The biggest problem with your bleach meme Jow Forums is that mixed race girls literally never mix back in with white. The overwhelming majority of Mulattos, Castizas and Hapas actively avoid white boys at all costs. Why can’t you see that Jow Forums? Your plan is doomed from the start.
Why does Jow Forums push the bleached meme?
Christian Myers
Connor Bailey
>The overwhelming majority of Mulattos, Castizas and Hapas actively avoid white boys at all costs.
David Bell
Ha untrue, mixed people try to get back into it from what iv'e seen, nice shill post tho ur winning
Nolan Anderson
Latinas and black women love white men.
They request white semen at fertility clinics at alarming rates. Every women I met wants their baby to have blue eyes and white skin.
Jackson Jenkins
hello jidf
Jacob Kelly
Fuck off with your daily shill threads
Brody Flores
>dude, don't race mix! your baby will turn out ugly!
Gabriel Collins
black and mixed women love white guys, white guys usually only like white women though, and barely anyone likes black girls
Juan Hill
Fake news
Owen Walker
digits of truth fuck memeflags