can't be sluts. Men can be studs. It's not as easy for most men to get sex as easily as most women. Men require skill, looks, game, resources, a combination of some of these to be stud. It takes effort and skill to be a stud.

A woman is a slut because it's very easy for women to get sex. She only has to exist and say yes or no.

Men who sleep around and women who sleep around are NOT equals.

Its a double standard that is valid just like the double standard that is worse for a man, especially a husband or bf, to hit a woman than the reverse.there are all sorts of double standards that are in the favor of women, but godforbid there is a double standard in the favor of men.

Women are so predictable and. Simple.

It would be easy if we made it a truly level playing field between men and women. A truly level playing field would leave women so vulnerable and insecure that they would be begging for the patriarchy to be reinstated. I guarantee you they would want it.

>most women who claim to be waiting are probably are just lying and are not really attracted to the guy and want to lead him on because it'll benefit her
There will always be degenerates who do this, naturally (and I despise born-again or technical 'virgins' for this kind of deception), but they're not hard to weed out. And I can guarantee you that the rationale of men who bail has nothing to do with the girl's honesty, it's almost invariably because they can't use her body.

>Women deserve to be allowed to drive off the cliff because they embraced feminism.
Even today, they're more sexually conservative than men. I'm not talking about reported partners, either, since one is too much before marriage. I'm talking about those who want to wait. Women outnumber men there, and they always have.

>Trying to preserve traditional practices has only resulted in women retaining the beneficial traditional aspects of it, in a completely selfish way, while simultaneously enjoying the modern benefits of feminism.
There are very few "benefits" of feminism unless you consider promiscuity an inherent good--which you shouldn't. Even if you believe full dissociation is necessary given current trends, there is no reason to lower yourself to the level of whores. If I can't find someone, I'll die alone.

>I'm in agreement with you on how things should be, but you're not being realistic.
How so? I know I can't singlehandedly change everything wrong with society, but at the same time it's hardly unrealistic to say one shouldn't add to the problem.

Because ~1/4 of men don't father children they make (23% of children are raised by single mothers), they only produce their worth in offspring for the next generation. Women are the ones that have to push it out and feed and care for it. Don't blame societies poor choices as a collective for the way it progresses without men having any value aside from production.
If men want equality then donate 1/3 cup of blood every month, and adopt a child if you want to stop for 9 months.

You should be raped and beaten almost th death for saging my threat. I hope you are raped.

While men and women are obviously different and a "double standard" isn't inherently wrong, in this case the double standard is selfish and untenable. If you encourage men to whore around and fuck everything that moves, you are necessarily going to make whores of women.

From the same source I posted further up:
>"Social and legal changes have given people more autonomy over individual and family decision making, including rights over marriage, children born out of wedlock, the use of birth control, abortion, and divorce (Stevenson and Wolfers, 2007). Once again, men may have been able to disproportionately benefit from these increased opportunities: Akerlof, Yellen, and Katz (1996) argue that sexual freedom offered by the birth control pill benefited men by increasing the pressure on women to have sex outside of marriage"

You either didn't understand a word I said or you're autistic and didn't understand a word I said.

Either way have fun shooting your load into your winter socks for the rest of your life.

Nope, men are sluts because they have to put on an act because they aren't valued for sex.

That's not what i said at all. They bought into feminism, typo.

Women are all low quality in terms of a serious relationship.

Women get away with so much whether it be in terms of the family court, and even just their behavior socially. You're either blind or a woman (a retarded one) if you don't understand what i mean.

Or you're a male in his early 20s with little to no romantic experience with women. Seriously 20 year old males really don't have valid opinions on this topic because they're usually white knight betas who perpetuate these issues because you're little faggot bois

Lol you're a western woman I don't care about your retarded and emotionally clouded opinion. You entitled little brat.

Go be a little good brap hog and cry about misogyny

Oh thanks for the salt, it'll go nicely with my incel mince pie.~

>>That's not what i said at all.

Everything I pulled was direct quotes.

>>Women are all low quality in terms of a serious relationship
>he defined low quality using the words "low quality"

>>Women get away with so much

Therefore you're entitled to their body or whatever? Fuck off with that garbage.

>>Or you're a male in his early 20s with little to no romantic experience with women.

