Virginia Governor/Lieut. Governor shit show is a deep state action aimed at the Democrats

The Deep State has turned on the Democrats. The operation was run by a contractor of an entity within the CIA. The resulting turmoil was aimed to discredit the Democrats before the State of the Union. As I mentioned earlier this week the Deep State is now with Trump. The Democrats have become unreliable.

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>The Deep State has turned on the Democrats.
Oh shit, so we might finally be able to meet in the mid-
>The Democrats have become unreliable.

kys kike.

what you MEAN to say, is that the deepstate has finally succeeded in buying out Trump.

Help me understand the dynamics. Is the deep state without ideology? Or is it all about controlling the contracts?

Nah. They're just eating their own.

When you have that many rules and treat each of them as holy writ it's only a matter of time before they consume you.

Took you damn long enough. Virginia is a swamp btw.

Flag checks out

>The Deep State has turned on the Democrats.
Of course they have. They realized that they are advisers to the only lineages in America that matter, not dictators to them.

Leftists will be purged. Everlasting night.

You’re retarded. They did it to disgracing from the heavily opposed infanticide bill from getting any worse reception.

interesting, but you need to put in more thought to sell it.

nah the guy let the cat out of the bag on abortion so they pulled the racism trigger to get him removed. the lt governor bullshit is preemptive action it'll get cleared up so it cant be used aginsit him once hes installed in office, wouldnt surprise me if he leaked it himself.

the kikes are still playing all sides, eliminate the jewish lobby and all their sycophants

The ziokikes run both sides, Chaim.
They are stirring up the maximum amount of available butthurt.
Divide and conquer 101.

If you still buy into the demorat and republiscum WWF wrestling match you need to leave pol and gas yourself. They all serve the jew.

Why do we live rent free in your minds, goyim?

Not OP, The DeepState isn't some Ideological group believing in the success of an agenda. It's all about maintaining financial independence to carry out whatever goal they are trying to obtain.

Political parties are agendas to push because the people in them will grant privileges such as exclusive contracts, information, and connections to other sources.

The DeepState in general is all about Money, What the organization can do, and Who the organization it knows that can do something for them.

Nepotism is old as time itself.

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>> the Deep State is now with Trump
Nope. The deep state can't jump ship. The deep state takes the power away from We the People and Trumps mission was to give it back. The deep state must be destroyed.

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Informative post. TY user. We're fighting the banking Borg. Pay no attention to those financial wizards behind the curtain.

Trump freed Saudi Arabia isis fighter
You don't get deeper the Trump

Why are Saudi Arabians killing so many American college students under Trump ?

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Nope the Deep State has numerous players. Several groups have been neutralized, the Hillary Clan, and the multiparty folks. The rest have jumped ship and are on board with Trump because the Democrats have become so radicalize they realize Trump is the only adult in the room. Do you really think this Virginia situation just happened? There were files on those two stretching back years the decision was made to activate those files and burn both Democrats down. An added bonus is the Governor so far at least will not resign and the Lieut. Governor is paranoid the Governor is out to get him. In the next few days a story will go out about the Lieut, Governor sexual escapades with another woman that he forced to have anal sex and normal sex with in the back of his car.

The "deep state" was never "with" Democrats.

>and Trumps mission was to give it back.
lmao sure.

Because Jews can't turn down anything that's free?

Kys shill fag

So are this weeks indictments still happening?

I'm calling bullshit, you don't spend three years trying to destroy the President and then suddenly shake hands and all is forgotten.

Deep state was "with" established politicians. Both sides. They are not "with" Trump. They dont own him. Maybe they'll deal with him, but I pray he resists and hope he will play his cards as the election draws near.

>tfw it takes three years to realize you made a mistake

They had the photo on standby as they have dirt on most people, it was released to distract from the fact he revealed their child sacrifice plan. They won’t even acknowledge he said that in CNN

>The Deep State has turned on the Democrats.
>The Democrats have become unreliable.
Moloch will fucking kill you and your fucking families in the end. He's got no use for you all. The devil must be destroyed and you, his servant must go too.



