This nigger is trending on twitter



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the boy didn't deserve to die


Will this peace activist ever get justice?

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Obongo's favorite NO Limit Nigger...

Kek holy shit. Funnier than any mainstream comedy,

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interesting how none of the pictures shared of him on Twitter today are the ones of him as he was around the time he died; i.e. the ones with him showing gang signs and pointing guns at the camera

Fake and gay

Got any proof, Cletus?

If a nigger had another nigger...

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Kek who the fuck cares? You realize where you are?

Poor lil trey trey

hehe xd i like the laughing emoji at the end, it tells me when to laugh

not gonna lie. I had secs with a black hooker in Louisiana when I was there and caught gential herpes, Hepatitis C, and gonorreah from her. She looked exactly like Trayvon, and even Google Images thought so when I found her Facebook picture and reverse imaged it. I don't know what this guy did but I fucking hate him because he looks like the whore who ruined my life.
I want to kill myself.

please chill with using the n-word so much.. it's old here.

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Cletus is infinity worth more than any nigger could ever be even if niggers were given infinite amounts of time and space. Its why niggers are Sub Animal. Kikes/Yids are just a nut hair above niggers. Its why they relate themselves to beasts.

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Fuck off, nigger is our word... you subhumans have nigga

They should really do an advert for Skittles featuring dindu, showing the lengths people will go to just to taste that rainbow.

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> lava cum
always gets me

I really want some skittles right now.
Good job on the viral marketing I guess.

someone remind me what we called his firearm

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"Skittles, they're to kill niggers for"


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>cool it with the anti-semitic remarks


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The censorship is unreal right now. They're purging trending tweets like i've never seen before. Not a single (0) comments telling the truth or showing his facebook nigpics anywhere in the first few hundred posts. They want to make sure the truth that Trayvon was a typical thug nigger never reaches the light of day again to maintain the illusion of their martyr.

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Some men just wanna say the N word.

I honestly think calling blacks "neegrow" with a satisfied smirk on your face is more hurtful than nigger. Try it out on one of your homies.

Shut up, you fucking racist.
Anyone saying he was a good boy might be dumb, but he was also stalked and murdered by an honest-to-god psychopath.

>kikes are hardly above niggers
>kikes rule the world
Pick one and only one

>Nigger died who care's

He confronted a legally armed citizen as per his groid programming and got b.t.f.o.

Zimmerman 2020

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Nigger Slayer five thousand?

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