I don’t know

I wish I could say I’m baiting.
My boyfriend (19) raped my sister (12) last night. No matter what you pedo advocates say- she told me it wasn’t consensual. She told me she said no and asked him to leave. He told her that if she said anything it would be bad for her. I found out on Jow Forums- he made a post (image) that I saw on his phone when I woke up.
He denied and denied it but the image in the post was on his phone and they were talking about bringing the cat upstairs.- only this afternoon did my sister give way to my questioning. She said she thought I would hate her, that I would take his side. She says she feels like it was her fault.
We lost our dad a couple of months ago- this guy was here for both of us and our family. She looked up to him. And he raped her...
This morning before I figured things out I dropped my boyfriend at home. He overdosed on pills and is now in the hospital.
He knew what was coming, he knew what he did. I hope he dies there.
I’ve told his mother so far, she is heartbroken. This family has been close to us for 3 years.
I don’t even know where to begin. I want him dead, I want him in prison. I want him to pay for what he did to my family he pretended to love.

Attached: 6820ED71-E3BC-4FE7-A535-63868B5E2B4B.jpg (1242x2208, 435K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Uh. Did you go to the police yet?

We are in the morning when he is conscious.

What da fuq

No offense it sounds consensual, but definitely still statutory rape and super illegal

He told her how depressed he was when she asked him to leave. She didn’t want this, she cared for his health and was taken advantage of because of that.

This is weird. Sorry this happened to your family

I really really hope this is bait.

He is a piece of shit who should go to hell,I hope he survives only to spend the rest of his life in jail

sweetheart i am so sorry but why didn't your sister scream if you were in the house?

Not trying to piss you off, but if your sister agreed to use this "code" do you really think she's being honest with you?

he has definitely taken advantage of her but it was still up to your sister to defend herself and you too from the hurt in my opinion
in any way it happened, and as cruel as it can sound, he deserves to die anyway.

Go right now. Surprise him.

The sister is 12, she might be afraid, she might not know what to do, she might be not mature enough to oppose. That's why age of consent exist.


She might also have gone along with it because she didn't know any better.
I would want to kill any adult who tried to have sex with my sister, so I understand where this anger is coming from. But it doesn't seem like this was a vicious non consensual rape like you're (or she is) portraying it to be.

Cause he wasn’t a scary figure to her. She didn’t want to hurt his feelings and he was on pills, she didn’t want him to get aggressive.
I know that may not make sense to all people but he was her friend. And he was threatening her not to say anything

My sister didn’t agree to the “code”
This guy thinks he is untouchable and humorous while her does it. He made the code up as a shocking joke. I’ve known him for years.

The guy is 220lbs and very tall. She is under 5”3 and under 110.
I hope it paints the picture better of how she thought her chances of defending herself were.

I wish it was. Do these threads stay up? I’ll post some legal proceedings tomorrow.

He tried to kill him self. He’s locked up in there tight and only family can have access to his room. Believe me if I could get there I’d help him finish the job

I do wish there was a better way to show someone’s character to you guys here.
He knew full well the age of consent laws, he knew she is in a weak state considering what’s happened to her in the months before. I talked to him every day about being worried for her. He said to her that I would hate her if I knew what she did. To manipulate her... it breaks my heart that she almost believed him. He is not dumb, he knows what he was doing.

Don't let him an hero
He should suffer the consequences of his actions
Call 911.
Also , to answer your post here
, there are archives for every board, so even if the post is gone from here, you can always find it over there.

Here's the archived thread:

Sorry op, what a terrible thing to happen.

I guess it's important to show her that you aren't scared of him and she shouldn't be either, and that nobody blames her.

A girl I know was raped like that and she still feels like it's a chip on her shoulder, secretly she's scared someone will blame her because she was sleeping with the guy consentually for some time before

Often suicide attempts by perpetrators are strategic, some guys do it deliberately to try to make people feel sorry for them.

