Something needs to be done about the north of ireland

something needs to be done about the north of ireland

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if the british people who were planted in there want to live in britain so badly, would they reject being forcibly deported to Bradford?

those patty's need to pull there thumbs out of there ass and start the war back up.

the americans said they would help. they won't recognise any border on the island. good on yese

The Ulster people are Integral to the formative history of the United States, and the revolution, overthrow of the British crown in the colonies.

>if the british people who were planted in there
Go back to pakiland nigger.

jumping the gun a bit there lad? i don't understand your indignation do you want clarify

part of the Irish population were definitely ingrained in american history aye. Turns out we were sailing out, starving from the famine systematically controlled by the same brits who were taxing the fuck out of yourselves. sure weren't they taxing us too. wankers

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what the fuck kind of flag is that
redpill me op

not my generation bro

the fucking british are at it again, what needs to be said? the folks who put these up are specimens in their own right, with a host of terrorist organisations who think the ceasefire agreement magically doesn't apply to them

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naw, your congress

damnit ahkmed speak english,
explain to me from the beginning
what is this flag and what does it mean?

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The Orange Order are Freemason crypto jews

it's not my fault you are literally flatline brain-dead but the simple answer is the brits support IDF/Israel and the Irish support Palestine - not solely because "my enemy's enemy is my friend" but also because we know the feeling of being displaced and having our population pumped full of an incompatible people-group, and our lands stolen and occupied etc etc. also northern ireland has no official flag don't let em tell you otherwise kid

you'd think they'd be a bit more futuristic and less 19th century


They're 18th century wanks
the first thing they done when they were set up was murder 2 children

I hope Theresa May is ready to provide accommodation to 1 million Ulster Scots refugees after we get a united Ireland.

seiceáil tú féin. i can't believe more hasn't been done on a global scale. the first time the global public got to see the DUP was when it came to light they would prop the government up - the outcry should have been so much larger.

they wanted british soil, they can find it

meh, people are retarded
i'm from a republican background and remember sitting through history lessons in school glorifying "the authorities" and bashing the IRA week after week for years, even though i'd have sat and listened to some of the people involved in the actions.

DUP and SF are collapsing though, along with the UUP and Aontu, so keeping your principles seems to work

everyone (with a lick of sense) is gonna vote rightwing after Ireland is united. The north knows that if voting for SF despite abstentionism becomes a majority, itll send the message that it isn't "despite" abstentionism. the british crown never ruled the people of the north of this island anyway. It's a statement. i despise leftwing politics and i'll vote SF any day until partition ends

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a border poll is guaranteed now anyway
the votes don't matter anymore
stormont doesn't matter, dublin doesn't matter
it's a case of getting ready and preparing for unification in any way you can

...He didn't say anything wrong


aw aye, it's inevitable. but the mental dissonance of loyalists to accept this will cause them to reee long and hard. Fucking thing is, user, the culmulative salary for all of the MLAs at Stormont just passed £9 million. Nine million, for them to misrepresent us at westminster and not meet up and pass progressive laws like an ACTUAL GOVERNMENT. nine fuckin million could have been spent on the irish language, infrastructure, housing!!

northern ireland is fundamentally unsustainable, why did anyone think this was a good idea, how cretinous and stupid

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have you got something to say user

they're unironically sitting in Belfast 5 days a week working out how they can keep some control in a united Ireland, thats what most of the MLA's and counsellors are at these days.
>good idea
When linen was worth something and you had 50% slave labour if it was ever needed it was worth it imo


lmaooo no way. that is actual kek, there was a row at Strabane n Derry local council office when an SF boy called for a border poll discussion, it's happening on a local level more than they care to admit.

Aye Belfast was big in the world for a while. but by and large it was just gibbe land for the british. absentee landlordism, taxation of the already-impoverished, seafood and grain exports while paying workers next to fuck all, &tc the list could really never end. and them they swing arms by saying "aw we pay yous money" despite not a penny making it west of the river Bann. true monopolists

go on


it's a case of not letting them ruin the place on the way out of the house party at this stage

tá mé ag éisteacht, ach níl aon fuaim

inevitability is our friend. but british police are being trained by the hundreds as I write, for more terrorism masquerading as counter-insurgence

Ireland belong to us

Just as all the islands do.

