Attached: approval.png (611x464, 110K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>no wall
>Hasn't pulled out of syria
>Shit load of Jobs lost
>Government still garbage
>Approval goes up

Are americans fucking retarded?

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That settles it, clearly Trump is the superior President. He might as well resign now.

Ruskie you mad you live in a shithole?

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Literally clinging to the one and only poll you have left.

So? Our literal GOD EMPEROR OF THE UNIVERSE has reaffirmed that Israel and God’s Chosen People are indeed our greatest ally. Is that not enough for you?
Not an argument, MIGApede.

>largest country in the world with massive natural resources
>has a GDP smaller than Texas

Tы тpoллинг?

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Attached: you're an incel loser.png (723x341, 35K)

>don’t believe polls! They are rigged!
>look at this poll! Trump is god! MAGA!

Trump has 2020 on lock, I teach High School and all the Zoomers are wearing Maga gats, and they will be 18 by 2020. Demonrats are fucked


Not an argument, MIGApede.
>This one poll out of all of them is totally accurate. Just like Fox News (excluding Tucker in this situation) is the only new outlet that’s true.
Nope. Demographics have already made this impossible. And also you’re a liar. I’m 18. A highschool senior. MIGApedes are mocked by all sides of the political spectrum at my school. Wearing that hat in public here just lets everyone know that you serve God’s Chosen People even more than everyone else does.

>Wall under construction despite insurmountable odds
>syrian pullout takes longer than instantly, progressing ahead of schedule
>normies getting redpilled everyday on garbage left wing government installations
>jobs up in general thanks to Trump policies
>Russia still a frigid unliveable shithole filled with subhuman brainlets.

0/10 bait

>The #1 most accurate poll isn't accurate

>I'm 18

Attached: 4m92CYh.jpg (326x294, 18K)


yeah they sure were accurate about the Republicans being up in the generic ballot in 2018. (Democrats won it by 8%.)

>They have accurate predict only one (1) election and it was my guy so they are the most accurate!

Our fake money amount aka GDP might be smaller but we built the biggest building in europe in a year yet you can't put up a wall in 3

What does that say about your country user

Attached: 800px-Saint_Petersburg_Lakhta_center.jpg (800x1030, 100K)

Bump for the god emeperor.
Save the world!!

Attached: 1536839520135.jpg (734x950, 145K)

1. No it hasn't because Trump only met with a contractor last week, it was in the news

2. They already said they're not going to pull out due to isreal fears, and even if they do pull out they're moving to Yemen

3. Normie aka brown people aren't getting red pilled in shit because if they were the republicans would have had a majority government instead of almost losing texas

4. No they're not, in fact Ford just cut 1,000 employees

5. Projection

Kys leaf

Attached: 0e1e409b64d0cdad876ac4d9c4b82ab9.jpg (1157x1258, 180K)

Retard this is for the general election, where Rasmussen is literally the #1 most accurate

You must really feel like you've wasted years of your life shitposting to no effect, even the bullshit polls are swinging back

You're an 18 year old retard who will never get laid because you're so low IQ.

Attached: m2i5y86m.jpg (992x744, 70K)

You're one of the few to mention this. It's very important. Zoomers are a fucking powder keg. They are weaponized.

>The Wall is already under construction
With what funding and who is it being built by?
>Pulling out of Syria
Pic and link related.
>Only the left is NOT EPIC - Ben Shapiro
Zoomer normies are getting redpilled to how dogshit both the “right and the left” really are. Not just the left because that would be a lie.
>Muh jobs
You might as well remind everyone how much of a niggerlover you are and bring up muh black unemployment. Wages are stagnant and being proud that you’re giving subhumans jobs that could be going to white men is pathetic and is quintessential leaf posting.
>Russia is a shithole filled with Slavshit subhumans
Bravo, you’re right on one thing.
>Fox News is also the only accurate news source
Yes, I’m sure you’re right on the polls and everything else too, MIGApede.
Why save the world when you only need to worry about Israel? Are you underage? If not, how do you post such a blantant indicator of autism and not feel ashamed?

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I'm asking why

Trump hasn't done anything

Attached: 3cc.png (1076x1105, 2.66M)

Aww little 18 year old incel deleted his post because he's so retarded.

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>Wearing that hat in public here just lets everyone know that you serve God’s Chosen People even more than everyone else does.

Lol as if nigger

Not an argument
>Muh dik
Not an argument. Are you unironically a nigger posting on this board?
And not for Trumpenstein and Israel, I can assure you.
He has though. But only for Israel and God’s Chosen People because they are the only ones that matter on this planet.

Imagine being 18 and this autistic

Attached: vxFBu.gif (360x346, 170K)

>Retard this is for the general election, where Rasmussen is literally the #1 most accurate
So you agree General election ≠ approval rating

Holy fuck you're stupid.

Now you’re LARPing as a female. Post tits and timestamp. I deleted my post and reposted it because I put up the wrong pic at first. Now again, post tits and timestamp if you’re going to LARP as a female online with no argument.
>Wearing a hat in public that literally says “Make Israel Great Again” isn’t a good indicator to everyone that you are the best of goys
This is your brain on Judaism.
Buzzwords still aren’t an argument.

Still calling people words with no argument. Any day now. Still waiting for an argument.

I'm here to bully you 18 year old autistic incel, please keep embarrassing yourself.