But try to remain flexible in your thinking, it might be more complicated than it seemed.
A rape is a rape, but it's more than possible there were other things going on.
she might have had a crush on him, he might have raped her more than once ;or there might have been a consenting encounter previously.
That's the kind of suspicion victims have to deal with.

I'd send her to counselling, and try not to drill her on the details

Call the police
Also, where the fuck is the age of consent as low as12? Or was that faggot just lying?

Age of consent is 12 in Japan.

I believe it is (or was) in most of Southern America too.

>I'd send her to counselling, and try not to drill her on the details
This. You should support your sister as best you can, but she should also see a professional if possible. It can be hard to be completely open and honest with people close to you, as paradoxical as it sounds. Sometimes it helps to talk to someone with no personal stake in the situation.

Also I hope you're filing charges as soon as possible.

If you think youre going to press charges Get a forensics/rape kit done, it wont be fun but will raise your chances of any legal action being taken. Cases with no physical evidence are usually thrown out.
I would call 911 asap to start the process of filing a report etc
Definitely therapy if it's possible
Just be there and supportive to her, and listen
Understand that the healing process from her assault will take time

>people seriously trying to defend a child rapist


There isn't as many in these threads as there usually are but every time a woman comes forward with a rape story there's always a handful of scum that feel its appropriate to play Monday morning quarterback to someone else's rape. It may not be an explicit defense of his actions but minimizing and dismissing the impact of sexual assault is, in a way, legitimizing the behavior of the rapist. If your first instinct when hearing that a 12 year old girl was raped is to desperately try to poke holes in her story then you need to be put in the ground, period.

I think in Japan child sex offences are dealt with very differently.

Police in many countries are unwilling to follow up because without proof of a rape prosecuting is hard and many rape cases are time consuming - often victims withdraw charges, suicides happen during trial, sometimes they think it's better to ignore it.

>posts agree that the guy is a faggot for taking advantage of her

Are you retarded, user? And the girl can obviously still lie. Look at what happened to Donald Trump or do you think that we should take everything a girl says as fact? Fuck off, dumb cunt feminist.

You're precisely one of the scum I'm talking about. Playing Monday morning quarter back to a child's rape and chastise her for not doing more to prevent it makes you a morally bankrupt sack of human garbage. Again, if your very first instinct when hearing about a child being raped is to accuse the child of lying then, for the betterment of society, you need to be thrown off of a cliff.

Sure, children can and have lied about crimes, but I think that's for the investigation and subsequent court proceedings to determine. Telling someone "Your little sister could be lying about the nature of the rape," isn't really helpful to anyone.

I have no sympathy for the guy at all and he deserves jail time. Like I said I have a sister and I would want to kill anybody who did that to her

>legitimizing the behaviour of the rapist
Fuck off. You're one of those people who can't be objective in situations like these because you will immediately take the side of the victim and believe everything.
Nobody has said that the guy isn't guilty, nor have I dismissed the impact of the act. My only objection was that this does not seem like an act that was physically forced, and that it relied mainly on manipulation. And before you put words in my mouth, no I do not think this makes the act excusable in any way.

So I’m I’d just like to say none of them are defending him, you’re projecting hella hard and you need to get a grip.

When someone says it isn’t as cut and dry as someone else says it is, that doesn’t mean they’re defending anyone and that should be a really large indicator that you should work on your reading comprehension.

I think both parties are in the wrong here, op is being dumb by not going to the police straight away, her sister has probably had a shower or bath so all physical evidence is most likely out the window a user message isn’t going to hold up in court.

Seems like op’s boyfriend has some large mental issues going on idk why he would attempt to end his life and fail (it’s so hard to fuck up an overdose) so I don’t really understand what is going on here it doesn’t seem right. It seems like a fake post.

Jesus fucking christ he would have looked like a monster to her. How is she holding up? How far did it go?

that's awful.

Post pictures of your little sister please.

Attached: cd5.png (230x300, 68K)

Glad to see this place is still as horrible as everm

You call it horrible I’d call it charm.