It's over and the decision is taken, I will kill myself.
The reason I haven't commit the act is because I'm afraid of a bad performance that might result in paralysis, comma or permanent brain damage.
I will hang myself, short drop, how can I do it so I commit the act succesfully?
Answer quickly before they delete this.
P.D: Please don't try to give me emotional support, thank you, but the decision is already made.
I need to achieve a succesful suicide, I require advice
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck you, I’m giving you emotional support!
Please don’t do this OP, whatever bad circumstances are in your life now can be wiped out if you make an effort. If you life passively, without using the steering wheel, it will eventually roll off a hill, but if you take control, even a few simple adjustments can make your life sooo much better. Stop isolating yourself, I’d kill myself too if I wasn’t around people I love. You need a life and a tribe to feel like you belong on earth, which you do! Please get some help, OP.
I'm OP.
Thank you for you support.
Sadly, the condition I'm in cannot be resolved, it is not a thing I can control. I did tried everything I could, I had hope, but I see the reality of my situation without sterile wishful thinking.
What happened?
That makes me very sad to hear. I’d love to know what your situation is, but you just want suicide advice, I’m sorry but I can’t give that to you.
If you’re white, don’t kys. Any other race just go for it.
I wish we could trade
I want to live despite having health issues
At least you're healthy
Well, I will tell you.
The reason I consider my situation irresolvable is because it is genetic.
I'm an "Asperger" (a behavorial impediment), my social life is not like that of my peers. I tried everything to get a better social life but my achievements were mediocre. I look and act normally, I don't even look autistic, the problem is that I'm very socially naive so I'm in a disadvantage.
Reason 2: I'm not attractive. People around me say that I'm attractive but I'm sure they are lying to make me feel better.
Reason 3: My family is very unstable, I can't solve the problems of my parents.
Reason 4: I have lost many great oportunities in life at such a young age (18),you won't imagine.
There are other minor reasons, but they are solvable so I won't post them.
I'm 75% white, now what?
Mentally not. Physically yes. I admire you, you keep going although yo have health issues. Don't be like me, the OP
Do it on cam and provide links, OP. Don't be a faggot and deliver.
Sadistic bastard
Where the fuck do you think you are? This is Jow Forums after all.
Such a nice place to ask for suicidal advice, but I won't mainstream a damn thing.
After all it will be just me hanging and thrashing around, pretty boring.
What are the other 35%?
Geniunuly asking as it could explain your mental issues. People of mixed origins are more prone to mental issues.
Why are you admiring me bro? It's easy to keep going. Look at life. We only have one. Life as much as it's shit, is amazing. Being able to feel and shit. I bet, if there are aliens out there and I'm sure there are they are jealous of us that we are able to feel so many emotions and to experience life in our human way. It's all about perspective.
The other 25% is Native American.
Yes mixed people have greater mental issues because they don't have a stable identity, it is not a genetic thing. I don't have those issues.
Autism and Schyzophrenia are more widespread among Whites, anyways.
what's wrong with being aspergers lol
i was diagnosed with it and it hasn't stopped me from doing anything really. and it's on a spectrum anyway, so saying "i have aspergers" is a kinda meh statement anyway.
there are so so so many people who have found success who would probably be diagnosed with aspergers...
bill gates, mozart, beethoven, countless musicians, lots of famous scientists...
i really like having aspergers because it allows me to concentrate and focus on things that i love for a really long time, with great enthusiasm. i like music a lot. what's ur thing? follow that,
Now I envy your optimism.
Let’s start with where you came from, your family. You are right, you can’t solve your parents’ problems, and you shouldn’t want to. A person your age should be trying to get away from their folks. I know you love them, but they’re adults who can take care of themselves.
Coming from such an unstable family has halted your development, and has lead to the problems you are having now. I don’t know what opportunities you passed up, but obviously there will only be more now that you’re 18. How about the opportunity to go away to college and start learning how to be your own person, and how to relate to others.