Statistically speaking that's more than 2/3rds of the posters on the site, unironically why are you here if you don't plan to talk with 20-somethings?

I'm not saying to encourage men to do this. I simply stated that its a challenge for the majority of men to even whore around because it takes unique attributes and ability for a man to have this kind of sexual prowess.

But women it takes zero efforts and ability, even a fat disgusting woman have lots of sex.

Females who are sluts are not worthy of a serious relationship ever once they go down that path. Men who do the same, it just means they're desirable, it's not negative, men can still create strong bonds with women even if they've had many past partners. Women can't do the same, and sluts should understand they don't deserve love when they've behaved like sluts this is justice.

If you can't score, the law will just make women reluctantly deal with having to put out for you.

There's no winning until you admit you're your own worst problem. Until then, you'll always be the thing nobody wants to deal with. Not your parents, not women, nobody.

( like a chain saw) reee reee reee reee! Ree ree ree ree! Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Prostitution coupons will be the future of single payer if ya'll would just let it happen.

Rape is not a crime or immoral!! (but gay is so thats irrelevant, and so is pedophilia) rape= male on female nonconseual intercourse.

>Men who do the same, it just means they're desirable
Only on an individual level. I'm saying that if you don't constrain them, these natural inequalities will boil over and impact women, who CAN'T handle promiscuity like men.

Bitch imma rape you and cut your clit off for even thinking you should be able to voice your opinion to men like a man. You don't understand that the pendulum is swinging back the other way and the more migrants and third world refugees we allow into our first world countries, the further its going to swing. Women are in for a very rude awaking and i used to be far right and not want any darkies or refugees to come to our once great society. But i hatd feminists so much that i think as should open the borders completely. Then women will regret ever even having the ability to vote. You're naive and i don't think you understand. That's ok though when Tyrone and his buddies are running a rape Train on you, you'll realize.

>damage people physically and/or mentally irreparably for what? Your selfish pettiness you are the cause of
>not a crime or immoral
You know what's not a crime nor immoral imo? Killing people like you.

Who gives a fuck about womens welfare? They don't give a FUCK about mens welfare and the GOVERNMENT backs women. Thats a big "fuck you" to all men. Yet you think men should still be obligated to protect and sacrifice for women? If you believe that you're as bad as a jew.

Men need to collectively allow women to hang themselves, to crash and burn. That's all women deserve.

What's that?
You're saying we should import more complacent men that are willing to work and submit for their status as opposed to letting the incel fruits fester our wombs with school shooters?
I hear you!


Wrong. You faggot. But there is nothing wrong with raping women. Theyre just as capable and able and intelligent as men right? They should have no problem standing on their own two feet. Men who defend women are litterally patronizing women ans treating them as if they are not capable.

One day things will be so fucked up people wont even be worrying about rape happening or not.

>Who gives a fuck about womens welfare? They don't give a FUCK about mens welfare
I care about both, within the context of a stable and happy society.
>Yet you think men should still be obligated to protect and sacrifice for women?
I don't give a shit about degenerates. I do care about morality. And the end result of this thinking is the death of all morality. You're focusing your vitriol on women where it should be focused on whores. All this selfishness ends up doing is perpetuating a cycle of degeneracy, where whores and manwhores point to each other as a justification for their shitty behavior, even when that behavior impacts the innocent.

If you want to pump and dump whores or single mothers, fine, harm yourself. But when you extend that thinking to the point where you see no issue in taking advantage of a young and naive girl for your own pleasure, then you are not only degenerate within yourself, you are a veritable threat.

Stfu you piece of fuck meat roastie. Women deserve what ever bad happens to them in societies that took feminism seriously. No more special treatment or protections. You're going right to the rape cage.

>Men are entitied to women's bodies.

What men? What women? How are they entitled? What about gay men? Are gay men entitled to them, even though they don't want them? Are gay men entitled to men's bodies? What about asexual men, are they entitled to women's bodies?

>No man should feel excluded

Literally the crux of the problem here: you're posting on an advice board, complaining that men 'should never feel excluded'. There are men being raped, beaten, killed, there are men in abusive relationships- fuck most men submit themselves to horrible lifestyles because of the immense pressure that is given to them.

