This Lucian, second born son of the Demon, Baal

Reply to this thread or he will join you tonight.

Attached: 86EF0BE9-2AA1-42C4-8102-D43F7E8BC81F.jpg (1024x781, 41K)

Delete this thread and he will take your life


Faggot ass nigger

Begone Satan

Fuck. Checked, Satan.


that's the kid from Come and See the anti-Nazi Russokike propaganda film

I literally just watch you reply to another thread with this image all freaked out.

Its from a soviet wwii film called come and see

Kys fagleaf

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May Christ the redeemer repel any of your advances.


That was a dream. One I gave you.

It exists but only with you.

Uhh checked?

fuck off leaf

>gets called out
>deletes post and furthers larp at same time
Stick tap to you leaf

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Begone nog

Looks like he could use some eye drops if he's going to hold his eyes open like that all the time.

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jannies wyd

this thread needs jesus

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My friend, you should check IDs before playing games with my kind

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This is Aleksei Kravchenko from the movie "Come and see" , 1985 .

Attached: p51996_d_v8_aa.jpg (960x1440, 239K)


Let the power of Christ compel you!!!!!!!!! Bitch

Ohhhhh , OP meant that HE was Lucian, second born son of the Demon, Baal .

Reply to this post or you will wake up with a bed covered in Nate silvers lost hair

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>and he will
Not , not what OP meant . OP WTF are you talking aboot ?

He looks fine now

Attached: 49091578e0d13425e6-aleksey-kravchenko-1.jpg (660x440, 33K)

Yes it does .

Attached: GTFO.jpg (640x920, 57K)
