Anons, I'm in deep shit. I really need advice. Here's some back story...

Anons, I'm in deep shit. I really need advice. Here's some back story. Ever since I was about 3 or 4 years old I was best friends with, and spent all of my time with, my best friend. It was to be expected because we were both well behaved kids, we lived nearby, we were both only childs, and my father was a really good friend with her parents. Our relationship lasted well into high school before things got complicated. She started becoming a lot more reclusive towards me. After a couple of months, she opened up to me that she was raped. She wouldn't say who did it, but she told me that she was very close to them. I started spending fuck loads of time with her. To the point where most nights I would sleep in her house. I would come to find that she had completely changed. She wasn't the same ditsy girl that I knew. She really showed her potential and she had taught herself so much, despite being a 10th grader at this time. She was leagues ahead of everyone at everything now. Didn't matter what. I was the only other person she seemed to give much respect anymore. She started getting really clingy too. This is really when things went down hill. She started to refuse to let sleep outside of her room and the it was her own bed, which felt wrong because she was pretty much my sister. Then she proffessed her love to me. I was officially her boyfriend and she now wanted touching access, which after weeks of bullying me into it, she finally got. Luckily, she saved it for her room, but it still felt weird to me. 11th grade would come and she'd start living in a separate home on her and now was nakey time. She was always naked at her home and she would beg me to be naked with her. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the view, she was a damn near 10/10 girl, but it felt weird. As 11th grade drew to a close, she bullied me into fucking her. It felt almost sickening being told what to do this way. This would continue to graduation. By then, sex was daily, if not, more than.

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After graduation, she refused to let me leave home. She insisted that I could stay at home and do the house work and she'd make the money. I figured I'd oblige as long as I would be allowed to do work if we needed the financial aid. She luckily agreed. Everyday, she would come home, take a shower, make fuck her, and then we'd spend the rest of the night together going to sleep. Sex sometimes felt like I was being raped now. If I refused too much, she would use her dildos, keep in mind these things weren't lightweight things and I was pretty much an ass virgin, on me and ruin my orgasm and she would degrade me too. As much as I hate her some nights, she means everything to me. Now here comes my problem. One night, after I refused too much, she forced me to cum inside of her. It scared the shit out of me and she was just laughing her ass off and moaning at the same time. Now she's 1 month pregnant and I'm not sure what to do. I love her so much. I want to have kids with her. No matter how much I hate her some nights. I just don't think either of us are ready for kids. I want to know how to talk her into aborting it.


I got my slightly abusive, mentally fucked girlfriend of 5 years pregnant and I don't know how to talk her out of it and need help.

I’ll keep this straight and simple user. She deals with the trauma of being raped by having sex as much possible, it’s like therapy to her. Not a bad problem for you. Her mental state will be. I know you are young and dumb, we have all been there, but you need to step up, be a man and tell her you two need to go through an abortion. It will be in your bed interests. It’s up to you to take care of this part. If it goes to plan just keep fucking her with protection or get her on the pill. If not, good luck with being a young dad, sorry but it won’t be fun.

Thank you user. I'm glad I could some good advice. I'll do my best to tell her how I feel. I really hope it doesn't come down to being a dad yet.

Get her in a good mood while you two are home. Sit her down next to you. Say we need to talk about something. Hold her hand and tell her how you think it is too early to be parents. She will either agree or flip. Most likely I think flip. If she does firmly tell her to calmn down and listen to you. Tell her how you have plans for the future and that you do want kids with her, just not yet. Do the rest of the talking and persuade her to do the abortion like your life depends on it. Just keep in mind it is her body and if she does not agree at all, you can do nothing about it. All the best dude.

Don't kill the baby you fuckin murderer
Take responsibility of yourshit and grow the fuck up
You decided to stay with her as her sex toy now deal with it

Don't abort dude.
Life is hard, your job is to strive for love and beauty in the face of it. Love her. Love your child. Be a good man.

it ain't a baby yet, user. It is an embryo, and if people don't want kids, then they should have the right to have abortions.

Nah dude saying you should kill it cuz its an embryo is like saying its good to kill children just because they are small
So you don't want responsibility and you also want to take someone's life away
Imagine this embryo growing up to be your kid and spitting on you because you wanted to kill him

OP, I'm and I want to give a different perspective from what will doubtlessly be the topic of the thread (the morality of abortion) and take a more direct approach to what I think you're actually looking for: the best condition for you.
I think that you will love yourself more, respect yourself more, and grow into a better and more loving relationship if instead of aborting the pregnancy, you bravely face tomorrow as a couple jointly as loving, if less prepared, parents.
If you keep the pregnancy, your world won't explode, and you'll come to love your wife and child.

For clarification, I am OP
Seems a tad immature user. Real advice would be nice.
I really wish I didn't fear something going ary if didn't get her to abort user.
user, I really really wish it could much more easily be that way, but finances have been much better for us and I wouldn't want the child to potentially get roped up in an argument or us get a divorce over strife with it. If she agrees to abort, this plan is down the drain, but if not, I guess I can do nothing but hope for this wonderful world you speak of.

Your a piece of shit op. That baby you killed will be on both of your consciences for the rest of your lives. Again op. Listen your a piece of fucking dog shit.

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Gave me a chuckle user. Go be angry elsewhere you shit tier troll.

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>I really wish I didn't fear something going ary if didn't get her to abort user.
>user, I really really wish it could much more easily be that way
there is liberation in knowing that tomorrow will be hard and that living life by alleviating as much material suffering as possible is restricting and futile.
there might be hardship in the future, actually, there WILL be hardship in the future, and it will come aborted pregnancy or not.
but you will love yourself more, you will love your significant other more, and you will love your child more if you go into this with courageous love and not cowardly destruction.
make decisions that you can be proud of on your death bed, make decisions that make YOU strong, not your circumstances easier.

Fuck the fetus. Grown ass man here going to have his life ruined.

Since it seems like you can't handle this chick by any stretch and have admittedly let her lead you around like the prize sow I don't think a fucking thing you say will change whether or not she keeps this baby. Better to bring it up and expect to have your life further controlled by her and her womb gremlin.

So you would kill others to save your ass in a problem you did
You prick should be behind bars

Here goes patriarchy. This motherfucker will make your life misserable.

I wasn't trolling. Op is a lecher

If she aborts, run. If she doesn't, take the child and run.

I'm with you. Although I disagree with it being a baby yet, to me it's still a future life.

I only think abortions should be used after a rape. Now unless OP I prepared to press rape charges against her, I suggest OP either stop cumming inside women or learn to be responsible for your actions.

My advice is let her have the baby and then fight for custody of the child and not let her take part in raising a child that she would DEFINITELY fuck up.

This is the fakest thread I've ever read.

Don't quit your day job, you don't have what it takes for smut fiction.

Jesus christ this sounds like a horror film like Knock Knock or something

On the bright side, most women tend to loose their sex drive after they have kids, so maybe she rape you less.

OP here once more
Thanks user, really helped me out.
Thanks user, this unironically helped me with the though of living with the child. I plan on talking to her about it tomorrow and I still hope we abort it, but if we don't, I can at least hope for this. Thank you user.
She's usually a lot more level headed about everything except our sex life. Hence why she came to a compromise with me.
Why do you say that?
I wish legal issues were that easy, cheap, and fun.
I guess I was a bit too descriptive with a lot of this, but It's certainly not the most blatantly fake post.
I guess so, but that doesn't help my optimism.
I think the sex is easier to bear.