The mosquito invasion of Sweden

There is simultanous massive mosquito congreations at 7 different counties.

Mosquito connoisseurs say the regions with huge number of mosquitoes are almost unlivable soon, on the next summer, because of the insects.

There is now helicopter companies which fly above Swedish counties spraying insect poison.

It is sanctioned by Swedish government, however government has no money to pay for it. Therefore the companies might just shut down and arent going to battle the insects next summer.

Worst mosquito zone has 25 000 people live in there. The mosquito conditions have been known for 10 years now. These people rarely venture out of their homes on the summer.

Swedish mosquito does not live on Finland. It is very aggressive. It was described like a sandstorm hitting on your face when you walk next to the river Dali while the mosquitos form a massive, living and seething cloud that hits your face.

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>Mosquito connoisseurs
The fuck is that

there's a protected species of mosquito close to where I live, they spray every other bit of water but not the fucking swamp because that specific species of mosquito is close to extinction, so we cornered it and now it's illegal to finish the job

Do you think we could feed the mosquitoes to african children?

please send the African kids to the mosquito region of central Sweden, I believe only whites live in that swamp

Forest samis and forest finns live there.

Mosquitos are a nightmare in parts of Scotland. Rains 3/4 of the year and then eaten alive by the bastards for the remainder.

It's not illegal if you aren't caught. FINISH THEM!

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[laughs in Floridian]

Nigger lips mosquito trap is the best
put about a dozen of these, really made a dent in the population.

Attached: niggerlips.jpg (202x249, 9K)

Finland is mostly swamp and forest so mosquitoes, ticks and deerflies swarm the finnish summer.

how does this work

There's no stopping these mosquitoes

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the swedish mosquitos get triggered by the blatant racism at display and outrage themselves to death

>It is sanctioned by Swedish government, however government has no money to pay for it. Therefore the companies might just shut down and arent going to battle the insects next summer.

Need the money to fund migrants that rape all your women

like moomins and shit?

Well you place water in between the tires. The dark and moist place attracts them. You drain the water to kill the larvae.

However...the genius of this trap is the fact that repeated laid eggs attracts even more mosquitoes to lay their eggs. Like a phermonal trap.

look up mosquito tire trap

Make a giant trap with tractor uses phermones (over time).

they can't resist

But they're never ending.

that is the attitude that got you invaded by the migrants.

Don't make the same mistake twice...put up thousands of nigger lips mosquito traps

I live in the comfy south anyways.

well pass it on to the northern niggers.

You can then feed all the mosquitoes to the migrants as bread or some shit

how bad is north Sweden with the mosquito?

in Finland the north has the largest numbers but the period when they fly is only 2 months

its true, swamps of south Finland has less amount of mosquitoes than plains, forests and rivers of north Finland

>comfy south
You mean there where all the niggers are?

They took about a Million back in 2015, while only having 1/10 of our Population, they are making a Germany Speed run up there, therefore, they run out of wealth sooner

do they suck blood? I have a feeling European insects do something silly instead of what our mosquito do which is suck our blood

>There is now helicopter companies which fly above Swedish counties spraying insect poison.

You really believe it is for mosquitoes?


Midges are worse.

They mostly sell Kebap

This. Spraying literal poison over the countryside from aeronautical contraptions. Chemtrailers are delusional, r-right?

This. I think they are referring to the midges, though. Might be confused.

Midge bites are cunts.

God will punish sinners and degenerates with plagues like Egypt and S&G.

The mosquitoes in Europe are all doctors and engineers.

These are worse.

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t. Inbred socialist northern peasant.

Fuck those blood suckers. Break of the DDT before everyone gets super Ebola-AIDS-laria.

Don't get your panties in a twist Abdullah

Finland has horse-deer-fly, it is a 2 cm long fly and absolutely horrifying

It is completely silent but you WILL understand it has visited when it bites you

Attached: horse-deer-fly.jpg (1080x682, 104K)

>t. Göran Greider Fastersson

We have that up in the Cascades of Washington State. You do not want to be bitten by one! Also the swarms mosquitoes, midges and gnats will drive you nuts. I have a mosquito veil and plenty of repellent for when I go innawoods here. The only good thing is that at least they don't carry diseases like the Mexican mosquitoes do.

>Finland has horse-deer-fly
we have a similar thing in the USA, also called a "horse fly". they are huge, and they leave giant holes in your skin. I hunt, and know about these bastards. They don't come around if you smash one and just let it be. This may mean rubbing it onto your hat or clothes, but it seems to really keep the rest of them away.

We have those. Fuck them

We have those suckers in Denmark too. Never been bitten by one, but people say it hurts ten times worse than a wasp.

Soon we will be using CRISPR to genocide these jews with wings.

>what could go wrong

>soon the jews will use crispr to make these only bite whites

Yeah and they only appear when it goes pic related.

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>Insists I'm a socialist because I hate niggers.
Double digit IQ at work

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>The mosquito invasion of Sweden

Is that what they're calling muzzies and niggers nowadays?

