Is it okay to string men along for as long as you can if your life is depressing and the love and attention you get...

Is it okay to string men along for as long as you can if your life is depressing and the love and attention you get from people madly in love with you is the only bright spot of warmth in your life, even if you destroy said people in the process?

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No. Kill yourself.

No , jesus think about how you would feel if someone did this to you, you would feel like shit.

Sure, the men are the ones who are retarded enough to fall in love with you

But do you guys understand how it feels? How when life is nothing but a cold, dark, scary tunnel, you'll cling to any sort of warmth or light you can find? I know that in the process, I bring coldness to the lives of others, that I douse their own warmth and happiness... but the desire to take care of myself and distract from my depression and fear is strong.

Why dont you cling to my warmth instead...

Ma'am, you are on Jow Forums's advice board. Many of the people here are so lonely that they'll literally pay prostitutes to just cuddle with them. No one on this website has any sympathy for you if you're going to be so selfish and cruel, nor should they.
Be better.

How it feels to be psychopath? Nope.

Why not just admit you're a selfish person who causes suffering for your own happiness and call it a day? There's really no need to try to victimize yourself. I'm not really bothered by what you do, but you are just going to anger others the more you try to justify yourself.

so how is she a psychopath ?

>I bring coldness to the lives of others
in which way user

They feel cold and betrayed when they realize I never loved them, that there was never a prayer of me dating them, that I was only saying romantically ambiguous things to them so that they would love me for longer and feed me with more love and affection, and that the 'special' relationship we shared was actually a bond I simultaneously have with many others.

thats fucked dude

Ok cool. Why dont you just fuck them and thats ist, then ?

They don't want a night of sex. They want a lifetime together.

OP youre a manipulative asshole. Still I wonder if it would be possible...


Guess what, the people who are most susceptible for being stringed along feel the same way, and you make it even worse for them. Get your shit together instead of ruining it for others.

If what would be possible?

1/10, only because it will get (You)'s
this b8 is bad and you should feel bad

Nevermind, it was just a thought. Doesnt matter. Its just my... no, forget it. Its too unlikely.

You're just another disgusting thot who will end up alone.

if ur being honest please stop. This is fucking disgusting

It's okay if that's all you live for cuz then you'll be fine with literally anyone you tell this to being disgusted with you. It won't bother you bc you'll have attention from some pitiful soul so desperate for affection they'll let you lie and hurt them for it.

Or you could try and understand have the "love" you receive is totally fake until you make yourself vulnerable too. If not you'll be empty and shallow leaving everybody you "loved" hating you.

It's up you tho


yes i do this all the time

it's nice until i realise the guys i string along as just as lonely and pathetic and then i end up feeling disgusted at myself bc i wish i could seduce better quality guys. so yea it's fun but the fun lasts about 5 mins till i hate myself.

oh btw dont think you're some special snowflake by doing this, literally any average and above girl would do this, it's just how we're built, the only difference between the different tier of girls are the quality of men they string along. for e.g. the stacies string along normies (chads don't get played) while autists like us on Jow Forums can only play around with robots or else we wouldn't be in this place

my wife Chino is so sexy.

The absolute state of trannies

Actually. Some of the guys that have feelings for me are pretty high tier. One of them is an actor (in local plays, he's not a movie star) that always has a legion of fangirls pursuing him. Just recently I asked him why he wastes year after year chasing me when he has so many options. He told me "I would rather chase a mirage as beautiful as you than settle for a reality that feels so mundane in comparison."

Don't string people along. It's scummy behavior, and someday you'll find yourself with no-one and nothing to live for, and you'll wonder where all the time went.

You're disgusting, and once your beauty fades by the time you're in your late twenties you'll just be a used up slut with depression that nobody cares about.

>"I would rather chase a mirage as beautiful as you than settle for a reality that feels so mundane in comparison."

this is how i know you're larping kek

That is a solid strategy if you want to die unloved and alone. But it is obvious you aren't serious so any advice will fall on deaf ears.

if you were really as cute and high value as you described, why do you feel the need to brag on Jow Forums out of all places? why not just make an instagram and collect hordes and hordes of these so called orbiters to give you attention & love in the form of money? bc you cant. bc you're just another mentally ill female/tranny/w.e larping for attention. on Jow Forums of all places

I'm willing to bet money that you are a INFP, god most of you are mental cases.