I know many girls who live boring lives and who would love to be with an aspie and receive their wisdom and intelligence. Women are attracted to what’s inside you, not your physical appearance. If you are experiencing emotional difficulty connecting with people, there are tons of resources that can help you integrate into social life and interact with ‘normal’ young people. You won’t believe how many different types of people there are on college campuses. There is a place for everyone including you. All the troubles from your past are holding you in place. Forget about your family, forget about the wasted opportunities, focus on the limitless possibilities you have as a young person in this world. You can literally do anything, and you’d be surprised how many people want to hear from someone like you, with a unique personality and perspective, based on your intelligence and your good heart, which I know you have.
Don’t stop living, OP, start living.
Should be good with a drop distance of 5ft - 8ft. Any more (depending on your mass) and you might decapitate yourself. Could get messy for those cleaning you up. Make sure the rope is thick enough to withstand the force of the fall and support your weight. Maybe test it out on something of approximate mass first.
Typically interstate bridges are 16 feet tall. Should be more than enough. I'd suggest you tie off quick. Once people see you they'll come and try to stop you. But don't be an asshole about it an hold up traffic. Do it in the middle of the night.
If you want to do a rope calculation use this equation.
If “W” represents weight, and “S” the length of the rope
“1/2 M V2 = 1W/G2 2 G S = W S.”
Oh boy, that same thing was told to me:
Bill Gates and Mozart were just like you! (A feel good catchphrase). In fact, I'm relatively "neurotipical" on the spectrum but there are many other problems you don't notice...
Read the book millionaire fastlane
All your issues come down to one thing : self realization (you think you're ugly, your parents are shy and you're socially shy)
In that book you will learn that those things are meaningless if you want to be happy in life.
Why don't you give the book a try, of you
Oh yeah, don't use a rope that stretches or has any give.
Calculation might be weird, but basically 15 feet of rope should be enough for tie off and knot. Just do yourself the favor and give yourself a good drop distance.
Thank you, I will really consider this. You might have saved a life today.
The main problem is not about social integration, my family and my therapists helped me a lot and I no longer have difficulties interacting with people.
Concerning my physical appareance, people say that the problem is my mind (apparently, body dismorphic disorder) but I don't know what to think because beauty is somewhat subjective and I might lied to myself.
I have not had a "formal relationship", I can interact with women normally, the problem is that I'm afraid I cannot have stable and healthy relationships with them.
Anyways, thank you for the advice.
Self-realization, I've read a lot about this but I'm skeptical about their value.
I will read the book though.
man you're 18, you have a whole life ahead of you...not sure if this is bait or something, but don't do it, bad times can become good with time, you just have to turn the wheel on your shitty situation and make your life better based on what decisions you make.
i know you're young, but if you havent realized yet, it's your life, it's up to you wether it's fantastic or shit, and being here doesn't help very much to be honest.
just carry on and try to make every day your best day, work your hardest every and each day, more than the last to have a life to be remembered.
every one has value and no life should be wasted, because every life has potential to archieve and be fully fullfiled.
OP here, I can assure you this is not a bait post, this is serious.
I'm trying to be as rational as possible, I don't want to make an imprudent act so I have started to open my mind to alternative solutions.
Thank you very much
I would have not problems regarding my weight, I'm skinny.
The main problem I see is regarding the knot.
Though I think it won't matter anymore
just read what I said.
Remember one thing, life's hard, but in all your life moments, everything will be fixable, even if the key seems very far away or currently
Everything will get better, you only have to fight for it. As Einstein said: "Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving." Never give up no matter how hard or impossible things may seem. I've been there, and the best way to get out of your shit situation is just fight, fight for a better future and most importantly, building it yourself, and looking back pround on what you built up for yourself.
Never give up and give your best,
Ok, this post is over.
I won't do it.
I will try my best, for the last time.
I hope everything gets better.
