So how do you guys cope?
/small dick/
I married a virgin. Easier that way.
What if she make friends with women who redpill her on big dicks?
Yall niggas gotta chill.
Claim you are asexual and spend the rest of your life in silent suffering. Also pray an actual penis enlargement pill gets developed one day.
I mean, you can’t isolate her forever.
Why do you guys feel the need to sit around convincing each other that there's no hope? Do you have some kind of humiliation fetish you're playing out or something?
Yo calm down my mans. Half of yall who claim tiny meat aren't even below 5 inches. Even if it were 4 inches, well that sucks but its not like you can change it. Even at 4 inches you can still have decent PIV sex with a female if you make proper adjustments.
Now if you are 5 inches, you are just being a little bitch and watch too much porn. Your penis is completely capable of pleasuring a woman. If you are under, especially significantly under 5 inches, be up front about it. Tell her you have some tiny meat, and that you guys will have to try different stuff in bed. This should apply to all guys, but be open to using toys, eat pussy like a champ, etc etc, but also understand that your pleasure matters too, don't be afraid to clap some cheeks when you wanna get that nut.
I will end by saying my friend who is most sexually successful out of anyone I know has told our friend group that he is around 4.5 inches. He is a self admitted dominant in the bedroom, his past few girlfriends were with him for months at a time and the one I met drunkenly admitted how much she enjoyed fucking him. The man just gets a lot of practice and is confident.
another muh small penis thread. FFS
Big penis men get cheated on and left too. Life sucks for everyone in one way or another. At least you have all your limbs and can walk on your own legs
Prostitutes are penis experts. prostitutes are the only professional group qualified to comment on how penises of differing sizes and shapes feel when they are inside a woman. every day there is an Jow Forums post crying about penis size or shape. I decided to share my informed opinion as a licensed Nevada prostitute. I’ve seen a lot of cocks. They come in all shapes, lengths, widths, and colors. Some bend upwards, downwards, curve to the side. Some are almost the size of my forearm, some the size of my thumb. penises with a sharp bend like a water faucet, penises shaped like mushroom, with large head on small shaft. some try to trick people into believing that there is such a thing as an “ideal penis,” I’m here to tell you that as long as your penis is healthy, it’s ideal for sex and is capable of pleasing a woman. There are so many ways that one healthy penis can differ from the next, that it’s pointless to try to figure out what’s best. average penis length is 5.17 inches, measure against this average, and feel better or worse? But comparing yourself impair your ability to see yourself as a valuable individual who uses your unique body to be the best lover your partner ever had. a thick or long cock doesn’t mean great sex. instead read your partner’s body, her needs, pay attention to her response. big or small, if you apply the right pressure, the right rhythm, it’s going to feel good. Also, you should use more than just your penis. research shows most women cant achieve orgasm through PIV alone. use your mouth and hands, maybe toys. Simply: when it comes to sexual satisfaction, a big penis is no substitute for a compassionate and audacious man. When women talk, they focus on a man’s performance, and not on his penis size at all. when another woman describes good sex, she very rarely mentions the size or appearance of the penis. we’re not that concerned about a guy’s penis size, men shouldn’t be as concerned as they are about it either.
I've always wondered what it be like to have a small dick. Every girl I've been with has commented on how big I am. I can literally see their eyes light up when they see it. My gf tells me how good it feels because it fills her up perfectly.
So I wonder what small guys have to do to been seen as "good" in bed. I feel like have the work is already done for me
My dick is around ~4 inches and every girl I've fucked (9) with the exception of 1 was really into it. They didn't care about the size at all. The one that did came multiple times but went out and told people I had a small dick when I stopped talking to her.
Basically women are NPCs and on social media they follow the trend that "big dicks are cool" but when it happens in real life they just want the man the cock is attached to.
Yeah but be honest, you like big cocks the most.
lmao ok
I'm under 4 inches don't give me that shit. You wouldn't know the struggle.
One time I was with this girl and I didn't really see her as LTR material so, whilst we were fucking around I asked about whether she could feel how much of me was inside of her.
I have an 8" and she admitted she could only really feel me going in at that entrance point and then guessed I was balls deep. I was half way in.
The only time I feel my dick comes in useful is when I'm not fucking. For example, this girl went turbo-hoe on me at a party when she felt my chopper. She was already into me before, having called me handsome, but feeling my piece through my suitpants made her way more slutty.
You could turn it into something hot and look at it as nature designating you as a homosexual sissyboi.
They've got those hypnotwat vids in gif to help get you used to jacking it to dick.
Get into SPH
My wife bottoms out at about 6 inches. Any more on a guy is just wasted shaft with her. Flinching and pain if pushed more.
so.. you let other men have sex with your wife?
No woman will ever be enthusiastic about my average size and I'm missing out on that.
If you're still here how much do you charge per hour? I've seen so many different numbers on Nevada prostitutes.
