Why do Americans do this? First trip in the usa and realized Americans are the niggers of white people. Am I lying!...

Why do Americans do this? First trip in the usa and realized Americans are the niggers of white people. Am I lying!? People from abroad who have visited Americans tell them is this not true.

Attached: 3004906268_fc8e21154f_z.jpg (500x375, 85K)

Wear boots?


Forgot your vpn ya lover loving faggot


Wear boots?


>that ID
>gay white male ONIONS

Attached: 7B92C6BE-6550-446A-83DA-87456C98E38F.png (378x357, 81K)

I wore my docs when I was in Japan because they were the comfiest shoes I had and I was doing a lot of walking. I had other shoes for when I was going to bars though

I don’t get it, I always grab food on the way back from work and I never get any bad looks for having mucky work boots