If generic ballot 2018 ≠ general election 2016 then approval rating 2019 ≠ general election 2016 retard.

Holy shit you don't even know what happened in 2018 do you.



>more buzzwords
>Still no argument
Post tits and timestamp, woman.
Why’d you just repeat OP twice in the same post?

Prove you're 18. I want to see your pimply little incel face.

Presidential approval polls are completely made up. They are literal propaganda.

>Dox yourself on an anonymous Mongolian basket weaving forum to prove to a random poster online that might not even be human for that matter for what reason again?
Do you think before you post such blatant indicators of autism?

>autistic is a buzzword
thanks for proving your autism

They didn't ask Americans. They asked Jews and 56%ers as they are the only ones I've been able to find that still support him.

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People are plebs only cared about the government shutdown whil it was on, now they don’t even remeber it

>generic ballot

Fucking meaningless

Still not an argument though.
God’s Chosen People are all that matters though.

Bee Bop Boop

This never happened

>t. autist


Attached: 1548178691721.png (676x541, 147K)

Not an argument. Why can’t you answer simple questions?

it's over for trannies

Based. Orange man good. Orange man real good

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It's easy to build something like that when your average Tajik construction worker is paid two dollars a day.

If a Russian is ass blasted by Trump's performance, clearly he is doing a good job.

And I was a shill for pointing out Trump’s links to Gary Cohn, Jared Kushner, Jeffrey Epstein, Wilbur Ross, Chabad Lubavitch, his jewish maternal grandmother, etc. He was a lifelong Jew York Democrat billionaire. Pizzagate is real and Trump is very much part of it.

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Trump won the election with 37% approval, now he's at 48%.

Think about that, he's gonna win 2020 in a landslide.

The absolute state of Redditors.

Why do foreign retards think we care about what they think about Trump.

you gay

lmao toothpaste

Someone needs to "think" because Americans seem to lack that ability

Attached: hokay.png (700x708, 220K)

I wonder how much the left going completely off the rails has to do with Trumps initial popularity and resurgence. The best redpill of all time is your average 2019 American liberal.

Attached: antifa tank division.jpg (750x1103, 603K)

If you don’t love and support our literal GOD EMPEROR OF THE UNIVERSE who loves and supports God’s Chosen People, you are indeed a shill.
Who’s gonna vote for him since Florida has gone blue and Texas will be by 2020?
Because he is the literal GOD EMPEROR OF THE UNIVERSE, not just America you DemocRAT shill.
Not an argument.

>No wall
>No bumpstocks
>Govt shutdown incoming
>Economy crashing
Fake poll

>thinking approval ratings matter
>believing rigged polls

>that pic

What the fuck is ableism? Does that mean they feel discriminated because normal people can wipe their own ass?

Just in time for the next migrant caravan to ((drag it down again)))

Holy shit your autism is off the charts

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How autistic are you to take one raw poll and cite it as your evidence? Am I the only republican who isn't completely autistic when it comes to math and science?


This is why retards on this site fall for shit like Q user. You only need one thing to be correct to ignore 1000 other facts. Delusional

might as well put a Fox poll while you are at it

Attached: 21543.jpg (317x267, 12K)

Name a more accurate poll for the general election.

Protip: you can't, because Rasmussen is literally the #1 most accurate.

Cry more retard

meanwhile when all the polls are aggregated..

Attached: 4324324432.png (489x337, 20K)

>let's aggregate a bunch of inaccurate polls

Attached: vD5E6.png (605x490, 104K)

>lets instead believe the literally only 1 biased poll that puts trump high

Attached: 1517041347958.png (633x758, 132K)

>biased poll
>literally the most accurate

Why are leftists so low IQ?

Attached: 3Ga0aR7R.jpg (750x1000, 79K)

>Still no arguments

>the one poll that I like is the most accurate!!

Attached: 435345.png (190x266, 8K)

You’re still completely autistic if you willingly and publicly call yourself a (((Republican))), you sped.
>Everyone that doesn’t like Trumpenstein is a LIBTARD
Nice Ben Shapiro line. What’s next? Maybe an actual argument this time?

>the most accurate poll is inaccurate

Attached: bA2PVSOrh.png (621x702, 56K)

Why is it the most accurate poll?

Try to read the thread retard, see

>I like this poll, therefore its the most accurate!!

Attached: 1534615519173.jpg (2000x1078, 153K)

Lmao you are so stupid


thats a good comeback for a brainlet

Attached: 787.jpg (866x900, 124K)

LOL imagine being on the side of morons like you

how does it feel living in a fantasy world? it must be bliss being that much of a brainlet

Attached: 8nRqoXW.png (800x729, 48K)

Lmao at you low IQ baby

Trump will be the first President to leave office after two terms looking the same or better as when he entered.

Attached: trump-smile.jpg (640x360, 27K)

>im so smarts guis trus me

Attached: aAxAvYg_700b.jpg (550x543, 30K)

>t. low IQ

>guis look dis pro-trump poll it says trump good. i believ it bcs im not a complete dumbass at all!

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LOL you are so low IQ, see

the actual result was 48-46 moron. how is that even close to the rasmussen result?
Imagine being THIS dumb you don't even understand simple numbers

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Who are these fickle fucks that waver?

Lmao that's literally what Rasmussen predicted