Do you think a guy like on the left would ever have a chance with a girl like on the right?

Do you think a guy like on the left would ever have a chance with a girl like on the right?

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If he got in shape yes

taht guy legit looks like heimbach

Maybe, I guess?

if you’ve ever been to a meet up you’ll know that most Jow Forumsacks are actually chad

That terrible cutting of the edge of his shield tells me that was the first time he ever used a jigsaw and he makes me sick. Jesus, I could cut curves better than that when I was 10.

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The shield was made by someone from IE, Fields showed up by himself and they had spares.

Well, whomever made that shield is a terrible craftsman who has no skill or love for his art and would be executed for Crimes Against Woodcraft if I were in charge of Internet Explorer.

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Uhh yeah! That bitch is ugly

not from prison

yep. that dude looks like a stud, my man. total beefcake.

Pretty much any of those dudes on the left could score a pretty wife, including the lady on the right. Women don't care about much, but they care about:
If you can give her 2 of 3, she'll stay.

Well he is in a cell somewhere eating Doritos

I don't get it. Where's the girl?

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Who are these guys?

No, because James Fields might get life in prison and looks like that girl is taken and has a child judging by the crib and
cleaning products in the background.

>Only two people notice both are dudes, and it takes a dozen replies before it is noticed

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Sorry, I was too stuck on raging on the terrible craftsmanship of that fucking shield that looks like it as made by a Finnish autist on 3 pots of coffee and 2 fifths of Viru Valge to notice anything else.

Attached: Shit1.jpg (503x461, 55K)

Ya but only if the one on the right happens to have a dick

Sure can. I bet if he pulled upto her in a Lambo she would probably jump right in and start suckin.

Trannies support Hitler? There's also a baby crib in the background. But I don't know tbqh. You could be right.

The guy on the far left yes. The other guys not likely.

if he lost some weight and worked out
yes, but seeing as how the right is a man as well then he should have no problem