Don't you think this guy has a little too much money?

I mean fucking hell his wife is going to be the richest woman or some shit and what did she even do to earn it?

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He did more to deserve it than the shitskins his wealth would be redistributed to

Any Jew with money is a Jew with too much money.


Well...he earned it you wouldn't like it too much if someone said you have too much money and need to hand it over to niggers. Would you?

he has that much money because americans don't seem to care about monopolies anymore, if there was only one manufacturer for every single product no one would bat an eye.

>Don't you think this guy has a little too much money?

Look beyond

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She had to fuck Jeff Bezos for YEARS. Surely that's worth several billion dollars

Aren’t you de-facto admitting that he deserves his money by even implying that his wife doesn’t?

I feel like you’re missing a fundamental step in your reasoning here. The way the real world works is that a small number of people who were in the right place at the right time and had the right set of skills accumulate wealth.

This has literally always been true, and attempts to make it untrue just make it more true, thus Stalin owning an entire country, or Guevara owning 2/3rds of Cuba’s tobacco industry.




He would be sucking big black dick for bus fare if Amazon had to pay normal postage. Of course thats fine now, since he has his own fleet of underpaid niggers and beaners to deliver packages (and promptly steal them)
>t. Postalfag

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Richest woman? The Queen of England owns 89% of the land in my country. It's a big fucking country. Even if I offered her $10,000,000 an acre, I'd be refused. Not for sale at any price.

This is just my country, she owns a few others too (looking at you Emus).

Never mind the other people on Earth who are so loaded they can't even be on the Forbes list, because it would blow the whole deal. Whom do you think all the worlds trillions are "owed" to, Martians?

So yeah she'll be loaded, but only compared to us peasants.

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You Americans really need to do something about this divorce rape bullshit. Thousands of women are getting filthy rich or the right to sit on their asses for the rest of their lives buy robbing all these men in court.
How do men even fall for this I'm still surprised

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put up with his cheating clown ass while remaining faithful

Yes, although that doesn't mean I want the government to intervene or him to fuck with the government. The retards that take the biggest issue with his wealth are the same folk that have an alexa in every room.

>one eye slightly more open than the other
I see Jeff had just finished a nice meal of adrenochrome rich baby brains before taking this picture.

he made deals with the USPS, fedex, and UPS to ship your packages to you cheaper.

Whine whine whine! Fact is, he contributed something of value and was able to monetize it.

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Clearly she did something right.

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Just started watching it
>Those first lawyer comments
Fucking disgusting. Your countries ways never cease to amaze me

Fuck the government

Chelsea Clinton in 2010 spent more than 40 millions on her marriage
she never worked 1 day in her life
this is more than what you and your whole family will win in their whole working life
your family and all their descendant
all that in a weekend
whoever tell you the system is not broken is lying or an happy slave

Are you a fucking commie?

If you think he has too much money then STOP BUYING SHIT FROM HIM, YOU FUCKING MONG!

thats the wallmart joke all over again
you try to shift the blame for the monopoly to the exploited all that to excuse greed and control

The vast majority of billionaires are only billionaires in theory. Nobody has a billion dollars in cash - it's held up in non-depreciating assets. Trump's billions for example are held in buildings - which is why his wealth is disputed between 3-10 billion. This guy's money is primarily held in Amazon stock holdings. The thing with that is that he's never going to be able to cash out 120 billion from that. If he starts selling a significant amount, the stick price tanks and his stocks become relatively worthless.

>Are you a fucking commie?

hurr durr, Any question about how retardly rich the 1% are makes someone a commie

which will lead to gulags


thx you fucking idiot

I swear to God if my Amazon prime packages get delayed cus she's being moody Pms'ing instead of getting my order ready there will be hell to pay!

No, he created a valuable service that is beating Walmart, and employs lots of people. I'd rather see him be rich than see some politician grab it all and promise to give it to the gibsmedats.

Break up his monopoly.
Tax his wealth.

Unionize his employees.

If you break up his monopoly, he will be even wealthier.
Shares of the individual companies will go through the roof.

Tax his wealth.

He doesn't actually have most of that money. His wealth is tied up in Amazon stock and as founder/chairman/president/CEO it's basically impossible for him to cash out anything but a small fraction.

Break up his monopoly.
We have laws in this country.

It's just the free market! You too can become a billionair if you pick yourself up by your bootstraps and open an lemonade stand! It's big government that's the problem. Go back to sleep.

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cuting price and being unable to make profit is hardly created a valuable service fuck off
find me any other company that can lose money for 25 years and still be the biggest retail seller on the web the whole thing is a scam like Musk the hasbeen
they are front for elites operation

Teamsters need to organize the employees.

>of a business

I don't waste my time worrying about what others make,that's mediocre and pathetic.
I focus on my own shit.

AT&T was a business.
Standard Oil was a business.

>The way the real world works is that a small number of people who were in the right place at the right time and had the right set of skills accumulate wealth.
Bezos's Amazon wealth is the very peak of bullshit money-making.

First of all, Amazon doesn't make money. That's their business model: do everything on a breakeven basis, so nobody who's actually trying to make money can compete, so you do lots of business, so you look important, so investors put more money in. The growth gives the illusion that real profits will surely come someday, and gives a pretense for the stock price to keep going up. In reality, it's just an investment bubble. There's no profit potential, and they can't ever get more than a tiny fraction of the investment back.

Secondly, the investment market isn't honest. Think back to the bail-outs. Trillions of dollars of taxpayer money have been gifted to investment banks and major corporations over the last decade. Why? Because otherwise they would have failed. Why? Because they put all of their money into bullshit bubble investments like Amazon. There's nothing inside the bubble, no real value to lose, but if it pops, then "the economy will collapse" meaning that the people who drew power from the bullshit economy will lose it.

Third, the commercial market isn't honest. Whenever anyone earns or spends money, the government takes a large cut, and then redistributes that money as it pleases. Any group of people just honestly doing work for each other, not trying to get government money, will quickly have their cash supply drained and given to someone else. That's what killed the pleasant small towns most people had lived in and made everyone move to the crowded, faceless, crime-ridden cities, to be closer to the centers of government spending. There's no free market, we're living under a totalitarian economic system where honest trade is destroyed by default and the government redistributes at will.

This, its just that the amazon guy hasnt hidden all his assets as wel as the other real trillionars.

>sells books online
>sells nerds space on his computers
>richest man on planet
He's a merchant. Fuck him.

He basically funds the entire U.S. postal service and then some in taxes alone.

He's still a faggot though for buying the Washington post and pushing his Jewish globalist propaganda.

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The real trillionaire Martians, except they're real: Jews.

good post

I mean he definitely does, but what of it?