Is he really supporting her or is this a stunt?
Is he really supporting her or is this a stunt?
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He endorsed Trump too, and look what the media did. He knows what will happen when he does this, and he does it anyway. He's clearly controlled opposition and does this shit to make people look bad.
duke is misguided at best any maybe only trying to shine a light on israel
i believe tusli gabbard is against ICE and is full-on open borders
this suggests he is either obsessed about israel (which is fine, and he is), or is extremely short-sighted and really doesnt care about whites
i havent listened to his show for a while and maybe he explains it there
This. Also Tulsi already got accused of being supported by Russian Bots (read: Jow Forums)
Duke is a subversive faggot. Hes irrelevant and only gets reported on because he's controlled oppo.
Richard Spencer does too, so it's probably just CIA orders.
>Richard Spencer does too, so it's probably just CIA orders.
You mean Israeli orders? Bannon/Dugin orders?
Are you saying he is Zionist controlled, like Trump?
It means that Tulsi is a threat of some sort. However, I'm not actually shilling for Tulsi, and still think we should stick with Trump, but it would be nice to see if Tulsi can shake things up within the Democrat party and isolate their hypocrisies, so I support her rising to power within the democrat party.
Duke did it with Trump too and he had to know how poisonous it would be.
He and Spencer are obvious intelligence plants to provide food for the attack hounds of the media.
>Are you saying he is Zionist controlled, like Trump?
>like Trump
Nah actually Trump and Tulsi are on the same team and shills like you are freaking out. You know that by trying so hard to frame Trump as a zionist you've inadvertently made every political conversation in the US about Israel?
Faggot now really confirmed to be an FBI spook
Shame , he wrote amazing redpilled books but it's now clear what he's doing and he knows it.
He isn't stupid to know that his support for anyone is character assassination full ammo
He got the "hit" on Based Tulsi "Amazon Heeb-crusher" Gabbard Riiiight when the media starts to attack her
Rly makes u think
Hi Shlomo, how's the weather in Tel Aviv ?
Same shit.
>meme flag
>calling someone else a shill
Do you have any self awareness at all?
i dont think he is
and frankly it's weird that any time he is mentioned it's just a shitload of posts about how he is a federal agent
im not picking up what youre putting down
>Same shit
Nah it's not but you're an Israeli coward so you can never attack people directly. You're too weak. Israelis are cowards.
its so conflicting
on one hand, when I hear him talk he tends to say 95 percent of stuff I agree with, but I don't get what it is with him "promoting" people. is he an attention whore?
These tricks don't work anymore
tulsi, like trump, represents a threat to deep state status quo/oligarchy. the media will continue to smear her very badly despite her reasonable opinions.
He's a fed, I don't care which exact institution he works for, CIA makes sense regarding his academic background.
Tucker Carlson is a fed
Tulsi is controlled op
just three dissidents in an embrace
the funniest thing about duke is that he is incredibly insecure and i have zero doubt he gets the sleeves on his polos tailored tighter and he also abuses angles to make his arms look bigger
honestly i love the guy
who isn’t controlled op?
>He's clearly controlled opposition
Literally the cleanest cut guy there is. Name one spergy thing hes done that isn't fact based?
Wow what even is this thread?
so the cia doesn't want tulsi anywhere near office?
>honestly i love the guy
Enoch and all these retards can sodomize each other in federal prison.
>so the cia doesn't want tulsi anywhere near office?
No. Israel. You israelis are cowardly people. COWARDS.
duke is based af
Looks like carrot top
Trump won despite his support.
After I spoke to him about 9 years ago he decided to get swollen... No shit! Dr. Duke is White Pilled we all could only wish to be like him. That is what I think of this man anyway.
>tfw Duke hasn't been in the Klan in 4 decades
Fake news. Newfags getting played.
>This person who has opposed jewish hegemony their whole life, at great risk to themselves and loved ones, They are actually CIA. I know this because he had plastic surgery and dies his hair
this. If he were actually based he would've endorsed Hilary in 2016 to put the negative optics on her. He knows exactly what he's doing when's putting these endorsements out there.
Tulsi is trash. Look I don't trust jews either but if you support Tulsi just because of her being anti-Israel and ignore all the other pro communist issues (pro Israel and jews) she backs you are retarded.
Now she has legitimacy, because this makes her the enemy of the media.
Sounds like something a fed would say
>KKK leader
I suppose they think Reagan is still president of the US.
She's not going to do anything against Israel.
Migration is the most important issue, and they're just leading people astray.
being himself? Its more than what I can say for most people.