And out of all of that, you think this is the real problem, the real heart of the issue- men 'shouldn't' feel excluded.

Grow up, you're not entitled to shit, no one is. Complain all you want, most other people are just rising to the challenge and are out there having fun despite the ups and downs.

To bad they don't give a fuck about you or your values. By being a traditional whiteknight you're being a fucking cuck. You're enabling women having no character. It's fucking wrong. You should be raping them like a real man

Gay men should all be shot along with lesbians. Only heterosexuals are relevant and human beings. This is fair

If you really wanted me to stop raping women you wouldn't be talking back and arguing. I've raped so many women in my life time and there is nothing you can do to stop me. Reeeeeeeeee!

That's right. A silence is consent. This means im correct. End the persecution of rapists! Reeeee!

>By being a traditional whiteknight you're being a fucking cuck. You're enabling women having no character.
I am far from a white knight. I have advocated the death penalty for adultery.
>You should be raping them like a real man
Actual, forcible rape should also be a capital offense.

No it shouldnt and you're a facist for persecuting rapists. Rapists should be ae to live their life however it makes them happy.

Based and redpilled

>I'd rather see marriage break down, and society to dwindle out than live in a society that gives women all the power.
Why not both?

I'm really just trying to say that it's not that bad if promiscuous women are raped. If it's a good wife And mother she doesn't deserve to be raped. Or if she is waiting for the right guy and doesn't sleep around she doesn't deserve rape.
But if a woman is a slut anyways its not that different from what she normally does if she is raped.

Right Hitler? If she was a slut anyways who cares? She does that all the time anyways. If we teach rapists to just rape sluts then we can protect the undamaged women. Just saying.

I am truly ashamed to share a planet with garbage like you.

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>how do we take away women's sexual power
Want to know how that turns out? Its not that you get to fuck and they can't say no.

What happens, consistently in highly patriarchal societies, is that sexual authority promulgates to male relatives. The only change an incel experiences is that Dad the Chad, who had enough social currency to be approved for a mate, is the one who manipulates him instead of Stacy. Thats it. You're still frozen out.

>decriminalize rape
You're delusional if you don't realize that the outcome of that would be self-help remedies. The only people who would be capable of taking advantage of such a system would be the extremely strong and the socially well-positioned. Someone bitching about not being able to get laid and how pussies give women power over them is going to be neither. Decriminalization just means you're going to get your head kicked in instead of a day in court.

You're what happens when a dumpster grows arms and legs.

That doesn't even make sense

Op stop talking to white knights and women. It's like talking to a wall that wants to hurt you.

Women don't want equality but more entitlements. They're inferior parasitic worms.

They're degenerates when free.

It's retarded to be expected for men to traditional but the woman not.

Why not keep your dick out of your hand and just not fall for the manipulation OP?

You guys just have the single worst taste in women of all men that most will ever meet. You deliberately seek out the whoriest, trashiest bitches and then are surprised when they're trashy, whorey bitches.

It's like watching you eat nothing but candy, never brush your teeth but bitch that the dentist always seems to find cavities. You're running into a wall and not helping anyone.

It's not even that most women aren't at least sorta trashy nowadays, it's just that that's all you go for. You always go for women who are trashy. The ones who aren't don't put out and don't posit like they'll put out and don't dress like they'll put out and since they don't, they don't look like they're looking for relationships because your guys' ideas of relationships and sex are so intrinsically linked they might as well be siamese concepts-- one cannot exist without the other. So these girls, who actually meet the standards you claim to have, appear boring and uninteresting to you and you regard them as emotionally unavailable. Meanwhile, all the girls you DO pursue are girls who are happy to drop signs on guys while they're also in a relationship, who post their high-waist Calvin Kleins all over instagram, who have two types of legwear and both are leggings, who can't possibly think of leaving the house and not also looking at least 7/10 fuckable, never mind looking like the piece of ass that's first up for grabs.

You guys like sluts, but you hate sluts that don't slut out for you. You're the ones who think otherwise, the ones who think you look differently. That's just not how it works, though.

Exactly. Thank you for atriculating it a little more tactfully then me. I know i can come across as a little offensive at times, although that's not intentional.

