Happy 24th birthday Travyon RIP :'(

Happy 24th birthday Travyon RIP :'(
You was a Kang.

Attached: IMG_20190205_085306.jpg (348x465, 29K)

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Is that his astronaut academy graduation photo?

thanks again george zimmerman...for taking out the trash

Rest In Peace. Always in our hearts, never forgotten. Till we meet again.

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Is this the same outfit he was wearing when the evil huwhite man took his life?

Attached: Look-how-they-massacred-my-boy..jpg (720x405, 55K)

Attached: 11375379667280.png (385x576, 550K)


Attached: M5fzr.jpg (1024x768, 217K)

Ya and Zimmerman was still wearing his white robe and hood with a Nazi patch sewed on the upper sleeve from his kkk Nazi meet up he attended just hours before.