My therapist ran late today, and saw me for only 45 minutes... but I paid him for the full hour

My therapist ran late today, and saw me for only 45 minutes... but I paid him for the full hour.

I feel kind of betrayed. I was supposed to trust this guy. Should I go back anyway, but bitch at him during the end of our next appointment?

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shit happens man, he's got his own problems. Why would you antagonize the guy without trying to understand things from his point of view

You're overreacting. Oh no 15 minutes oh nooooooooooo. There will be next week and the week after and the week after. Stop being an asshole unless they make a habit out of this.

It's still disrespectful. I was so upset, I ran out and stole some Cantonese flashcards from Goodwill.

Off yourself so your therapist doesn't have to deal with your dumb ass.

>Cantonese flashcards from Goodwill
I swear I read some of the weirdest shit here

You do

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Why did you pay for the full hour?

I didn't wanna call him out because he's a good guy... I guess. He shouldn't have stiffed me like that.

Should I just mention it but not get mad or anything?

Everyone telling you not to freak out is fucking retarded. You paid for an hour. It's his fucking job to be there. You are paying him. It doesnt matter if he had problems or not, although it is unfortunate.

Tell him about your feeling on it. It's not healthy for you to even lie or mask your feeling that you feel betrayed. Or if you dont feel comfortable with that, email him about it.

just ask him if he can do a credit on 15 min for next session man, it's not a big deal

Everyone has responsibilities and sometimes will have problems or emergencies, and I'm sure your therapist is no different. It's okay to have feelings, but sometimes how we feel is an inappropriate response to a situation.

Is it okay to feel upset? Absolutely.
Should you take it out on him over that one incident? I personally don't feel that's an appropriate response. Paid or not, it is not an easy job and he is responsible for helping many people, and some of those people may occasionally have emergencies depending on their issues. Keep others in mind when you consider how to act on how you feel, okay?

Used to happen to me all the time. I was 21 when I last saw a therapist. I'm 28 now. I stopped going when I was 22. I doubt I'd have been better off if I'd kept going. No regrets.

You can tell me anything and I won't judge you, and it won't cost you a dime. I'll watch this thread for the next hour, user.

Ask for a price for one session to be 75% of the original price because of what he did.

What if your therapist is testing your boundaries?

This is exactly why I stopped going. Therapists, by nature, are always playing mindgames. Fuckem.

Sometimes it's not a bad idea to test people though.

Agreed, where it's on purpose by your therapist or not doesn't matter. It's an opportunity for you to become more assertive. Tell him you deserve 75% of the price because HE was the one who was late, not you. He will most likely agree and apologize, perhaps he even forgot, you don't know.

Also, do it at the beginning of the appointment, not the end.

You should quit therapy and smoke cannabis.

Send him an invoice for the 15 min kek

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