Buy 3 dildos, small, medium and big. Use them all on your ass. Which one feels the best? Probably not the biggest one. #biggerisbettermythbusted
Yeah that sucks ass dude sorry. I'm a bit under 6 but pretty thick and most girls like my dick. Under is small. You lost the genetic lottery. Sucks but it's true. Just gets tons of money and you can get a pens transplant or transform into a female and fuck guys who make fun of you and give them AIDS to assert your dominance
I have 6.3 length and 5 girth. I had no problems with girls. Is this average or below average. I need real talk?
small dicks are perfect for anal sex don´t bother with it.
Make sure you're stroke is impeccable, and you eat ass. Thats enough.
>So how do you guys cope?
Can you piss?
Is it not sore?
Does it feel nice when you touch it?
If you answered all of the above questions with "yes", what's the fucking problem?
>Hurr durr b-but girls enjoy smaller dicks less
So? Do you think that women spend even half a second wondering if you're enjoying the sex? When why should you dedicate all of your time in bed and a significant portion of your time out of bed worrying about it?
It doesn't. fucking. matter. Your dick does what it's supposed to do, you shouldn't spend more than a tenth of a nanosecond worrying about what women think about it. 3D women are not important.
B-but user what if my waifu doesn't like my 3 inch pecker?
Get a waifu that's not shit.
Lol bitch cant think of "nig dildo" and just jumps to "I should cheat lol how do I approach this? ;))"
Could somebody psychoanalyze me? I have a pretty big dick but I get rock hard from those first person videos of a girl bullying your dick size and calling you small. What does this mean?
Haha c-can you imagine someone actually doing that?
What do you mean cope?
Fuck women and their pleasure.
There is nothing at all wrong with you.
Imagine wanting to destroy a perfectly healthy relationship you've invested in for 2 inches of flesh...
Size does matter, but not that much. My dingaling is 6" and I'd be willing to wager that neither my nor my partner's sex life would not be improved in any significant way if it were 7" instead...
That 1 inch won't make a difference. If it was 1 inch in girth on the other hand....
This is not gonna be a thing. Fuck off.
I once had an overweight dude on my hockey team who revealed his tiny pecker in the change-room say "I've never had a bad orgasm so far".
That stuck with me. Who gives a fuck?
lol your wife's a pussylet
Didnt other guy make fun of his pecker?
you're submissive. contrary to Jow Forums that doesn't mean anything about you as a person.
It doesn't look small when it's in their mouth.
There IS a fucking problem. Women may not want to sleep with someone who has a small dick. Or they will but not keep a relationship with that guy.
>but in that case she wasn't worth it
Well guess no woman is then?
>Well guess no woman is then?
Now you're starting to catch on. Bitches ain't shit but hoes 'n tricks
It doesnt work that way, if such nonsense was true then the reverse would turn homos to straight.
A close f-friend said same thing once but I had my doubts about it, thx user.
I pity you that you even considered to write such BS on advice.
Girls also want to know and hear that they're beautiful, it's only natural for men to boost their confidence too, some woman are insecure about their body too, like height or boobs too small, again only natural for men to be about their body parts as well.
You developed a fetish.
I started watching the most degrading fetishes until I decided no more and read about human psychology, but beware, there's some "Jew concepts" by that i mean some studies are false based on one/more individual's who could be manipulated to steer the things in the psychologist favour, not everyone to be trusted, even though i doubt youre going to put the time to read into these books, but incase som1 does.
Reading will help you understand how the mind works wonders.
Stop believing in science will solve anything, scientist work in the favour of capitalism, and it's never 99℅ bullet proof, look how surgery ruined people's body/face permanently, not all scientist but it's pretty obvious, like Nelson tesla when he wanted&inveted to make electricity free, they shut his lab down.
masturbate excessively and be dysfunctional
>My wife bottoms out at about 6 inches. Any more on a guy is just wasted shaft with her. Flinching and pain if pushed more.
My ex did the same. I fit all the way but hit hey cervix if I did I rough
Why do you stubbornly cling to false hope?
I've resigned myself to one out of four options:
>I give up on women and trying to please them
>I date a girl shorter than 5' for the better chance at her having a small vagina anyways
>I date an asexual girl, because if she doesn't care about sex at all, why would she care about my penis?
>I date a girl who's into gaping/large insertions. If she's used to shoving 2-liter bottles up her snatch, even the biggest dicks seem small in comparison
There's no hope for you user
>And it's not for the reason you think
>false hope
kek. If the world were as you guys say it is, I'd have a way easier time getting laid.
>Nelson tesla
>I date a girl shorter than 5' for the better chance at her having a small vagina anyways
You know there's literally no correlation, right?
What reason is it, then?
Well, I'll tell you how I cope
I was born with a 8 3/4th inch penis
So I never worry
Don't need to
It's true. Last girl I had sex with was 5 foot, and she took 7 inches very well, even imploring that I go all the way in when I was being cautious
>stop defining yourself by your dick and be a good person. Find someone you're truly compatible with and realize how much more there is to intimacy than the part where your dick is inside.
Above average length and slightly above average girth (a circumference of 5-5.5 inches is ideal for most women).
t. guy with a 5x5 chode
Understand that woman only use small dick guys like us for resources and gibs. The only way to fight back is to never get married or be a provider for a female who secretly resents your dick and will probably cheat/divorce. Just be a pump and dump savage.