You sound like blue pill beta who thinks his first gf is a little pure princess. Guess what all women are sluts.

>it's the mans fault women suck.


Listen up NUT PUNK, there's no modest women, no good women, no traditional women, no non sluts out there, no non kunts out there.

I also don't want your fat women, rather get hiv and AIDS and the skin cancer than touch a ham planet.

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Exactly and if she's a slut anyways why is it a big deal if she is raped. I mean penises are designed to go in vaginas so how is rape wrong?.

If a woman can have emotionally detached sex with a man and it doesn't affect her negatively why does consent matter? Consent is a social construct, it is semantics, it does not have an inherent tangible meaning. Rape is just a made up thing used to emotionally manipulate men and to squeeze resources and attention out of the men. Women are vampires this is how they operate.

Women can have emotionally detached sex and be unaffected, well they can do that during a rape also. Stop falling for this emotional blackmail known as "consent". It's all a mind fuck. Women are very emotionally driven but their emotions are shallow.

You guys will have a lot of time to ponder this while getting butt raped in prison. It's natural to fuck men's assholes when there is nothing else available right?

You're fucking disgusting and that's not even fucking funny to joke about that happens all the time and its wrong and society doesn't even care or try to prevent it. Your fucked k the head

I will butt rape ur mom.

The irony is palpable. I love it.
Keep being the shameful rejects. We'll happily enjoy our girlfriends while you sit there wishing rape was legal because legal repercussion scares the shit out of you.

Stfu. You're a cuck.

>Generalizing 3.5 billion people as inferior parasitic worms
>Being tactfully articulate

Pick one.

But it's true.

I'm sure its true in whatever deluded incel universe you live in. Unfortunately for you we all live in reality; a reality which, incidentally, is too terrifying for you to live in so as a reaction you've created your own.

The concept of "rape" and "concept" that treats a womans body as if it inherently has value. Women were taught that they have value as human beings beyond that of an object. This is the main issue. Women need to just accept what they're really worth and when they do they'll discard the concept of rape. I trained all my ex gfs like this and it worked well until I got bored with them and moved on.

I find it endlessly intriguing how a human mind can be warped and distorted to the point that it actually begins to rationalize these kinds of completely unhinged delusions. I'm very curious, where do you believe your value is? I'm not talking about "men" as an amalgamation I mean you personally. Your pathological method of devaluing your female partners and making them feel worthless so they are more palatable to you is very telling but I don't want to make any guesses. What was your childhood like?

It IS true. Women have never produced as much as men have but they've always consumed more. Think about it on a biological basis. Women needed men because when they got pregnant and while breast feeding they had to consume more.

This shows in things like the fact men as a whole make more money, pay more taxes as a result and look at things like alimony payments, child support payments, social services like financial assistance, food stamps, medicaid. Wome. Litterally are parasitic relative to men. This is objectively true. You could use a word other than Parasitic so it sounds nicer but it means the same thing.

Also look at obamacare. Even if men and women paid the same premium, women get sick and go the doctor more than men do not taking into account the obgyn, so include that too and they use significantly more medical resources than men do.

Oh you again

Go back to Jow Forums nobody here likes you

The thing is that, as a result of personal life choices, men as s whole make way more money and therefore pay much more money into obamacare while women use the healthcare WAY more.. This is not fucking fair. Then take into account all the single mothers (who irresponsibly made poor choice with their body that resulted in allowing themselves to get pregnant) who own children they can't afford and use healthcare too (which men pay for because they collectively make way more money than women and are the main source for tax revenue).

I don't give a fuck if they got impregnated by a man. That man had no say in if she got an abortion or not so he shouldn't be obligated. Womens bodies is THEIR choice and THEIR PROBLEM.

Women are absolutely parasitic in nature. Men litterally are the ONLY reason why women are safe, have food, have a home, and have health care. And look how ungrateful women have become. They still fucking whine and cry "hey government he looked at me!" and they invent litteral bullshit ideas likr "rape culture" so they can victimize themselves and be even more greedy beca"men are bad and oppressed us so WE'RE ENTITLED TO MORE AND MORE AND MORE and we'll continue to collectively demonize men, we'll even go as so far to stary teaching little boys in public school that masculinity is bad"

Women in western countries are so fucking entitled its sickening and twisted. Men, white men, have literally created all the positive things you enjoy in these clean, safe, and civil societies and look how women return the favor. The more you give to women the more they hate you. And not only do they just personally hate you, they start an entire social movements to trick and manipulate other younger into hating men and masculinity.

