How can I help my female friend escape Saudi...

How can I help my female friend escape Saudi? She needs her father's written permission to issue a new passport after he destroyed the old one but he refuses. Now she's imprisoned there because you need a man's permission to get a passport and do many things. She's an atheist and hates living there

Is there some smuggling route? If be willing to learn to drive a boat if I could get her to Europe.

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I don’t think you understand the reality of what you’re asking.
If you got caught, the least they would do to you is cane you publicly.

Simple, convert to Islam, gain her fathers trust and marry her.

Hard Mode:
OP is a female Jew.

Tell her to accept that religion rules in saudi and to adapt and be a good gril. A couple years down the line and trustfullness ask your father to visit some relative outside of saudi and just stay away.

But without money, she's fucked. Best she can do is to accept and live by the laws even if she doen't believe in them. It's not like she has to sacifice her firstborn to baal. Just wear a trashbag and don't be degenerate.

I don't know then. Use your special abillities and put your jewish tricks to good use for once, instead of subverting the white man.

Go Big Jew

Organie a female Gandi non-violent womens caravan to the UK and watch the cameras pay attention to something important, historical, and would definitely get foreign military involved or at least pussy UN

Does she have any qualifications?

She's 18 and her dad doesn't want her to study at university. She's naturally intelligent though and manages a store

>university is the only way for intelligent people
If she really would be bright, she would know that in the current year you can find everything one would otehrwise pay in university for, for free on the internet. Stop overvaluing a shitty degree.

Is she in highschool or has finished highschool? Why doesn't her father want her to go to university?

If you are a guy: She's not going to fuck you. She'll say "I thought we were just friends" and go on the cock carousel. She'll become a slut as soon as she goes to the West.

Having a university degree will make it easier for her to move out of Saudi Arabia.

You're endangering her father that way.
You see, government want her father permission to hold him accountable.
Say his daughter fled to the US, he would be punished in her place.
Saudi did a secret black op assassination, the whole world know about it and even the sole robot on mars.

Attached: saudi femboy.jpg (640x1136, 105K)

Suicide is the only option as sad as it sounds. If enough women were to kill themselves out of protest of this horrible slavery that this shit is, maybe that would start to bring up a discussion.

Women in the west also had to die for the freedom of other women.

How? There's no legal way out without her male guardian's permission

Tell her to deal with the reality of her envoirement instead of fleeing, while saudi arabia ia currently becoming westernized through the royal family.

Her "independance" is not worth endangerouing her family and cutting all ties to them and her birth country. She's stupid if she thinks life in the west is better per se. She more likely than not has a far more easier life there when she simply keeps larping as a muslima than she wil have in the west as a fedora. Stop trying to subvert her, kike.

Stupid Jow Forums poster. OP's friend has a worse quality of life than the average Western woman.
That is a problem, if she were to somehow get permission from her male family members, having a university degree would make it easier for her to become a naturalized citizen of a Western country, after which she could drop her Saudi citizenship.

The heck has this to do with Jow Forums posting you fucking retard. I am telling Op that she is fucking up her whole family while having a comf ylive as long as she laprs as a muzzie. FFS she has a job and obviously isn't made to be a breeding machine. She will loose everything just to be free to kvetch about beeing an atheist and fuck around, which will make her only less happy.

You people are delusional. You don't give a shit about anything as long as you get your instant gratification and ego boost. And I'm someone raised in an orthodox family beeing a female and told that my job is getting kids while now living in the west and beeing at best half a men. You are toxic and more likely than not are poisoning her mind and leading her to destroy her family. You beeing jewish only make it ironic.

You are absolutely fucking retarded. Everything that doesn't fit your ideology is automatically /po/ and racist or whatever. Please neck yourself

Wew all that butthurt from Jow Forumseddit.

I have just told you that I am a female raised in an orthodox country and sharing my experience in the west. You simply don't want to understand that what you want her to do will make her more likely than not more miserable than you can even fathom. For you it's only an ego thing, to be her savier, not giving a single fuck about what that means long term and probably deep down enjoying the thought of her conservative family getting punished additionaly. You are a disgusting human and should follow that anons advice about the rope thing.

