Traditional white women don't exist

Traditional white women don't exist

Attached: hayley.jpg (1080x1350, 135K)

>fake blond hair
>eyes 30% brown
>freckles, which you only get from having non-european genes

into the trash it goes

Attached: ethnic appropriation.png (736x1104, 1.07M)

>Dyed blondes

There is no such thing as a traditional woman. It goes against nature.

Well its a good thing I got a bad case of yellow fever. Oriental women want nothing more than to be a proper house wife.

And that's a good thing. Nothing worse than boring prudes who repress their sexuality, who are incapable of having fun and who have no ambitions but to pop out children, wipe their shitty asses every day, cook and clean. What a miserable existence, I'm so glad that this kind of women is dying out.

>It goes against nature.
Wrong. It just goes against our Jew-dominated culture.


>>freckles, which you only get from having non-european genes

whites are dying down thanks to that type of women