>tfw only attracted to awkward autistic girls who are into nerdy anime shit
>tfw they want nothing to do with me because I'm black
its literally the most depressing fucking thing on earth seriously, normal white girls want nothing to do with me as I am a massive awkward nerd and the nerdy ones never date blacks as they think I am a thug or ugly and only date asian or white guys.
I am too nigger for the nerdy girls and too nerdy for the normal ones.
How the fuck do I fix this, I am 25 and have never even been on a date, yeah I have fucked random girls at uni years ago but that was easy.
i’m an awkward autistic girl into nerdy shit and i like black guys. i’m sure i’m not the only one. just keep trying.
Carson Brooks
1 in a million i guess
3 times I was supposed to go on a double date and when they found out who I was they said no blacks, it has fucked me up permanently, Its all I worry about when talking to girls now its crushing
Angel Jackson
Dumb coal burning skank.
Ryder Wilson
Stick to dating your own race you retard.
There's plenty of nerdy black/mixed girls who are into anime.
Samuel Jones
There are girls like that out there, much more than one in a million. You should try getting a bit closer and show her that you're an awkward weeb just like her. I'm sure some girls have presumptions of you being a black chad and that's why they aren't interested, but I think breaking the ice will help. After all, there isn't anything better than a person who shares your interests.
Good luck brother.
Nolan Perez
My two cents?
Grow the fuck up. You're 25. Seriously, you should be largely over anime and self-identifying as a black weeb autist or whatever.
Start acting like an adult (i.e. a man) and people (women included) will start treating you like one. I'm black, I like gaming and read manga from time to time. But I still know how to just be fucking normal as well and treat those things as casual hobbies for down time. Not key parts of my being that inflect how I socialize or who I socialize with.
Ryder Sanchez
Racist incel
Logan Harris
Cry more nigger lover. Enjoy your single mum future.
Kevin Perry
Well i don't say I am a weeb in public I am not that autistic, I work all week and on weekends I go to the bar with my last local friend as literally everyone else has moved away. The only contact with women I get is online and from my PERSONAL experience they want nothing to do with me.
Its so much easier meeting them at a bar or something but I find it extremely hard to fake small talk without knowing what shit shes into, I am not a looker either which sucks.
Jacob Reed
Dude. Just bang latinas (every single one of them is a weeaboo) and shy black girls (normally into dorky shit too). In my experience white chicks who are into weeaboo shit and BBC are tomboys. Go for those too.
At the end of the day though, if a woman is attracted to you she will bandwagon whatever YOU like anyway.
Don't listen to the 13 year old, user. I like you just the way you are.
David Walker
Fuck off nigger.
Nolan Long
What kind of faggot gets pleasure out of this?
You must be fat, or been bullied by tyrone
Jaxon Davis
Awwwwww little nigger is gonna cry.
Don't worry nigger fag, I'm sure your deadbeat dad will come back soon so that your STD ridden fat negress momma will finally be able to stop whoring herself out to survive AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH PATHETIC NIGGERS
Mason Thomas
Tell me how you really feel user?
James Hughes
>British black guy
Then come over to America you retard. Black guy with British accent would have no trouble getting women here
Colton Price
>come over here and settle for american coalburning thots who want to make their daddy upset by fucking worthless niggers
Nathan Robinson
I will be next year, can't wait
Carson Hall
Thank fuck, go to the muttcountry and never come back, fucking monkey.
Justin King
Kneel before your superior BLACK masters, wh*toid. Or feel the wrath of KARA BOGA.
Yeeehawww pick my fucking cotton monkey bastard!!!
Gonna slide my fat white cock in some sweet negresss mmmmmmmmm BLEACH that jungle cunt mm yeah
Evan Martinez
keked desu
Ryder Reyes
this is the same beta-male kind of guy who dates/marries Asian women.
Asher Thompson
The only white girls whoa re into black dudes have a ton of mental illnesses or have daddy issues or both. So try to find those girls. Otherwise like another user said, stick to your own race turbo nigger
Parker King
almost all girls have daddy issue
Nolan Perez
>Mental illness, daddy issues, both
But that's literally every white girl I've ever met
Logan Reed
Nice cope NIGGER
Asher Mitchell
Obviously, because the sane ones don't talk to filthy niggers such as yourself.
Hunter Cruz
Great thread guys.
Anyways OP, you don't really have a choice but other black girls. Blacks, tide with Indians are the least sought after ethnic group.
John Wood
latinas also hate niggers
Benjamin Sanchez
date your own, black man It'S only natural that more brainy women don't fall for race mixing propaganda. Get a nice black gril and make black babies instead le56s.
Jose Price
You should just move to a city in the US. Hide your power level slightly - geeky women will think you're hot as fuck because of the accent and then when you "make yourself vulnerable" by revealing your "geeky" interests (which are mainstream as hell among young urban people anyway) they'll swoon for you again. Avoid all of dumbfuckistan Trump-country unless you just want to repeat your experience so far.
Dominic Ward
>muh build a table Fucking everyone games and watches nerd shit now. It's what sports was for the boomers. Everyone talks about the fucking horse gonads in Red Dead instead of talking about which roid monkey is getting traded now. You don't do it WITH someone you want to sleep with, no, but old farts didn't do typically do that with sports either.
No one with a triple digit IQ judges you for that shit.
>tfw I get told to go to Jow Forums on other boards >it’s full of bitter racist r9k incels What even is the point? OP is a bit dumb and has it coming for him by refusing to expand his mating pool, but it doesn’t warrant the faggots spreading their vitriolic spiel here. If mods allow it then there is literally no point in this board.
