Discord mass reports from lefty furries

There are some lefty furs reporting all right winged discord servers using partnered servers as a way to find more stuff to report

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So now the furries are the enemy? Can Jow Forums spend a minute without making up new foes for itself?

Holy shit you're new.

Oh, yeah, I gorgot about JIDF, trannies and all other meanies that are out there to get a group os shitposters.

>so the furries are the new enemies?
they always were, especially the lefty ones.

I mean, they are shit, of course, but I doubt they are trying to get Jow Forums

they are trying to get all the discord servers related to us

We've killed before to get the right to speech and assemble, it can happen again.

hopefully it would happen all arround the world, europe would use 2nd amendment


Is this not reportable?

as if discord would support any time of right-wing activity

Use irc or XMPP you faggots.

*type, fuck me

furries have always been the enemy ivan

And this is why everyone hates furries and they're banned everywhere they go. Being a furry seems to entail a complete dependence on in-group thinking. It's Furries vs Everyone Else in their minds at all times, they constantly start arguments and flame wars. They are only tough on the Internet too.

They know what they're doing is weird and they're so insecure about themselves they need to destroy anything rational so they get to tune out the sane world.

Attached: Suffer Not The Furry to Live Desu.jpg (800x1000, 220K)

>banned from discord for "anti-furry activity"
Not wanting to fuck cartoon dogs is a ban-worthy offense? Discord sounds pretty gay.

They're in panic mode. The furry and tranny pedophiles know their time is coming. The feds are onto them and the hammer is about to drop, hard.

Friendly reminder than these pedophile faggots also rape innocent animals.

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How does one join one of these pol discords

Nice try MI5

All of the discord "Safty" team moderators are furries in case anyone didn't know.

Not gonna lie, I think furries are huge fucking faggots and deserve the rope. But something about these furries right here seems badass and makes me want to spare them. Maybe it's their survival instinct.

>actually sympathizing with reportfags
Kill yourself you dumb spic

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b-but they're so badass!

You have 10 seconds to explain why you use Discord instead of IRC.

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I swear it's "no one wants to fuck me so I'm going to just get weird and fuck anything" with these people.

So you think homosexual pedophiles are "badass"?

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I think their attitude towards being fucked with and completely rekting their opposition is badass.

Lurk more fag

>using discord
sorry I don't use onions

Furries are about as degenerate as it gets, it's no shock they find themselves opposed to Jow Forums.