Wow, OP over here trying to destroy other people's families and religions.

Yeah, sure. More cultural dilution. That's exactly what the world needs. Here's a better idea: Why not just block all incoming and outgoing communications with these countries, then you never get close to these people in the first place.

What are you going to save everybody? The fuck you are. Just letting your emotions get the better of you. It's a useless and futile train of thought.

Suppose her father forces her to marry a man who starts raping her to make children, do you think she should just do nothing? Would you have any other advice for her other than "suck it up"? Your orthodox country is not a barbaric country like Saudi Arabia, I doubt you even have a single inkling of fucked up a country like Saudi Arabia really is. It's really rich that you call me a disgusting human while not wanting someone else to have the same rights that you take for granted. You stupid piece of shit.

>Suppose her father forces her to marry a man
Unlikely if she is allowed to work at that age. YOu know, not all arabs are goatfucking neanderthals anly seeing women are holes to inpregnate? The richness of you calling me Jow Forums is out of orbit.

My country would let me die if I would get pregnant and would even need something like an actual medical abortion. Tell me again, how I don't know shit from your liberal westen ivory tower. If your heart is so full of humanitarian lifegoals, why not bother to fight against child prostitution ind your own country? Ah yes, because that can't be made into a nice plebbit upboat post for karma. You aren't interested in helping people, you are fighting your ideology and I know for certain that you are trying to subvert her. She might already be an atheist but you sure as heck will try to make her go further and further till she is all alone in a foreign country and has nobody but psychopathic ideologies to substitute the lost family.

You're so fucking clueless. At least educate yourself on the country before you start giving advice that a Saudi woman who wants to leave her country for good reason should stay there and be treated like a child for the rest of her life.
>My country would let me die if I would get pregnant and would even need something like an actual medical abortion.
And you think situation is better in Saudi Arabia?

dude I hope you realize you're really fucking brainwashed, but you kinda did it to yourself

Not him/her but brainwashed about what? Saudi Arabia is a repressive shithole of the highest order.

How so?

You are delusional if you think domestic voilence, voilene against women or any other of those things besides the law of having to be a muzzie is any different anywhere else in the world. And again, I am telling you that the life of the avergae saudi woman will be far more comfortable than in the west, because guess what, with all those rules come priviliges. You are colourblind to the culture calling everyone trying to explain to you the nuances gets called "Jow Forums". Ae you a teenger or ealry 20s by any chance? Cause you have the same shitty fundamentalism many teens and brainlets tend to have. You will try to pressure your views on that saudi girl and ruining her life. But again, you don't care as long as you have anything to foght for due to a lack of a personal life for yourself.

Didn't I just watch a video about you on YouTube?

Are you really claimimg that the citizens of a country that murders it's own citizens in their own consulates have a better quality of life the citizens of western countries whose rights are protected by law? I have to ask, how are you determining quality of life?

America and half of the remaining world has capital punishment. Not even counting in the second trimester abortion at will without medical indication. Tell me again why saudi arabia is the devil. The law is made by the citizens for themselves. To each their own.

And if all that is too hard to understand, go visit saudi arabia and ask the women there what they think about all those nice western things, for the most part they will laugh at you and ask you who will drive them around, when they have the same obligations. Cause that's the reason the majority of saudi women was against the right to drive - it was seen as luxurious to be driven around like a rpincess. And that'S just one example showing that you are to dense to understand that different cultures might priorities differnt things. And even beatings in saudi arabia are governend my law, just like they were in europe till a couple years back.

Just shut the fuck up and stop trying to make the world into one globalized blob of shitty macdonals culture, selling your McLife to every naive person you can get your trickery hands on.

The better solution would be a peoples uprising and overthrowing the current "government".

she should stay where the fuck she is from. there is a good reason why saudi women are bound to males. you come to europe, spend your freaking money here feeding the consumerist system an buying shit you don't need from companies that poison us. stay with your stupid decisions in your stupid country.

there is a good reason for that. stupid people lead to stupid/egoistic decisions. we have enough of them in europe. she should fuck off