Schooling is mass abuse against children. It needs to be abolished. 200 years from now...

Schooling is mass abuse against children. It needs to be abolished. 200 years from now, people will be appalled by the mass cruelty against children.

>Children are forced to stay in a prison like environment the entire day
>Forced to obey teachers, learn how to conform to arbitrary rules and suck up to their teachers for good grades
>Teachers yell at you, threaten you with detention and give you bad grades to make you feel like shit if you don't behave like a good bootlicking sheep-person
>Forced to study subjects in which they are not interested and with 99% likelihood won't have any application outside of school
>To add insult to injury, they're saddled with homework and have no leisure time when they get home

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Other urls found in this thread:

how dare those people teach my child how to count

>you need to rob twelve years out of children's lives and cause them an unbelievable amount of suffering for them to teach time them how to count

How old are you.

This is a website for adults.
Go do your homework kiddo

If schooling is so great, why didn't it teach you how to avoid making ad hominem arguments?

Please stop making this thread

Put that bong down and get your good-for-nothing ass back to class.

t. richer than you

What alternatives you propose ?

Actually respecting the human rights of children.

>cause them an unbelievable amount of suffering to teach them how to count
Your kids aren't the sharpest tools in the shed, are they?

and then ?

>Bending to authoritarian aggression

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>human rights

the system is fucked up
I'm glad I left that jew prision for good

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Have you not heard of homeschooling?

Children are owned by their parents.

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Hysterical. They don't. Base 10 is a dumbing down of the superior Base 12. Decimilazation is a dumbing down of fractions.

And then the quality of life of children increasing exponentially because you're not forcing them into prisons and depriving them of all their leisure. And then quality of life of adults increase greatly because you're not taxing them to pay for indoctrination camps and technology eventually progresses at a higher rate because you're not squeezing the creativity out of children.

illegal in some area's, or you have to teach the gov't mandated course to your child at home

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Children are self-owners.

prison schools exist because without daily internment and busy work middle schoolers would spend all day huffing paint and having sex.

kill yourself christfag

Begone Rabbi

>you have to teach the gov't mandated course to your child at home
Lol no, theres no oversight and thats practically unenforceable.

>Base 12
Base 12
>Base 12
Why would you want to be a retard when you can just use hexadecimal?

legal where I live

And who would run the machines and do the science we come to rely on ? Since you know children left on their own devices would not grow to be the people who do.

abuse? no

daycare2,0? yes

Schools don't teach you how to run machines, retard.

>Since you know children left on their own devices would not grow to be the people who do.
Sounds like you're just projecting.

we have become like bees as a society, each invividual is specialized in a shit and can't do something else properly.You got people that cook your meal, people that clean your street, people that raise your kid while you wageslave for some shit-tier pay
women don't want to raise children anymore, it's considered pathetic to raise a child while you suck up on the corporate ladder
women won't raise children because they can waste their time working while still fucking some dumb cuck that won't impregnate her
all of this stems from contraception

the actual chain of causality is really long but the cat is out of the bag forever

is the idea of raising your own children so alien to brainwashed mouthbreathers like you?

>Lol no, theres no oversight and thats practically unenforceable.
is it hard going through life retarded?
if your kid is home schooled the gov't may require the kid to go to the nearest public school and pass all the same final exams as the other kids in the public system

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>public school exams

Day care and women working is even worse. Literal child abuse.

God Bless America

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School is a shitty way to handle what the parents should have done but can not do any longer because they're slaving for Mr Shekelstein all day, but nobody is going to give a shit about anything you post with a memeflag

Drop the flag and maybe you´ll have a reasonable thread next time
You may have decent points hidden in there
But your arguments and delivery are lacking to the point that it's hard to take this thread as anything other than a poorly thought out hippie's rambling or a decent troll

Teachers shit test their alumni to see who are leaders and who are the sheeps.
They know who can become someone influential and who will remain the beta who does as the boss orders.
Be respectful to your teachers,but don't be a obedient good goy,they'll try to bring you down to teach you the biggest lesson and the biggest redpill.
Despite race,sex,beliefs,faith,in this society everyone is a enemy, everyone will try to bring you down.
Be a good person,but be ruthless.

nice digits
can you imply any more in your post you loser?
i never said that the exams were easy or hard, just that the home schooled kid's would be required to learn the gov't mandated material

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You need to know to read and do basic calculations to run even the simple machines out there, not to mention for doing science. Things usually taught by a school.

