What's gonna happen to this generation of kids when they grow up?
What's gonna happen to this generation of kids when they grow up?
Brayden Adams
Brayden Wright
The look on that kid's face at that Jew.
Nathaniel Parker
Higher suicide rate
William Perez
they'll rebel by being the most traditional generation since the 1920s.
Daniel Hughes
Ethan Peterson
It's gonna be all traps all the time
Andrew Wilson
Just imagine being so mentally ill that you actually take your kid to this
Hudson Collins
Nothing this is all the white kids for a 10 mile radius. White women in the US who aren’t suburbanites have a birth rate of 1.25.
Benjamin Robinson
Kids always rebell agains bullshit. This generation will be further right than any of you faggots larp to be.
Cooper Turner
They will commit suicide because of depression of how the world is or for being gay... that will cause the same effect, so death is the only certainty