Max Headroom incident

Hey pol, what do you make of the Max Headroom incident all those years back?

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pepsi your marketing team sucks ass please dont ruin max headroom too

Spergs with access to electronics can create some weird shit

post this on reddit, fag

as shit as airwave security is now, it was worse in the 80's. In fact, they had NO security back then, so anyone with the right equipment could do the same

>Doesn't post link to video

I dont know OP. Whoever it was, he was one of us before there was an us. He was Jow Forums before the internet.

Stop sliding, shill

so picture this, the judeo-christian devil is real, shows up and starts killing all of the worlds gays and blacks.

When there are naught but a few niggers and faggots left, a straight white male will arise and call the devil a nigger-faggot before killing him. Leftism will completely fall within an hour.

Heres the incident that occurred that night before the 2nd longer broadcast

You're the shill kike if you dont know about the max headroom pirating incident. Unironically /ourguy/ faggot.

9/11 trial run.

I love it. fucking old school.This lead to a national network of radio triangulation in this US and encrypted TV signals. Never to be repeated, never to be out done.

Never knew

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Just a bored guy who had the tech and knowhow to pull something like that off just to fuck around. So pretty much people here

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I miss neat shit like that.
To go back...

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I dug into it a lot a while back and basically what I found was that there was a group of friends all into hacking and phreaking. The weird/ autistic kid of the group, another members younger brother, always talked about doing something big. They always thought he was bullshitting then this happened in their hometown they even remember the older brother having a single glove left in his car. The autist never told anyone if it was him or not but most in their circle just assumed it was.

Didn’t it happen in Chicago.



Guy or (guys) was a gangster. No one has ever repeated this feat since. To this day, no one has even attempted to disrupt regular broadcasting for no other reason than to have a laff.

I'd shake his hand, ask him how he did it and generally be so starstruck if I ever met this cunt.

How long you been on pol

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Yeah. I suppose it could have been anyone and their only real clue was the glove left in the brothers car and Max's autistic behavior on air but there isn't a whole lot of information out there

A good few years back on a /b/ confessions thread someone owned upto being max headroom. He's pretty humble about it being a prank with a mate.

would love screenshots, archives, anything else to verify this. I want to believe, but I would never believe anyone on Jow Forums or /b/ in particular when they said anything about anything.

nightmare fuel for kids

>7 1/2 hrs

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broadcast autist commits the only hijack to ever occur in the country and has absolutely nothing to say
mumble incoherently for a while and resorts to homoeroticism

that's what makes it so epic. He literally was Jow Forums before Jow Forums existed. Like, these nerds didn't want to change the world or nothing, they were just havin a fuckin giggle.

Not everyone has an ambition to rule the world user, despite what the larpers on this board think.

A bunch of kids did it to have fun. I hope they're alive and tell the story one day.

Wrong. Its happened before and since

It's a guy having fun with his autistic brother and girlfriend.

He did it for the lulz and we're still talking about it decades later. I'd buy him a hooker if I had the chance.

B&R m8

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No, this used to happen all the time. Kikes are not smart, just bold. Why do you think CNN got caught selling interview questions to Clinton..?