>Sounds like you're just projecting.

We have living examples of semi feral urban children, brazil for example is full of them, they do not grow up to be useful members of society.


For someone to bitch about ad hominem few posts back, you switch gears remarkably fast.

how about I own your asshole, you enormous fucking faggot

I agree. Physical schools are completely outdated. Education should be done online and at physical testing centers.

>Things usually taught by a school.
parents can teach the same basic shit for children, do you actually believe the teachers or something apply some incredible formula to hammer things like reading or calculation in a kids mind? do you think a parent can't do the same job as a teacher?

I want to racemix with her footpussy desu

Schools aren't very good at teaching math. Relatively few adults come out of school remembering anything beyond basic algebra. If a child needs to know how to do basic math to perform an activity in which he or she is interested, they will learn it. You don't need to lock up a child and rob them of twelve years of his or her life.

The memeflag has some good points though.
I went to a technical nautical highschool,I specialised in Naval Constructions,the male teachers were ok,but the females were all hardcore feminist and liberals,I graduated from that school five years ago.
Schools need to be reformed,there are lots of hours wasted and all female teachers are jew puppets a.k.a liberals,globalists,feminists and forth.


This. We should all be using Morse code and binary for communication and math respectively.

>Schools aren't very good at teaching math
Students don't study maths constantly and with logic,they have peaks where they try to memorise every formula and then stop studying math.
This way of studying doesn't work for maths

Good luck convincing these NEETsoc larpers of that. Unquestioning obedience to authority and no life outside working is what they want. (For everyone else, not themselves of course)

So the state of this board is now that people are against the concept of centralized education. Not against certain system, or part of the education, but against the concept of it.

Do you know how hard and long your forefathers have fought for you dumb ass to get the education you have now?

OH, right om sorry. Ofcourse you have THE INTERNET to give you your balanced and unbiased education on subjects that are truly important, like conspiracies.

The post-truth age is truly upon us.

at least this guy understands, ill make sure to call your boss and tell him to let you out of the cage for a bit today

School unironically fucked me. I was incredibly precocious and had a lot of potential, but they beat any kind of divine spark out of me, mainly through conformity bullying and teenage girl sexuality, and niggers.

To think of where I could have gone had I just been homeschooled and kept away from the dirt of society. That shit infects you and leaves scars for life. I see it happening to a lot of bright young kids today and it makes me so sad.

You are conflating education and school. 99.9% of your education occurs outside of school. Did school teach you how to date girls and have sex? Did school teach you how to shop for groceries and cook food? Did school teach you how to build a PC, navigate the internet and post on Jow Forums?

>Do you know how hard and long your forefathers have fought for you dumb ass to get the education you have now?

your forefathers fought for a lot of stupid shit, see WW2
middle school and high-school are irrelevant for 95% of the population, while gifted children by their nature manage to turn the feces called public education into something worthwhile
besides counting and reading, school should at least be specialized at the very beggining instead of putting all children with different physical and mental talents to drudge with the same useless subjects and retarded failed teachers

I agree that public education should be abolished, like it was in early America. More and more Americans are switching to private or home schooling

the point of schools is to produce good obeying wageslaves, it was never to teach things, you can learn all the science bullshit in like one or two months when you are an adult

This isn't an argument against the Concept of's is one against the current system of education.

And think about it. If the schooling system is having a hard time, do you think Cletus up in them hills will do Any better at teaching his kids the basics?