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Yes, kinda. Here's how I do it and have no guilt.

You need to have more than one admirer. One you don't tell about the other guy at first and the other you do tell about the other guy from the beginning. The sweet spot is when the guy that doesn't know about the other guy starts to suspect and starts to try harder and the guy that does know, you tell him the other guy is trying really hard.

Neither guy will give up and neither guy will be angry with you but angry with the other guy.

Are you still surprised?

You're disgusting.

You know it's literally in the genes of a female? Kind of like how guys get off on the chase, we get off on leading on guys and collecting potential suitors.

Shit we are the same type now I feel bad talking about myself like that, I admit I do that shit to women to some extent too but not for attention. I'm just nice to everyone.

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Nope, I'm successful. I see it like this. No guy really likes me for me, they just want to sex me and will do almost anything if they believe they can. That includes them professing their love for men and while I know its likely not sincere it feels good when they say it.

Nope, you're just a disgusting, pathetic individual who will end up alone and miserable.

Makes me glad I'm a guy and don't have to go through this shit. It's either get with a unattractive guy or get with a guy whole doesn't care about you. And everything in between has mental issues or they are already taken.

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>No guy really likes me for me, they just want to sex me

Ah, you've been with shitty, excuse-for-a-man weasels all your life.

Genuine guys exist, look harder

Kyle Hyde for smash when?

He would make the coolest dad I swear he's my role model.

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Plus he'd basically just be a normal dude with a revolver, which would actually stand out in smash.

Makes me glad the people who decide on the characters aren't you guys if it was up you guys the game would end up with clashing designed characters like in playstation all stars.

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>implying that's not exactly what I want

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>that I was only saying romantically ambiguous things

what do you mean ambigious? please give examples because now i’m paranoid that this is what the person i like is doing.

i attract chads and normies and don’t consider myself a stacy.

Bitch. Pull yourself put of it.
Yeah it's dark, scary and shit, but you're not in that hole forever. It's as long as you want to be in it.
I spent 12 years like that, and I did something like you are to someone. I regret it, we worked well enough with each other but I was so engrossed in my own misery that I dragged her down with me.
If you have that desire, use it to change things. Use that fear to pull yourself out.

Don't go turning into the reason the world gets more assholes and burnt up souls.

Go get therapy or read up on mindfulness. The reason you are like this is because you have a soft mind. It's a muscle, you need to work it up to the point that you fight back those thoughts.
Make yourself into a better person, not for other but for you. So you can become the light in another's life, or better yet your own.

Stop being a piece of shit, grow up and make yourself stronger.

"I love you so much" (True, but I don't mean romantically)
"I have feelings for you" (Technically true, everyone has some kind of feelings towards everyone)
"I love spending time with you"/"I just called you because I wanted to hear your voice" (Both of these statements can be true, while at the same time fuel romantic fantasies of love that doesn't exist)

Basically, with me, unless I say point blank "I'm in love with you romantically," you can't take anything for granted. But I don't let guys know that, of course.

Don't get too paranoid, though - whoever the girl you like is, she's probably a better person than me. I'm sure you can trust her.

no you don't fatty

This is kinda like me, i have a couple girls who like my company and profess their feelings but i dont lead them on, and i just tell them we can be good friends.

We still hang out and theyre still sweet to me

Fuck you. Other people have feelings too. Selfish bitch.

i'm someone who this has been done to

you don't deserve sympathy. you don't deserve to complain about being depressed. you don't deserve to even feel depressed and think your feelings valid. you deserve to live the rest of your life as a ghost, never spoken to nor acknowledged nor even seen by another living being. you deserve to suffer in confusion and misery with no hope and no escape. perhaps then you might understand how it feels and stop believing your meme depression justifies the psychopathic torment you put others through.

the people you pretend to be in love with would rather die themselves than see you ever have to suffer such a fate. that's the most fucked up part. if you dislike the cold, dark, scary tunnel then fucking leave it and go bathe in the warmth and light you're trying to extinguish.