Irish army have been drilling constantly for years as auxiliary riot control too
(((they))) know they're in trouble

>t.from 1899

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i know i'd fight, if it broke out in my streets. I'm sure plenty who would be at home popping anglo heads from across fields. Wonder what the first 12th after Éire Aontaithe is gonna be like

I think thats what the army is for kek

fucking kek lad it's gonna be carnage! Wonder how long that tradition will last before it dies. Less lads are listening to their da's anyway

I was reading up on the Battle of Aughrim, the original 12th before the Boyne

They unironically changed it because Aughrim was a decent fight and it didn't look half as glorious on paper

Yes, they scots irish where very quick to identify as american, they are also the ones who hate ireland in ulser you dummy

here i was thinking they were escaping their fate mandated by the british starvation of the Irish people (including Ulster, this was ~middle of 19thC), what you reading?

not beyond them to be that petty. sure didn't they scrape the gaeilge off of sewer lids and rename the Banríon Ulaidh to "Queen of Ulster", loyalism is a mental illness that manifests in petty actions, disgusting twitter echo chambers and mandated orange hall meetings wae your da's god

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Ireland is more likely to rejoin the union than Ulster joining Ireland.

Just redraw the border so that all pro-IRA niggers go back to Ireland and deport remaining ones. The fact is, these retards can actually blow something if they wouldn't like the irish part of brexit.

just saying words in any old order doesn't make the final sentence actually true nor likely, user

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england wanted two, maybe three cities, and then admitted NI had nothing of value. but were balls deep in keeping the colonial plantation supported fiscally, and morally. it's your mess. you take the gammon.

I don't deny that england created this mess, but don't deny that irish are in any way better than muslim terrorists or rioting blacks.

it's an inferiority complex from having to become mercenaries to survive, then when they have to settle near people who still had the craic despite them they just had to shit on everything they could like a spoiled child at someone else's party

what, because we're not scared to blow your ass into orbit around jupiter in the name of our national freedom and the cessation of repression of the rights of citizens of the north? Seems like you have a lot of enemies, maybe you ought to ask why that may be

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nah, the scots irish left to america much earlier than the famine

Yep, that's nigger behaviour

but just imagine a microcosm of that: a rich girl decided to visit the poor boy she knew in her classroom's house. it is clearly impoverished, his family are stood in rags, but offer her some mashed potatoes, leeks and cabbage. She, disgusted by the sights and smells, proceeds to flail her arms and legs, kicking and breaking shit uncessarily, for no reason. she proceeds to take a shit in the middle of the floor and insults his family in a different language, who all stand shocked and clueless. The next day the house is totalled out of badness.

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I think 400,000 fighting age men leaving after 1690 might have added to the famine problem in hindsight

and what makes you say that, imperial user

We should have just sent all the Irish to America and turned it into a nature reserve. At least plants don't fucking blow themselves up at the concept of a land border.

Yes, let's hand the EU the whole island so they can flood it with niggers. 4 million by 2024!

is that so? have you any material to substantiate this claim? that being said the original point is still sound, americans are on our side

>someone give the baby his rattle he is so annoying when he cries

my man has no idea what the future holds. or apparently how many right-wing parties are in ireland

Seen Dublin m8? They're slacking.

ah yeah because dublin is so representative of éire as a whole, grand job

People said the same about London and Glasgow.

Dublin hasn't been Irish since the 1300's anyway
it's no coincidence it's the same as london or birmingham

why are you feeding analogies from the island of GB, your point fell flat. Its as if right wing parties gonna disappear after reunification lol

Look up “Ireland 2040” that’s the future that awaits the republic.

P.S. it’s Ulster not Ireland we won’t let you forget it.

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Essentially the Presbyterians who arrived in the colonies immediately set out on their own and had no allegiance whatever to the old country. When the revolution broke out, the one factor among them was no episcopal state church or we will form our own nation. Rest is history

Ireland, not the same as Birmingham. Not yet at least.

The city centre is pretty bad
full of spanish and wops
once the nogs and poos shit the place up enough they'll have free run of the place

now that is a possible future, we already know what to avoid. you speak like it is unavoidable. Also Donegal and Monaghan and Cavan would like a word wit your dinosaur ass

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see Ireland actually has history before the 1700s, of which was essentially pure gaelic aristocracy, irish-speaking culture untainted by saxon and norman land eternal land gibbes (for the most part). Vikings were not unfamiliar, but not friends. Ireland was a nation state that had a high king that united the provinces. We had laws and order and the british could not stand the idea of irish self-sufficiency and demanded our poor pay for landlords who lived in england, while essentially all our food was redirected to feed British Raj troops and fuckin Billy Empire's family in Dorset

There is an entire book on it called Albions seed:

Black Race Realist blogger Jayman documents the borderers on his blog here

Slatestarcodex: Race realist Kike does the same here:

cool i'm just rolling here i'll read them in a second. But realistically user if they came in ships across the sea - it was with the british empire

Presbyterian Ulster Scots have no allegiance to the crown. Nor love for the English south of Newcastle and Liverpool.

It’s done for the sole purpose of fucking with fenians who flooded Scotland and Northumberland then did the same things they accuse us of. I couldn’t give two fucks about the rich bastards in Edinburgh, Dublin, and London who impose on us. Fuck the (((system))) but if Seamus is around I’ll tell him I love Israel, Lizzy, Philip the Greek, and whatever else makes his blood boil. We’re a reactionary movement, same as the nazis were to communism.

