How did he live until 94 years old? Jewish medicine?

How did he live until 94 years old? Jewish medicine?

Attached: 220px-George_H._W._Bush_crop.jpg (220x277, 17K)

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Im just waiting for jimmy carter to strike 100

Child sacrifices and drinking the blood of dead babies.

Does this actually work? Sounds pretty comfy

replace the word mice with humans
>Aged Mice Repeatedly Injected with Plasma from Young Mice: A Survival Study

'the repeated injections of young plasma did not significantly impact either median or maximal lifespan.'

Did you even fucking read the study?

Blood ritual of children. But you guys know he's still alive, right? Don't forget that his personal physician died under very mysterious circumstances last year.

Tell me more user

Stem cell injections repair failing organs due to aging

Why Is everything about the jews with you guys? Why are you so obsessed like blacks are with whites

blood of the young

forgot your meme flag kike

Yes, I have, the procedure reverses the effects of age-related impairments (improved neural plasticity) which produced a better quality of life for the aging mice, and that was from 2014.
In 2017 another research paper was published where the stem cells from the umbilical cord were used which revitalized aged tissue:
so go shove a loaded shotgun in your mouth and pull the trigger, be sure to have what's left of your body donated to someone that will do more with it than you ever will, like a jew

because jews r to whites what whites are to the blacks. the top tier lad

King CIA glow-In-the-dark nigger had secret alien anti-aging technology.

... that's what I like to think, anyway.

Remember when his private doctor was murdered before Bush died?


The will to live.

>Blood ritual of children. But you guys know he's still alive, right?
He's dead as shit.

ACTH doesn't improve the quality or duration of life, it just gets you high

You can stop and even reverse aging, guys. I've done it-no blood from anyone involved. Stopping it is far easier.

the fake stuff just gets you high, you need to get the real stuff

Attached: 1549228254912.jpg (600x450, 79K)

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pls dont advertise ur cringe mc discrod heere thanks