Outside if the satirical posts, I'm correct and women have a really good fucking deal and they DO NOT deserve it at all.

You're right, you should have a complete surgical castration instead, and be hung by the neck.


Lets put aside the fact that 90% of what you said was either factually wrong, dubious, falsely generalized or cherry picked to fit your narrative; what exactly is your solution to this crazy problem that seemingly only autists on the internet seem to be aware of or give a shit about? I see a lot of you simultaneously expressing your dominance as "straight white men" and also playing the victim card so I'm confused as to what exactly your angle here is. I'm assuming the both of you have no meaningful relationships with women. What do you think is the solution to that? Give me a run down in Incel 101. I'm curious.

>Men litterally are the ONLY reason why women are safe, have food, have a home, and have health care
I love this sentence, btw. Women are the only reason men are alive? I noticed you conveniently left that part out.

Lol fuck you bitch say it to my face and see what happens. Women are generally little fucking cowards though and would never stand toe to toe to a man. Bitch-lasagna. This is why women don't deserve the same amount of respect or deserve to be taken as seriously. You didn't earn your liberties by building cities and fighting in wars. You whines and cried and acted like a victim. Then instead of taking your liberties to strive for full equality, you took them and strived for revenge, thats what #metoo is about. Women are weak cowards, not only physically but intellectually. The only thing you're good at is emotional manipulation and that only works on men who dont understand women. One day that little game will be up. More and more men are taking the red pill and seeing feminism as a scam. It's all backfiring in your face.

Everything I said is objectively true and the whole truth. Which points did you disagree with btw? It's not my job to education, but I'm a nice guy, I don't mind schooling you a bit, especially because if you're a woman you need it. Feminism teaches lies and misleads naive and inexperienced women.

Women are retards.

Attached: image.jpg (204x247, 5K)

croccodile tears

Men earned their position and made the progress made in all stem fields, and medical, ect. And they worked in the coal mines, and as mason, and carpenters. Men EARNED their position in the world by producing results and progressing society. Women used deceitfulness and emotional manipulation to get ahead.

You're right men wouldn't be here without our mothers. I see your point, women do serve one purpose and contributed in one way so maybe i should be a little less harsh.

Mods here are pretty slow, huh?

Fakes news. DC is leftwing shithole.

Oh like I give a fuck about that article. I've had women who treated me well. Tbh i kind of took advantage sometimes they were generous with me.

That Does not mean I don't see how fucked up society and gender dynamics, and especially woman are. Women are not really worthy of being taken seriously in ltr these days.

Most women, especially women who've slept with a lot of guys, are LOW quality and don't ever deserve to have a man to be in an ltr with. Men instinctively know not to take sluts seriously, that's why women lie and how big of a slut they are. If it was ok for a woman to be a slut women wouldn't conceal it or lie about it

Kill all women.

>Everything I said is objectively true
100% false. Your inability to understand what is and isn't objective kind of disqualifies you from being anywhere near anybody that could be considered an educator. Your opinions are mostly cherry picked. You focus on one solitary aspect of an argument and ignore anything that could possibly invalidate the narrative you already want to believe. Classic confirmation bias. You start with a conclusion and then gather the evidence to validate that conclusion. What specifically do you know about social entitlement programs? What data do you use to conclude that women disproportionately utilize these services to the point of being deserved to be called parasites? Whats the percentages? You mention the ways in which women disproportionately use medicaid, food stamps etc., but fail to mention things like the fact that men are more likely than women to use all categories of illicit substances and therefore are a disproportionate drain on our resources. You fail to mention how massively expensive our prison industrial complex is and just how much money is sunk in every year into state supervision, policing, rehab medicine and corrections. My point is you leave all of this information out because it doesn't fit your narrative. You talk about how women make the irresponsible choice to be single mothers yet completely ignore male responsibility to the children they had a 50% stake in creating. You see what you want to see and nothing more. Selective knowledge is just as useless as ignorance, user.