>Leonard, it seems that, despite being ONLY 13% of the population African Americans DO in fact commit over 50% of violent crime! >...Sheldon, what does that have to do with theoretical physics?
*audience laughter*
>You mean JEWISH physics, Leonard! But of course you and your tribesmen deny the truth!
*audience in stitches*
>Sheldon, I just think it's inappropriate to blurt these things out, you know, in social situations
*negative murmurs from crowd*
>Well Leonardo, we all know this isn't the FIRST time the tribe has been suffocated by the truth!
*audience explodes into laughter* *Sheldon looks directly into the camera*
> Make a show to mock "alt right incels". > (((blue checkmarks))) sing its praises > Traffic increases > Gradually start dropping more and more redpills > watch as they reeeeeee