Meltdown on Jewbook because of a portuguese beer campaign

Brazillians are going apeshit on a portuguese beer campaign that references the portuguese african conquests.
>The portuguese are conquerors
*Africa picture*
>They love to leave traces wherever they go

brazillian tears @ jewbook com/cervejaquinas/

Attached: quinas.jpg (960x960, 94K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm sorry about my monkey friends, João

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just imagine if we had a similar campaign here the entire world would go ape shit

Based Alberto Barbosa

Let us colonize Africa my brothers!! I call dibs on Wakanda.

Then we'd see the REAL holocaust.

Attached: 1545536269726.jpg (500x500, 56K)

Never forget.


Fact: Africa is only black because Portuguese king Alberto Barbosa IV deported all the whiteoids from it.

no they wouldn't.

AFRIKA!! I want to colonize it.

Lmao. Facts get in the way of feels, OP! Can't have that!

Since Jews control the entire propaganda machine, I'm sure it would be anti-semitic and literally anudda shoah if anyone were to criticize you. Most of Europe would end up in jail if they didn't go out of their way to buy your kosher beer.

Your campaign would just show the entire world in the beer foam.

please capture zamunda. niggers don't deserve

Attached: Zamunda-Palace.png (1200x675, 930K)

Its a great ad to be hoonest, i'd buy one if i was in portugal

Tudo ao molhe e fé em Deus.

Portuguese were notorious mass rapists. We raped the entire coast of africa, literally. Imagine being in a small ship with no bunda for god knows what time, thunderstorms and scaring waves and then see BUNDA on the beach!! The portuguese thought, imma gonna fuck it!!

Number one African country that isn't in Africa. Portugal!!

Negros might complain as much as they want but, in general, the claim is pretty accurate.

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>kikes are so self obsessed they really think anyone gives a shit about their tiny worthless little piece of desert

Attached: Anne Black.png (990x1146, 792K)


what is their fucking point? If they don't like us Portuguese they can go back to Africa I guess


Good for Quinas, I have never heard of it until now.

Quinas, Portuguese, certainly.
Nice slogan.

Actually, we only fucked Brazilian natives out of existence.

Attached: Tupis e Mamelucos.jpg (1163x536, 263K)

Attached: Rio de Janeiro - Chegada.png (629x736, 246K)

Angola e Nossa!

Literally, a *Barbosa* losing his mind from Bunda overload when the Portuguese arrived in Brazil.


Based Zilian.


As a italoportuguese mutt, I approve of this message.

Well done my Portuguese mutt brothers,
Well done.

Attached: APE.png (736x860, 561K)

Here's Portuguese Angola in the 60s, with nigger misuc.

Luanda was a Portuguese settlement from 1575 to 1975: 400 hundred fucking years.

Attached: w-malkabottles-1487875778.jpg (800x450, 109K)

Palestine would have to exist to fuck it. What you call Palestine is just occupied Israel.

Israel is not even a real country.
It should be nuked.