Is it OK to use RETARDS for SEX?

JF is trying to debunk IQ science because he's ashamed that his ugly little cum dumpster is barely capable of verbalizing words. Furthermore, there's a good chance that she's gonna give him a few more waterheads that he's already got.

Is what JF does with retards morally acceptable to you as long as he doesn't make new ones?

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Is pic related actually retarded? She seems either retarded or drunk every time I've seen her come on cam

She isn't super fluent in English

i keked, but bro she just doesn't speak english well. there's a stream of her speaking french and she sounds like any other big brained frog asshole. JF's ability to speak english as well as he does is just a reflection of his galaxy brain, it's very rare.
how many canadian french have you met? they're strange folks

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>Being able to speak two languages is a reflection of his galaxy brain and very rare

Flag checks out

amazing the coordination you folks seem to have in finding these threads

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>imagine being such an althype fanboy that you seethe this much over a joke
cope however you like pal, good luck on your next d&c slide thread