Who was right?

Why is this shit showing up on my browsers news feed. I dont even have instagram. instagram.com/p/Btd9JtfgOET/

Attached: 08306080105.jpg (1439x2692, 1.64M)

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So that retards like you read it

>bitter whore face
>double chin
>attention whore

We should thank niggers for taking this trash out of our gene pool.

hol up
Is that bitch flying with an Ayyyy in the other seat?
What's on that niggers head?

Attached: 33378158_235172610579710_5483780124312600576_n.jpg (350x350, 33K)

So this kike Grossman and his work The Black Book of Soviet Jewry, which is full of bullshit, was used as crucial evidence in the Nuremberg Trials. He co-wrote it along with the kike Ehrenburg, who said all Germans should be destroyed.

Attached: Grossman-1945.jpg (312x318, 17K)

Here's an excerpt of one of his essays. Does this sound rational?

Attached: HellOfTreblinka.png (1163x231, 27K)

she successfully reproduced bro

Im honestly just tired of seeing it all, I almost never read anything I am not looking, for but this was one of 3 SJW bullshit pieces that were recc'd. No thanks.

Aside from the fact two of her kids seem to have some sort of skin pigment deficiency. It blows my mind that a crying child is everyone elses problem but her own. Next time I hear a crying baby on an airplane I am gunna smoke a cigar seems fair.

Having a nigger child who looks nothing like you is not successfully reproducing.

Nazi bot?