You also forget, that school is not only teach you facts and formulas, it is also a place of social and mental development. Ask any child psychiatrist. When someone (no matter how smart) doesn't use or train their brain in different ways, their brain doesn't develop well.

yea since all that school nowadays is about is
buttsex class
gay pronouns hour
gangbang hour
tendies time
how to draw welfare off the government by being cianigger and getting paid class
something something gay

I’m not against education, I’m against physical schools. All education (including college) can be done online. For example, if you want a BA in English, log in with your social security number and take each required course online. The degree can be standardized but there can be much more freedom in terms of what books you want to read, etc online. Tests can be done at physical testing centers. All of this can be done for free. It’s a genuine merit based education system.

Qt barefoot Asian girls are the final redpill.

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Good fucking lord, time to empty these fucking balls now

Do children have human rights, a lot of parents and teachers beat them or used to until recently. They also send them to detention or made to stand, or run a few laps as punishment.

And how would one find out a child's mental strong and weak points when they are young and undeveloped?
That right, by giving them a wide range of different subject that they study so they can see what they like and what they are good at.

So like school.

Go and look at all the communities that didn't have schools. Tell me how they prosper.

The laws of mathematics are commendable but this is the law of Australia

i think shes trying to show her pussy to the camera
chinese girls do that. yep.

All of that can be done online.

It's hard to quantify exactly what a school teaches you but I know this:
I made my first friends at school.
I met my first love at school.
I learned what I liked and didn't like, which I used later to look up information more specifically.
I learned to deal with rejection, failure but also Succes. To manage my belongings. How to lie. How to sweet talk.

So many things you simply will never learn from the comfort and safety of your home.

2 years to teach snott eaters how to read and count, 1 hour for an IQ test at the end of it, BOOM
Anyone under 110 flips burgers or drives trucks, the others become soulless bookworms


I think the majority in this board have had a negative experience in high school.

But yknow, I had a great time. I think a minority have had a time as bad as yours (although I'm still sorry to hear it happened to you, man. Stay strong)
But the people who had negative experiences all gather here. So it looks like the system is only failing.

are you a woman btw?

You think people never learned to socialize before public education? All that time working outdoors with adults, then in the afternoon playing with kids of similar age were for nothing

So basically you admited school was just a backdrop for your run of the mill kiddie emotional drama, people never learned to socialize before muh benevolent guberment subsidizing glorified daycares

Well, yeah the majority of people aren't extremely smart, and not everyone will get the well paid sweet jobs everyone wants. It also depends on the economic situation of your home.
But imahine if they didn't have education at all. Have you seen those people?

>ur gay
>let me fuck your ass

No I admit that school is way more then just learning facts and formulas and that many experts will advise against homeschooling.

You should just admit to yourself that you've had a bad school experience but just because that it doesn't mean that schools as a concept are flawed.

But I gtg. Got some schoolwork to finish.

Am teacher

90% of the time I teach kids not to be total shitheads and prevent them from setting each other on fire
Of course they hate being forced to go to school, but I assure you, you would hate them even more if we didnt mold them
These retards are supposed to be your coworkers/employees someday and even with school most of them barely manage to grow into proper adults

Tldr the alternative is so much fucking worse

Blacks believe that it's not gay if you're putting your dick in. This is why Blacks have the highest rate of homosexuality but the lowest rate of admitting to homosexuality in the world.

>You had a bad experience with school why so mad bro???
Ok, bye

God knows what would happen if the familly would actually have to be involved in raising the kid right?

>Children are forced to stay in a prison like environment the entire day
high school did feel like prison to me desu

lmao niggers

You're right - the only important school is Thalmud School

This. Honestly k-12 should be condensed so that kids graduate high school at 14 and can graduate university by 18. It would fix the birthrates (people don't want to get married and have kids until they're financially stable, and that's more like age 30 now when it used to be age 18, or at worst 22.) We need to reassess our education standards. Buttt the more shitskins who come in the less feasible it is to do this.

maybe if kids didnt have to go to school 8 hours a day and do an additional 4 hours of homework parents could educate them properly. also in my opinion theres some more important factors to this problem than school

Something else I noticed as an adult is that I now realize some of teachers I had were shitbags. One guy in particular I should have told to go fuck himself.