>Insists I'm a socialist because I hate niggers.
Read this several times to yourself and try to make sense of it

niggers make burgers from mosquitos and eat them so i think it might backfire

Based but you are misinformed, jews and demons fear the insects.
They are the 3rd species faction in the end of times, treat insects with respect and they will ally with us.
The ones who saved humans during the flood were giant ants.

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You're embarrassing yourself Sven

What a miserable country, cold and dark winters, swarms of mosquitoes and flesh eating flies in the summer, yay.

Don't forget these assholes.

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My Grandpa, and now my father used to be a bee keeper. If you keep bees, you would know wasps invading are a huge problem. The can kill many bees by themselves, and take their honey and larvae. My dad always used to ask my Grandpa, "Why do you bother killing the wasps? They just coming back, infinitely."

My Grandpa would "Because whatever way you think of it, everyone of them I kill, is one less."


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We got em too, leave an actual hole in you when they bite

Based Grandpa

Living in southwest Florida makes you used to mosquitoes and other shitty bugs

we get them here too
fuck them in their shit cunt arses

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You got these? Slightly smaller than standard fly, they attach to your hairs with their hooks, drop their wings and then attempt to suck your blood (which they usually fail because they mistake you for a moose or deer). If they do bite your skin it itches like crazy and you need pincers to take them off. You go to the woods and your beard and hair will be crawling with these little fucker. You cant squash them either because their bodies are sturdy and designed to withstand an itchy deer scraping against woodbark or ground.

Attached: Deerfly.jpg (250x333, 30K)

>bring people from the land of mosquitos and malaria
>surprised when the mosquitos in their clothes and bags infest the host land
We told them

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but he is correct. you are making no sense.

yep....don't do anything and you are sure you will have even more.

Winter nights aren't all that dark. Snow reflects light very well so usually towns and cities are so well illuminated you can read a newspaper outside in midnight, no problem.

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Europe had lots of mosquitos way before niggers ever started going to Europe

>You got these?
No, and thankfully not from your description. They sound like flying ticks. I HATE ticks.

Anyone ever unfortunate enough to catch these disgusting fucks? I'd rather deal with mosquitos than these.

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There's loads here early autumn. More every year. I've never got bitten by one, but have had several on me and in my long, beautiful blonde hair.

It's not the nigs bringing them in. It's the fact that winters aren't chilly enough to limit the population and summers are hotter and wetter than before creating more breeding grounds.
What is happening is that the nigs are driving the government to bankruptcy so they can't keep funding the anti mosquito actions.

No because I'm not a filthy nig

We get big and super annoying mosquitoes here, if you are near any kind of water these fuckers will swarm you to no end.

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how will turks ever recover?

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Just spray some commercial insecticide on it yourself and finish them off!

That's a crane fly. Doesn't bite.

They mostly apply for asylum which is a similar behavior but not the same as drinking blood.

They're bigger, easier to remove and don't spread diseases so they're not as bad as ticks. Here we got swarms of ticks during summers too, that spread both borreliosis and this fucked up russian brain fever disease.

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import nigger bats from africa.

why dont all the swedes just move to somalia?

In America we have ticks carry Lyme Disease which causes nerve damage and muscular atrophy. It's nearly impossible to get rid of Lyme Disease once you have it because the bacteria that carries it can form cysts and survive treatment.

This is why you wear hats innawoods

Imagine the smell... of victory

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Lyme disease is borreliosis, genius. They spread the same shit here. On top of the new weird disease that came from russia, Tick-borne Encephalitis. Causes inflammation and fever in your brain and nervous system.

>This is why you wear hats innawoods
Local hunting regulations require a safety orange hat.

Hats don't help you against these: You need a hood on top of that. And a tick-comb for your beard.

no, my bastard grandfather is a nigger. He went down to the coast, had a 'Nam sniper as a roommate. That dude had hooker filth going in and out. So I let my grandpa move in for 3 days, then he blows up at me over nothing, moves out, and leaves a nice present for me to deal with. Never apologized for any of it.

>government has no money to pay for it.

wtf this hasn't stopped governments before?

enjoy your pesticide immune super mosquitos 5 years from now.

A bigger problem in Sweden is the TBE epidemic. In a few years there's going to be loads of articles about poor Somalians who got meningitis and our taxes will be increased even more to pay for hundreds of vaccines for refugees.

>TFW deerflies under shirt and in hair

Assholes with wings.

>Mosquito connoisseurs

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Got bitten 3 times by those fuckers last summer.
Scars for life.


Most European mosquitoes do. The Swedish ones suck your cock, especially the males.

This thread is making my skin crawl.

Do that thing where they release sterile males. Mosquitoes only mate once, so you can wipe out the entire population.

>Tfw mosquito burgers exist
>The amount of protein in one of the patties
>But it also has Malaria

Attached: AfricanCuisine.webm (900x506, 2.93M)

>It is very aggressive. It was described like a sandstorm hitting on your face when you walk next to the river Dali while the mosquitos form a massive, living and seething cloud that hits your face.

Finland why haven't you got rid of them? Come on you already handled a mosquito crowd during the Winter war.

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>Sweden having problems with parasites?
Is this really news?