Dude your a pussy If you kill yourself, fuck that sympathetic shit. Wow your dealing with hard things in your life? Like nobody else is. Think about the people you will hurt, the lives you will change, them thinking if they could have done something and will be thinking their guilty for the rest of their lives. There’s always another option, and taking suicide route is the most pathetic thing you can do. Learn to deal with problems, if you actually do intend to kill yourself, then don’t, that will make you that much of a stronger person and it’ll allow you to see clearly and deal with problems. Don’t do it and face your problems like the rest of us.
I have Aspergers myself, and my whole life it has been both a blessing and a curse.
I had trouble socializing at school and usually had at most only a couple of friends until my twenties.
Something happens when you reach your twenties OP. I can't explain it because it's not just a single thing, but a multitude of coincidences and experiences that just clicks as you mature and the people around you mature.
As you grow and are exposed to more and more different people, those people who match your interests WILL find you, I promise. And it will be so, so worth it when they do.
If you're going to take just one thing away from my ramblings, let it be this: I could not IMAGINE the life I have today just a few years back.
Through school and now work I've met so many like-minded people, who just like me was searching for their pack, and I still discover more and more about myself and why I do as I do and want what I want.
This would have seemed unbelievable to me back when I was 18, but that's because it doesn't happen overnight. It is a continuous progression of achieving more and more of what you want little by little, until you can barely recognize the life you have right now looking back.
I know I'm ranting but please OP, don't leave the game just as it's going into the second act. Call this a cringeworthy metaphor if you want to, but reaching 18 I think is kinda like just completing the tutorial.
You've had to follow a set path which probably included a lot of struggles and lacking in motivation, and possibly wondering "what's the point of it all?"
But I promise you OP, that at this stage isn't where you're supposed to have figured it all out, this is only where you TRULY begin to figure it out.
Don't quit, for in a few years you will probably be terrified that you even considered doing this knowing what you'd be missing out on. I sure do.
Be strong OP, do what man has done since the dawn of time: struggle, adapt, and evolve.
OP, there's a lot of books on this. Five last acts, peaceful pill handbook. Research what you're gonna do before you try to do it.
Just fucking get 2 grills, fill me up with red hot charcoal. Then put them in a bathroom and tape up around the door and any vents. Lay in the tub with a blanket and take some sleeping pills if you can get em. Jesus just google easy co suicide methods. Well if you were going to do that you would be serious and not looking for sympathy on Jow Forums. Kill yourself.
I'm glad to hear this but know that you're going to have set backs and disappointments in life. That's LIFE for EVERYONE.
What you need to focus on are the amazing things that happen between the suicide days and tell yourself you would've missed them if you succeeded. HANG IN THERE! Never give up.
Where there is life there is always hope. I promise you that.
Do you think a suicidal person cares about looking like a tough guy? This is the dumbest shit I read all day. You sound like a roid raging football player.
Live stream your suicide, so We'll use your unfortunate behaviour as an example of What humans are capable to do under stress. This is not a discouragement for you to stop and think, proceed with your further actions, Time is ticking, tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick cock xd tick tock
Bag of sleepypills
Sealed and small room
This is going to be the worst decision you will ever make
Going with the rope... sheesh... fucking drama queen.
But if that's the way you gotta go, you have to jump fast and hard to make sure you snap your neck, otherwise you die a slow agonizing death suffocating.... you won't die like in the movies. It takes forever.
Good luck.
Firstly OP man the fuck up.
You have Asperger waah waah, you have bad parents, you have missed opportunities, welcome to life. It's not all roses and buttercups my friend, but you deciding to kill yourself is not the answer. Do yourself a favor, since you're already dead, pick somewhere or something, anything that you wanted to do and is a little crazy, gold mining, hunting, fishing, I don't give a fuck, something that is out there any you never did before.
Pick that thing, and then go and do it, just sign up for it, or get the money together and go an do it, and try and do it or whatever for a year.
If you don't decide to change your mind after the year then do kill yourself, the world is probably better off without you. But on the offhand chance you find that you don't need such things, then go for it.