>It doesnt work that way, if such nonsense was true then the reverse would turn homos to straight.
Unless you consider homosexuality to be an irreversible (or hard to reverse) warping of the male mind through external stimuli.
That's not a kosher conception of it though. Every gay boy "feels" that they'd still be gay without being physically dominated by another male at a young age, so it must be the case.
I believe that I can satisfy women, but I also believe that anterior fornix exists, and that it makes bigger men seem better than smaller men. Of course I can give good sex, but there are better guys out there who can give better. I’m scared of that. Love and relationship stress me out.
>scientist work in the favour of capitalism, and it's never 99℅ bullet proof
So what guarantees something to be bullet proof if not self interest?
>date an asexual girl
There's 3 main types of asexuals- those who don't mind sex, those who truly don't care either way, and those who don't want it at all, with varying degrees and combinations of interest. It's hard to maintain a relationship with someone like that, even the sex positive ones, because they'll probably never initiate anything. They don't have a mental grid for your sexual needs and view your suggestions or advances as annoying pop ups, even something small or expected like a kiss when parting ways. A good way to understand their mindset is if you're at the grocery store and have no interest in baking, you'll walk right past the baking aisle without even thinking about the different kinds of mixes, trays, tools, and stuff on it. That's how asexuals view sex. It's there but doesn't concern them so they may see or notice it but they have no interest or passion for it. They're also incredibly independent, and most would rather be the weird old cat lady who can do whatever she wants whenever she wants without the need or responsibility of clearing it with another person and risking being denied. Every day with you is an internal "do I really want to live like this?" to her, even if the relationship is going well and she's having a great time. She'll need space and time for herself and that might be difficult for you since you want to see and be with her like a normal relationship. The relationship requires a ton of patience and the maturity to have those difficult conversations where you address the needs that aren't being met over and over again. She'll truly mean her apology but because anything sexual never crosses her mind nothing ever changes. She won't care about your dick size because most likely she quite literally won't give a fuck. If you're lucky she'll let you fuck her while she reads a book or she'll jack you off on your birthday or something but even that's not likely.
t. guy in a 2.5 year relationship with an asexual woman
Dude, you gotta smoke some weed or something. The anterior fornix isn't some magic cum button. Girls' orgasms are tied up in their heads more than anything else.
big balls
I’ve started smoking quite a lot. From nonsmoker to moderately heavy smoker. I love the idea of hurting myself, knowing how worthless I am.
lmao mate this is just sad
why be with someone that doesn't really give a shit about you and doesn't ever meet your needs, whatever they may be?
how is this different from just a friendship?
lots of church activites... lots
This is the only way for us. Either be with an asexual girl or no girl at all.
why though
i'm pretty average and have been plenty lucky with girls and am in a healthy LTR
I'm ugly af so even if I had a massive dong it wouldn't change a thing
My girl doesnt like being eaten or fingered as much as she likes my dick. She loves it. Said it the first time we fucked and that its the biggest shes ever had (19cm). Some chicks care for dick size, some dont. Thats just how it is.
go with no girl, your asexual girl will ride wild on my dong
I'm not that small(11 cm x ~8 cm) but I was always self-concious about it. The trick is that you need to bang woman that are into you. If they feel emotional bond they will come no matter how small are you. They can come just by pressing the tip of your finger to their pussy.
A big dig is nice, this is a fact. It's the equivalent of large breast. But in the end its only an aesthetic thing.
Don't listen to these underage fags, relationships can be much more than just sex. I learned this the hard way. If you are happy I'm happy for you too desu
pic unrelated
Post balls
You don’t know if she at one point was turned on by the thought of a big dick.
Pretty much same.
> Was always worried about being below average.
> Gets a girlfriend
> She absolutely loves it
> Glad that I can satisfy her
It doesn't matter if you can satisfy ALL WOMEN as long as you can satify the one that matters
>Imagine wanting to destroy a perfectly healthy relationship you've invested in for 2 inches of flesh...
>imagine being a woman
>dick is above average but tiny flaccid
rip going to any public bathing facilities ever
You can at least have a loyal woman.
OP here.
What if at one point she was turned on by the thought of a bigger dick?
Legends says that under 5 inches , you go mgtow .
I have 14cm , but no sex since i have no money and i am social awkward but at least i will be a medic
My dude, you don't have to be the absolute hottest man she could ever imagine.
Get out kids
I'm sure she would find other man hot at some point anyways. You watch porn right? Do you watch porn because you don't find your girlfriend hot? If the answer is "no" then congratulation you proved my point, if "yes" then I'm sorry.
Also this:
So. Fucking. What. I can be turned on by a lot of things that can't all be contained in one person. What matters is what's attached to the person i love and that they care as much about me as i do about them. I was with a girl for the first time and found out that her large breasts were actually quite saggy (that's a turn off for me, especially as young as she still was), but as our relationship grew and our connection deepened they began to look different to me. I'm still not a fan of saggy tits, but hers look perfect to me now.
Point is, unless you're just looking to hook up with sluts, the size of your dick is one of the least important things in a relationship.