RBG Dead Thread

Post your Ginsburg memes here -- especially good are the Ginsborg, zombie, Weekend at Bernies, and even that hilarious "god empress of mankind"-pic/-pasta.

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SHE. IS. NOT. DEAD. Shes working at home and has a team of interns constantly assisting her. She is more than capable to work at home while she is recovering


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if she is alive, why is there no life sign?

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Respect her privacy

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she is a public figure, she has no right to privacy.

This. That kid in the MAGA hat didn’t have any right to privacy because liberals didn’t like his face, but supposedly we don’t have the right to know the status of a SCOTUS justice?

The people who's cases are going up to be heard by the Supreme court have a right to see the justices faces and judge if the arguments are reaching them. A good speaker is always paying attention to his audience. RGB is denying people justice by not showing up for her job.

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This. Also, there is no way to be sure it's actually Ginsburg if all decisions go through her aides.

Why do they always use her full name? Ruth Bladder Ginaberg?


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Too bad we can't just pop an emp off at whatever hospital she is in.

Show picture of her working ?
I guess they do not want to see her current stat.


Can she be replaced after 'X' number of days absence?

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>The people who's cases are going up to be heard by the Supreme court have a right to see the justices faces and judge if the arguments are reaching them.
Come on, do you think (((our betters))), the elites in government, care at all about *our* rights? Heck, the Bundy Ranch [along with Waco & Ruby Ridge] tell a story of a govrnment whose elites and muscle *both* disdain the rights of the people.

> RGB is denying people justice by not showing up for her job.
See above; they don't care about our rights, they don't care about the Constitution, they don't care about law --- all of this is why Christians have to "bake the damn cake" or "take the damn photos", but never the other way around: the atheist can't be forced to bake the cake saying "God Loves Us, Jesus is Proof" and so on.

That's my 2nd favorite part, just behind "part goblin, part android".

*Hell keeps returning the package

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Yes she does. Everyone has a right to privacy especially after bravely fighting illness.

If your argument is compelling enough you do not need a face to face interaction. In fact I say shes giving people MORE justice because sometimes you judge people by the most subliminal things. Removing this makes trials more factual than emotional

Why do you need a videotape of her working. As long as her reports come out with her signed signature that should be proof enough that she is working

Yeah, no. If she's incapable of doing her duties, theyll just replace her. Being alive has nothing to do with anything.

Melania Trump had surgery, rested for 3 days. CNN had a time counting how long she was "missing", and the narrative was the President probably beat her up or killed her.

Vulture needs a MAGA hat

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I just saw RGB working out at my gym with her personal trainers. She was dead lifting 2 plates. Seems healthy to me. Probably just wanted a break from the bench.

>Probably just wanted a break from the bench.
Shill detected: the gym is *not* the place to get away from the bench.

So, skip leg-day some more.

Oh yeah! Get examples of that.

I have family in Sandy Hook and can confirm that RBG is alive and well.

The supreme court is not currently in session so it's possible she's just hiding out until then, she is not on the job right now and has no responsibility to be public. She is prolly dead tho.

She hasn't shown up to work ONCE this year.

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Anybody have the god-empress of mankind pic/pasta?


She'll be at SOTU today you faggots.

If she's not, then we can start asking questions, but all her people have said she'll be there.

How many hours until it starts?

11 est

>but all her people have said she'll be there.
Ah shit. Well we can still hope.

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Thank you. Hopefully this farce will end then.

ee maa gin muh shalk

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Like the concert they're floating, she's going to be in the back, and nobody's going to see her, and there won't be any pictures [unless CNN pulls out their photoshop guy], BUT, yeah, she's *TOTALLY* going to be there!

Everyone look at this triggered idiot and laugh

No she won't

>85 years old
>exercises every day
>sharpest mind on the Court

I think shell be fine

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No, read the fucking constitution brittard

haha, clever

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I saw RBG at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything.

She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in her hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Madam, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

no digits but checked nevertheless

Numbers and Robo Bader ginsjew at SOTU today.

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my girl btfo nazis from home doe

Of course not, since she has been dead since december. What I meant was that if "she" keeps dodging there will be a demand for actual proof of her status and then they can't keep stalling.

does anyone remember a thread from yesterday in which a comment referenced the steamed hams simpsons joke? been trying to find it in the archive but no luck

Just because I like (You)r digits

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or this

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much appreciated

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Holy shit! -- These are great. Thank you so much for sharing.

Her "public appearance" at "private concert" sounds like some Kiked-up weird funeral.

A bunch of (bad) songs dedicated to her "questions and answers as a Justice" by her son and step daughter.

She "sat in the back", no pics allowed of the whole event.

Dude, thats a Kiked Up "family and friends only" funeral service.


How long can Americans let these Kikes play god?

If Trump's ball weren't in Pelosi's purse he'd name a replacement and demand Senate vote.

If she shows up for work in person THEN its an issue.

IIRC Fed Law says no-show for 3 days and 4th day you are default fired for 'abandonment'.

>>If she shows up for work in person THEN its an issue.
Not even then -- the number of Justices isn't given in the Constitution. Also, there's no requirement to be a lawyer... and allow me to suggest we'd have better rulings if there were non-lawyers on the Supreme Court.

one moar

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Nice find, Mad Max.

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Will she ever sign the genesis block?

He's right

meme batta

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>Trump greets Ginsburg especially
>gets the spotlight to shine right on her
>"Did you do something different with your hair? You look like a new woman!"

>>>"Did you do something different with your hair? You look like a new woman!"
"Do you hear that?"
"There it is again..."
"You know, that whirring when you move your neck?"

She just taking a nap. Pic related

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