Brayden Morris
Being black = Dark Souls of life
Robert Barnes
Hello shrink here, tell me user what reaaallly happened to you in your childhood?
Jack Brooks
>wahhh wahhh I wanna be a nigger and I wanna be free
Zip it and line up for your food stamps tyrone.
Kevin Nguyen
Don't listen to this garbage OP. People that think they have to stop liking things at a certain age are fucking fools. This dumbshit knows nothing about you and is already spewing his "be a man" rhetoric >durr hurr I's normal
James Ramirez
Have you bought the latest plastic avengers doll, you stunted manchild soi?
Austin Baker
Good rebuttal, don't even bother replying if that's the only nonsense you can mutter.
Luke Campbell
>Good rebuttal, don't even bother replying if that's the only nonsense you can mutter.
Lmao, soicuck already shitting himself.
Carter Edwards
which is always funny since both groups are basically the same
William Ross
Line up for the latest anime sex doll, Elliot.
Gabriel Lewis
>nigger doesn't even pretend that he doesn't live off white people's scraps and taxes
Lmao, truly a natural slave race.
Owen Carter
>Unironically believes europe isn't muttcountry as well
Liam Smith
How the literal fuck did this become a Jow Forums thread
Nathan Kelly
>he assumes I’m black to relieve his senses Keep coping incel, your life is just as shit today as it was yesterday and you are too schizophrenic to realize it. Have a good day sir.
Compared to the Jewnited Niggers of Muttica, Europe is pretty much an ethnostate.
Chase Morales
>Have a good day sir
Back to plebbit, nigger.
Camden Long
>I have fucked random girls at uni years ago but that was easy. >Complaining about how sad his own existence is on Jow Forums Go fuck yourself normie
Ryan King
Kinda in the same boat. I am a scary gangster looking guy (think pic related), buzzed head, broken nose and scars from martial arts, scary arab face, tall and muscular. The kind of girls I attract with these looks are immediately turned off by my sensitive and awkward personality, because they expect me to be some sort of bad boy gangster, and the kind of girl that I would be attracted to, are too scared by my appearance to even give me a chance. Also, I assume most girls think I'm a dumb brute, but I actually am pretty cultured and introspective. It sucks man. It really does.
Racism bullshit aside, I'm curious about something OP.
You mentioned you like awkward autistic girls into nerdy stuff. Do they have to be white? or are you into black girls too? Maybe you can find one of them
Henry Cook
>Join single geeks group on FB >*ALL* hamplanets
For fucks sake
Daniel Young
I’m a white male accountant nerd who doesn’t get out much but I thought white girls were really into black guys ?
William Nelson
Not sure if it is universal but I've seen statistics that 80% marry/date their own race so you're looking at 1 in 5 that is willing to date outside of their own race.
Carson Green
Black girls are more likely to be into white guys.
Carter Hill
stop eating Jow Forums bullshit
Austin Long
Nerdy black girls don't like black guys guys. t.black guy
Lucas Long
I don’t go on pol and I barely come on Jow Forums. I work cook and gym, that’s my life sadly.
Anthony King
then what do they like?
Anthony Harris
White guys.
Jordan Gomez
White girls usually only fuck black guys and almost never have LTRs with them. I have been the unwitting partner in cheating so many times it's unreal. They literally see us as fuck-animals.
Alexander Nguyen
Coal burner, kys bitch you dumb slut
Jose Carter
Kys you fucking nigger.
Jonathan Roberts
Not until I have a few child support bills my good white sir.
Easton Parker
Wow Jow Forums can invent vocabulary at an amazing rate.
I don't know some of the terms some potty mouths are spouting. I've been here for a decade. Wtf.
Sorry. Heh. U think I just apologized for you being black and having a stereotype pushed on you.
Canadian. Figures.
Nathaniel Fisher
I dunno which is more pathetic/funny; op or the seething Jow Forumstards.
Most of it is in your head, faggots. The rest is down to you shitty (and/or lack of) communication, showing too much too soon or not enough.
I fit the gangster looking stereotype (back in college like 25% people who met me, thought I was a fucking drug dealer) and lived in shitty hoods; and still attracted girl from all walks of life without trying too hard. Okay, I am not black/arab, so it's easier for me but if you don't live in some rural village, how many people do really care?
Jacob Gutierrez
Great, more mutts. >t. Jude
Jack Flores
>Okay, I am not black/arab Post instantly discarded dumbass
Nathan Cooper
>you only get stereotyped when you're couple shades too brown
Easton Reed
No retard, you can't tell him "durr it's all in your head" when it's impossible for you to understand where he's coming from.
Dominic Ortiz
We're not talking about some inter-dimensional being beyond human understanding, just some darker skinned guy. Of course I lack life experience as a dark skinned guy, but given that I know tons, and tons of women, it's not too hard to picture the impact it'd have, before we even look into more objective data.
AND even if we roll with your "logic", surely OP couldn't understand where the women are coming from, so we're back to him making up stories about what they might think in his head.
If I were black I wouldn't hang around on Jow Forums. I mean, there are some good people here, but the anonymity is what draws racists here.
Racists may hate black people but most people hate racists lol. They have to come to an anonymous board because everyone hates them and the rest of their lives consists of just hiding from everyone. Their normal lives are very pathetic, so they let out anger here.
They might not even be racist. Maybe they just get pushed around so much in their lives that they just want to be mean to someone with no negative ramifications.
Chase Flores
Andrew Diaz
I don't hate blacks for being black, I hate having blacks in white countries and especially their mixing with whites. "Racism" is an extremely nebulous terms that's near-meaningless at this point, it's just a tool used to rile up the masses to indignation. A modern eternal sin, if you will.