Leonard, it seems that...

>Leonard, it seems that, despite being ONLY 13% of the population African Americans DO in fact commit over 50% of violent crime!
>...Sheldon, what does that have to do with theoretical physics?

*audience laughter*

>You mean JEWISH physics, Leonard! But of course you and your tribesmen deny the truth!

*audience in stitches*

>Sheldon, I just think it's inappropriate to blurt these things out, you know, in social situations

*negative murmurs from crowd*

>Well Leonardo, we all know this isn't the FIRST time the tribe has been suffocated by the truth!

*audience explodes into laughter*
*Sheldon looks directly into the camera*


Attached: sheldon-e1529417968855.jpg (275x367, 11K)


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You thought about this a whole week didn't you

Attached: _20190126_173340.jpg (720x960, 132K)

Lold have a (you)

already posted in /tv/ you fucking faggot

i went to my friends place and she was watching bid bane theori, and laughed but the main character is excruciating.
>she knows of my autism

I'll give you a (you) because this got a pretty hearty laugh

Attached: 1546918640529.jpg (645x851, 37K)

this is pasta

This actually isn't a bad idea.

> Make a show to mock "alt right incels".
> (((blue checkmarks))) sing its praises
> Traffic increases
> Gradually start dropping more and more redpills
> watch as they reeeeeee

Attached: piratedraper.jpg (344x335, 28K)