>didnt have to go to school 8 hours a day
they only need to go to school for 8 hours because they are dumb and undisciplined.

when i was in gymnasium in germany my schoolday was 8.00 am to 1.15 pm. then half an hour of homework at home

8 hour day of school is way to long and only an excuse for the parents/govt to dumb their offsprings somewhrer so they can wageslave 8 hours

Time to play the jew faggots.

If we want to win this war we must adopt the appearance of our enemies. We must take their propaganda campaigns to the next level, and make it so clear that white genocide and the destruction of the US is what they want that no normie could miss it. Time is on their side. They have been patient, planning their moves on year-long schedules, moving along at such a slow pace that most people don't pick up on what's happening. Things are changing though. If someone has the Steinlight plan pic, post it. Basically the pace of jew propaganda is steadily increasing, to the point where it's becoming more noticeable. The kikes know that people will realize eventually, but they're hoping it'll be too late by then.

Chaos is what they want. Let's give it to them.

Good video about ACCELERATIONISM vs racism,, he debunked racism
>it doesnt exist
Jow Forums is a great example of what Based Bellagio is talking about

We are not racist just cause we hate niggers qnd kikes, we hate them cause the media says dont touch that red button... and they are subhuman animals too

Watch this video and understand
What it means to watch the world burn!!!
Enjoy and help break shadowban!!

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>so they can wageslave 8 hours
thats exactly what i meant. this is the real issue here.

Wrong memeflag. That's actually the commie position.

Yeah, we got par on this dude.

All this "empowering of women through work" and getting your kids "a good education" by showing them into full-day-schools is just a great way to get the parents to work full day.

Because 2 parents working full time equals double income tax revenue they can spend on leeches and immigrants and LGBTQXYZ&%+ issues


I had a feminist literature teacher before that was a thing, these people tried to impose themselves on society after Milosevic but fortunately people wouldn’t have that. So us boys fought back with the support of the girls in class because nobody actually believes boys are evil

I had very little motivation in school because I couldn't relate to the usefulness of the subjects. There should have been a lot more practical subjects but everyone had a hardon for thinking everyone had to go to university so the practical subjects were stereotyped as subjects dumb people did. Its such as waste of time, in the old days a child of 11 years old would begin to learn a craft and by the time they were 18 they were fully ready for work or to start a business. It seems this is changing with being able to learn on the internet a hella lot faster than in school if you are motivated but the teachers unions will make sure to drag their feet for as long as possible.

You could graduate k-12 much earlier than don't need to learn about the Holocaust every fucking year for instance. You don't need 90% of the shit they teach you. I get that different people need different bits, but we should be letting kids pursue their interests at a younger age and molding their education around that. Not molding kids into drones.

That is impossible for a study to determine.

>not gay if you're putting your dick in
so fucking traps ain't gay?

You could. But ideally kids could graduate a 4-year university at age 18 and be ready to work. Lower the working age to 14 so no-college tards can start their damned lives already, too.
Currently kids don't even get babby first job until 22-24 when they graduate. Like no SHIT no one is having kids and buying houses at a reasonable age. We're crippling our youth.
Could you graduate high school earlier than 14? Yes, but each year earlier will exclude more kids from success and has little, if any, benefit.

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My opinion on this is:
>Children should learn basic reading and writing.
>Once they are a bit older they should then be moved towards an education path. The two main paths are Scholar and Artisan.
>Scholars learn in a similar manner to what they do now. Artisans learn a variety of practical things such as building walls and planting seeds.
>Artisans later choose a specific job and are apprenticed leaving the modern school system entirely.
>This all happens by age 12 so that Artisan path children have the skills for their work at 15-16.
>Scholars go to university and deep-learn tons of stuff.

Aids vs LGBT. Also just asking if they have ever had a guy suck their dick reveals the 'totally straight' gay blacks.
Only if you're Black or low IQ.