Wanting to break up the union is another thing entirely though, retardation pure and simple. In a perfect World we’d have a united British Isles with parts of France as well. The best we can hope for now is an independent London and the rest of the isles United, with a parliament in Merseyside or Edinburgh.

The IRA and ourselves only are communists who want to flood Ireland with third worlders as long as they’re Catholics. Ireland is even led by an Indian now.

French and Spanish (our allies) had boats too, user.


>It’s done for the sole purpose of fucking with fenians who flooded Scotland and Northumberland then did the same things they accuse us of. I couldn’t give two fucks about the rich bastards in Edinburgh, Dublin, and London who impose on us. Fuck the (((system))) but if Seamus is around I’ll tell him I love Israel, Lizzy, Philip the Greek.

Exactly, who the fuck do the gaels think they are? They are the ones who try and break up the union in scotland, true scots are british. How about we go back to the lowlands if they all go back to ireland.

>right wing parties
Who? You mean the centrist fake nationalist cuckservatives or the two actual right-wing parties that have minuscule numbers? None of the paramilitaries are right-wing, none of the big ones anyway, INLA, P-IRA and Dissident Republicans are all left-wing nationalism, and in the case of the INLA, Marxist-Leninist. If Ireland was right-wing abortion wouldn't have won by a landslide.

Abortion is eugenic

forgive me for not taking your commentary seriously on account of vexilogical issues, but reactionary movements can and should be judged by how necessary they are to the annals of history. Europe needed to get Nazism. these isles have suffered enough inbred nonsense in the name of empire. It's just not necessary. youre a people-group who have an island. we are a people-group who had an island for millenia longer than you had yours. then you come over burning palettes and breaking tea-sets like its your home. nobody ever gonna take your existence seriously because we know your existence as a hypothetical unionist/loyalist revolves around validating your presence on demonstrably irish soil

but do tell me why breaking up the UK is a bad idea

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Americans in here are confused as fuck lol, all the

Fuck americans for supporting the IRA, fagets, after we supported your faggot revolution

Sure, that's one way to rationalise it, immigrants don't get abortions, they get gibs for having children.

>jews rule the world from the shadows
the true redpill
>the Irish rule the world from the shadows

If you go way back though Ireland was called Scotia. The current Irish bloodlines invaded from the Basque Country, fought the Northern Irish Scots. You then agreed to share the country in half but that didn't last so the Scots moved into Western Scotland.

Regardless, I hope no one wants to reestablish the Jacobite line (see picture). The big division was religion but Catholic Ireland is becoming less Roman now that we know about all the Pedo's so you should both shake hands, reform the Celtic Church and then leave the EU and have fun with the other home nations.

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again, if you had any sense you would know when the rights of citizens of the north are restored (along with Éire's sovereingty of state, unfettered by brit), they can vote for the national party, or any up and coming right wing parties. they aren't gonna magically disappear. you just have no faith that NI doesn't fully back SF's left-politics just to make a statement re: abstentionism, nationalism, bigger numbers than DUP, etc. ought the onus be on me to explain basic concepts or ought the onus be on you to do some reading?

Scotia was from the days of Hibernia - Latins have funky names for things that aren't actually the endonym at all.

Sorry but whats this shit I hear all I see is a bunch of IRB fags cracking up about shooting up there own captail back in the days smart move lads next time fucking just blow up a dirty bomb in dublin you ira communist faggets.


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Reform Dál Riata

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remember anons: anglo tears because anglo fears

Says the Brit :l

Fucking smart one you are

>Latins have funky names for things that aren't actually the endonym at all.
Regardless, the ancient histories of Island are pretty clear that you invaded the Island. It wasn't your island before that. Not that I mind. I'm all for taking clay. Just don't pretend that the situation is more complicated than it is. Also, why support the Roman Church when you had your own Celtic Church that could easily accommodate the beliefs of Ireland and Nothern Ireland denominations.

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who you calling british? didn't expect you to devolve to ad hominens so quickly. have all other vehicles of discourse failed you?

northern ireland will be one of the last bastion of white people on earth and you taigs will do anything in your power to destroy that. start the war again see how many taigs we bury this time. fucking pottery.

So you're talking about the Celtic Migrations? The Goidelic Substrate hypothesis of language suggests that we befriended and communicated with and assimiliated with the inhabitants. You know, the exact opposite of loyalists today. There is some pretending going on, isn't there ..

also fuck you on about religion for when you know clearly british english are protestant, decidedly and pointedly

british people arent white. celts are far purer than your disgusting saxon norman jutish arabic ass. never speak to me again hahaha

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