What could possibly cause the fall of the American Empire?

What could possibly cause the fall of the American Empire?

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>What could possibly cause the fall of the American Empire?
Not finishing the last two slices and breadsticks

the same shit that caused rome to fall

That image hurts my brain for some reason.

i can't imagine leaving some garlic butter dipping sauce unused.

Your male population doesn't even meet basic fitness requirments for the armed forces. What's worse is that it isn't just a fitness problem, their diet have been poor since they where in the womb so even if they get fit their body would literally break down if they did infantry shit.

The only good recruiting base is rural areas and maybe latinos because some of them still have mothers that cook food.

And all the chemicals in our food and everyday item is basically the same as the lead in the aqueduct. The economy is also shit.

So its Rome all over again, you have latinos (insead of germanics) in your army, you have glyposathe (instead of lead) in your food and you debased your own currency.

And the highest paying people are celebrity cooks and sports star that does fuck all

go eat your beetloaf, faggot

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i don't know why people even get bread sticks, they never get eaten... the goddamn pizza crust basically is bread sticks

Jewish subversion. Think of a parasite sucking off a host until the host becomes weak/dies etc.

Unironically, a simple tweet from Trump.

Not us. White beta males will cause the destruction of the American empire

im finna bust a nut

yessir they're pretty shitty

Your food

>Fork and Knife

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Same reasons the Roman Empire collapsed. Corrupt leadership, over extended military, devalued currency, influx of foreigners, trade deficits, increased welfare state and degredation of morals snd values.

But those could never happen in America.

allowing women to vote

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Women voting

>defeat the greatest threat to humanity
>defend the free world form you former allie
>be the culture model for the last 80 years
>creates a society that no longer needs manuel laybor
>be fat and stupit then die after importing the 3rd world


No thanks, she'll be the lady in the picture

after marrying one of you niggers with 18 children

America doesn't have an empire. America is just America. Pretty fucking powerful country but nor an empire

American empire??? hahahaha you's a puppet for the british imperialist empire.... Wait ofcourse its the jews which control everything n i bet yas believe im a jew aswel bc yas soo fucking stupid! So go swallow yas masters cum fucking fagrats!

why did he do that? After a point he probably did not even enjoy the taste of the food. It's just self-torture.

Niggers,Jews, and spics

Swedish empire rose and fell quicker than a fart escaping a fan factory. :DDD

Probably the pit of ineptitude, corruption, and incompetence.

How dare you go against the made-up phony anti-jingoistic sentiment by the left!!

Probably a fetishist. Or maybe he just likes pizza.

The white man's poisonous food.

Wasting food, there is still a handful of breadsticks and about 1.5 slices of pizza left.

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I love Papa John's but is so expensive

i thought that was a map of europe at the bottom left there...