The only way you will understand what is called the deep state is to understand there is not one deep state but several. Each with its own agenda. The goals can vary but generally do not waver from they quest for power and survival. In this sense they are aligned with the national interest which is the same. Its just they have been exposed to a lot of crazy and a number of folks are bat shit crazy and have unlimited funds. In that sense millions to carry out their flavor of the month. For example regime change in Venezuela now is supported by private interests after their oil resources, and the military wanting to keep Russia and China out. Also the Drug Cartels are working with various political groups in the US to keep the other folks at bay. The amount of money involved is unbelievable. My bet is Venezuela will just continue to be a shit show with no one getting what they want, but at least the process continues and everyone gets paid.

Liar faggot stooge. They don't care about the nation. As you explained, they care about their own power.

We'll see what happens at the sotu

No, it was actually we - the Russians.

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I would guess... This one!

1/10 LARP


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you stated in a previous thread that every once in a while there needs to be a war to shake up the deep state, because eventually they all become corrupted. now you are saying they are with Trump. how do we know they aren't just playing along in order to lull him into a false sense of security? and when are the powers that be going to shut down this shit show that Andrew Weissmann is running? CNN got Stones indictment before the courts? WTF is going on?

Group of worlds most powerful in the west, they work for their interest(they pay them). Their enemies are the pleebs of the West and Russia and China

Give things a little time. Beginning with tomorrow an incredible sequence of events really begins. As far as Weissmann goes he has his own problems that will surface soon enough. Another desk to piss on.

I actually half-way agree. Bolton, Barr, and the gang are the swamp. Democrats are fucked.

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Wtf. I love the deep state now.

>Beginning with tomorrow an incredible sequence of events really begins
With all due respect, why should this statement be given any credibility? Q has been making statements like this for over a year, and Q's predictions have been 75% bullshit. The 25% that are credible have been meager breadcrumbs. What makes you any different?

I would suggest you believe nothing for now and simply get a bag of popcorn and enjoy the show. See who goes out the windows and compare it to what has been said.

>In the next few days a story will go out about the Lieut, Governor sexual escapades with another woman that he forced to have anal sex and normal sex with in the back of his car.
True if big.

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bumping for more knowledge, DoJ user.

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basically the deep state is a prostitute going between left and right based on tips

>Another desk to piss on

could you elaborate on this a bit?

All I know is that Ralph Northam (VA Gov.) has been chosen to give the rebutthole to Pres. Trump's SOTU address! I saw a picture of him when they announced it on the news. Didn't state his name, but it had to be him.



The Deep State are white hats within the MID.

You don't. But have I got a deal for you! FREE, that's right, I said FREE heat to keep you warm this winter!

The space is located in a pizza oven, and all you have to pay is a service fee for the labor needed to keep you warm. And safe, don't want to forget that part! Yes, kike, you'll be warm and safe, for FREE!

Trust me, this will be what is best for you.

Not all those actors are Jews. At least get it accurate.



The real deep State makes 24 Billion annually from sovereign Injun mines in canada and Alaska.
Virginia has the oldest Anthropological sites on North America, Virginia is Solutrean land.
After Charlottsville Terry Mcauliff was blah blah Injun lands, Indians first, only injuns have rights etc etc.
Virginia is key since that is where the Solutreans landed 24,000 years ago. Now DS is pushing shit like NODAPL and Chief 4 teeth.

Do you really think that? Have you ever won at anything? Go out and get in a fight. You'll make a friend.

>Go out and get in a fight.


I have so many eyes.

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eyes for days.

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Another FBIanon type guy said he was gonna piss on Rosenstein's desk or something lol

ew gross
what's wrong with the fbi

>buy out Trump
>A billionaire
>turboillegal bribery using taxpayer dollars

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Lots, apparently.