People unironically worship this man

People unironically worship this man.

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Fable is overrated, desu.

wrong molyeneux you're thinking of lachlan

Bannerlord release, when?

Do people actually take this guy serious?

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Oh, are African natives not retarded niggers?
News to me.

I don't understand what's wrong

This could be true. People had lots of children of which the majority would die early due to disease and other things, thus the average life expectancy being 11 months.

It might be factually incorrect (I have no idea) but you brainlets probably don't even understand the basic underlying premise.

they probably had a better life expectancy than the average european since africans didn't live in cramped medieval cities with shit flowing in the streets

It's still normal in poor African countries today for a few children of a mother to die in her lifetime, it was probably much worse 150 000 years ago.

That's fucking retarded
He's implying a baby mortality of 98%

The post is clearly referring to high mortality among European colonists, which is correct

Attached: 2278e.png (1396x716, 286K)


>It's still normal in poor African countries today for a few children of a mother to die in her lifetime
Mostly due to modern problems inflicted by rich countries.

even with a lot of early deaths, people who made it to adulthood were safe, even in the antiquity people lived as long as 80 years. This is either an invention ? lie, or just stupidity


Nah I would say partly it had/still has an effect but if there was higher trust in African societies and shit wasn't so corrupt everywhere it would be x1000 times better.

Read about Nestle's shenanigans in Africa

If more than 50% of humans born then died before there first year of birth it could be true which is plausible in those times honestly. The way treated deadly diseases was literally throwing some water on it and shit lmao.

He's right though. I don't understand what your point is?

Wait, this really isn’t the same guy??? What the fuck???

he's right though. if you disagree with what he wrote, post your reasoning.

And not a single wheel to be found for 150,000 years. Really makes you think.


Apparently you don't know the power of nigger dick.

Ha cry more subhumans

Stop living cuck

>what's an average

Holy fuck most of you are fucking stupid! He's not saying that Whites died at 11 months, he's saying that when they arrived in Africa they only lived an average of 11 months, which is true due to all the native, tropical disease and insects that Europeans had no immunity to. Fucking retards!

He is refering to the niggers you absolute chucklefuck.

>due to all the native, tropical disease and insects that Europeans had no immunity to.
You misspelled nigger.

Mostly due to the fact that they're [unironically] retarded, sub-human savages who haven't accomplished anything of note over the entire course of their people's history.

>defends niggers
lol pottery

Stefan Molyneux - Zionist
Q - Zionist
Alex Jones - Zionist
Roger Stone - Zionist
PJW - Zionist
Louis Farrakhan - Zionist
David Pakman - Zionist
Ben Shapiro - Zionist
Jordan Peterson - Zionist
Geert Wilders - Zionist
Sam Harris - Zionist
Aziz Nasirzadeh - Zionist
Mike Enoch - Zionist
Lauren Southern - Zionist
Faith Goldy - Zionist
Tara McCarthy - Zionist
Styxhexenhammer666 - Zionist
Adam Warski - Zionist
Nicolas Maduro - Zionist
Bashar al Assad - Zionist
Tommy Robinson - Zionist
Ann Coulter - Zionist
Ian Miles Cheong - Zionist
JF - Zionist
Kevin MacDonald - Zionist
Andrew Anglin - Zionist
Weev - Zionist
Sargoy of Mossad - Zionist
Kyle Chapman - Zionist
Stephen Crowder - Zionist
Laura Loomer - Zionist
David Duke - Zionist
Gavin Mccines - Zionist
Jared Taylor - Zionist
Richard Spencer - Zionist
Joe Rogan - Zionist
Kate Hopkins - Zionist
Elon Musk - Zionist
Kanye West - Zionist
Katy Perry - Zionist
Mr. Metokur - Zionist
Pewdiepie - Zionist
Jeremy Corbyn - Zionist
Robert Gregory Bowers - Zionist
Patrick Little - Zionist
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - Zionist
Julius Malema - Zionist
Father Nathaniel - Zionist
Andrew Anglin - Zionist
Buddy Tucker - Zionist
Benjamin Netanyahu - Zionist
Tariq Nasheed - Zionist
John Derbyshire - Zionist
Alex Linder - Zionist
Paul Nehlen - Zionist
Nick Fuentes - Zionist
Ryan Faulk - Zionist
Black Pigeon Speaks - Zionist
Kyle Kulinski - Zionist
Cenk Uygur - Zionist
Varg Vikernes - Zionist
Tim Pool - Zionist
Anders Breivik - Zionist
Matteo Salvini - Zionist
Viktor Orban - Zionist
Sam Hyde - Zionist
Vladimir Putin - Zionist
Bernie Sanders - Zionist
Pope Francis - Zionist
Rodrigo Duterte - Zionist
Erik Striker - Zionist

Attached: OyVey.jpg (225x225, 11K)

i read it as saying the whites life expectancy upon arrival was 11 months.

How did blacks even reproduce if they only lived for 11 months?

He's saying that white people arriving in Africa had a life expectancy of 11 months because of disease and being killed by tribes and dangerous animals and shit


What is an average?
You absolute retard.

They wuz rabbitz and shieet.

infant mortality is why the life expectancy in medieval europe was like 35, most kids died before they were 5, but if you made it to adulthood you'd likely live until 60+

Fable is the fucking shit nigger

GTFO my board.

I think this thread was moved from Jow Forums because the first half of it doesn't have IDs

>Kevin MacDonald - Zionist
>Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - Zionist
>Patrick Little - Zionist
>Erik Striker - Zionist
I'm pretty sure Patrick Little hates jews more than Hitler did. This list gets more hilarious with each iteration. Please start adding random people that are not political.

Attached: Jews Rape Kids - Pat Little.png (1342x712, 71K)

If white are so inferior how did we enslave everyone? Checkmate.

based molymeme

They are. Nothing new. Just enjoy the shitshow and the feeling of your superiority.

albanians are fucking trash. so much so your country has a standard meme flag

Infant mortality rates senpai.

Quiet Chink.

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Surely "Successful"is a value judgement too.

Time to play the jew faggots.

If we want to win this war we must adopt the appearance of our enemies. We must take their propaganda campaigns to the next level, and make it so clear that white genocide and the destruction of the US is what they want that no normie could miss it. Time is on their side. They have been patient, planning their moves on year-long schedules, moving along at such a slow pace that most people don't pick up on what's happening. Things are changing though. If someone has the Steinlight plan pic, post it. Basically the pace of jew propaganda is steadily increasing, to the point where it's becoming more noticeable. The kikes know that people will realize eventually, but they're hoping it'll be too late by then.

Chaos is what they want. Let's give it to them.

Good video about ACCELERATIONISM vs racism,, he debunked racism
>it doesnt exist
Jow Forums is a great example of what Based Bellagio is talking about

We are not racist just cause we hate niggers qnd kikes, we hate them cause the media says dont touch that red button... and they are subhuman animals too

Watch this video and understand
What it means to watch the world burn!!!
Enjoy and help break shadowban!!

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How the hell has he not got banned of twitter yet? He's been going super hard for the last month or so. Dude might be a legit fed.