It's Obama all over again.
On this day in 1964, Everett Dirksen (R-IL), the Republican Leader in the U.S. Senate, condemned the Democrats’ 57-day filibuster against the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Leading the Democrats in their opposition to civil rights for African-Americans was Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV). Byrd, who got into politics as a recruiter for the Ku Klux Klan, spoke against the bill for fourteen straight hours. Democrats still call Robert Byrd “the conscience of the Senate.”
In his speech, Senator Dirksen called on the Democrats to end their filibuster and accept racial equality.
she's the only candidate that doesn't suck mutilated jewish cock
>Listening to anything David Dukeberg has to say
nah, no thanks.
The David Duke Show is required listening for everybody on this board. It's on every day at 11 a.m. eastern time on the rense radio network
waiting for answer to who isn’t controlled op.
>she doesn't suck jewish cock
>supporting open-borders isn't sucking jewish cock
You are a fucking turboretard.
>and accept racial equality.
equality is non existent but people could start being treated fairly but I know that isn't what cops, kikes, niggers, whores and such want. They like their falsified doctrines of unnatural control and subjugation... All the while talking about how much they love everyone... I'm sure you do in your head.
Perhaps i'm not replying because i'm treating your response as a rhetorical question. Ever thought of that?
Duke is a genius. Whatever Tulsi Gabbard is now by the end of the Democrat primary she will not be a friend of Jews.
> I never thought I'd die fighting side by side with an open borders woman of colour
> How about an anti termite
> I, that I could do
>dem establishment hate her
>david duke comes out in support of her
david duke either works for them or is the dumbest person alive
you mean besides being in the kkk (dems)?
>every single person is part of a grand conspiracy against me for ... reasons
typical controlled opposition response.
You play the hand your dealt. If he supports her then its because of certain issues that he agrees with. David Duke is obviously pro white and anti immigration. Ideally we want tulsi taking the nomination for the dems vs whoever the Republicans end up with. Thats the best case scenario as it stands. None of that makes him a fed and people who throw that accusation around are either black pilled losers looking for an excuse to do nothing or subversive faggots
He say's what he thinks. nobody cares about these articles. Grow a spine faggot.
>but muh slay queen can't be a subversive plant
NOBODY gives a single fuck who David Duke endorses. Why would he openly endorse people when he knows his endorsements are nothing but unnecessary bullshit for the candidate to deal with.
>He endorsed Trump too, and look what the media did.
they put him in the white house ?
divide and conquer
this will further divide left while republicans coalesce
he learned ways of jew-jitsu well
No, Gabbard could be a strong candidate. It would be foolish to help her.
Let the open border Dems sort themselves out, jump on them when they're attacking each other and support actual right wing candidates.
The culture war is more important than which figurehead is elected.
I care so you're wrong.
he's a deep state shill who backs people to make them look bad to the general public. he did the same shit with Trump. Dems are scared of Tulsi because she has bipartisan popularity and it's hard to attack her because she's literally a womyn of color. If they don't take her out now, her only opposition will be the deeply unlikeable Kamala Harris who's basically nog Hillary. After that it's just a lineup of huwhite people and they specifically conditioned their voter base to choose diversity over huwhites
I'm becoming increasingly convinced that (((they)))'re pulling his strings directly.
Maybe he legitimately believes in whoever makes the strongest case in non-intervention. Or maybe he's being required to endorse whoever (((they))) want to character assassinate in the media.
>brown woman needs to disavow "evil white supreemacist" to prove that she that she isn't a Russian agent. Oy vey what a headache
>Keep hiding that power level if you wanna win goy!
We will keep letting the world know that white people exist and we have our own interests.
Kek last year during the elections here he Said "Bolsonaro speaks like us" while endorsing him. The media here made a shitshow with articles but nobody cared, most Brazilians don't even know what the kkk is.
You're a shill and he proves it!
I dont try hard to frame him. You try so hard to defend him. His love for Israel is obvious. If you dont see that, it's either cognitive dissonance, or complete denial.
You are (((they))) and I don't need VPNs to know who you are...
He is more Isralite by his blood than 99% of the other people on the planet who call themself Jewish... Dr. Duke is basically a full blooded Hebrew.
Funny how he is Aryan...
Not an argument.
Wrong. This says more about the person writing the article than it does about the people mentioned in it. Who the fuck cares about whatever David Duke has to say or think? Why is his opinion so important? I’ll give you a’s not.
>It means that Tulsi is a threat of some sort. However, I'm not actually shilling for Tulsi, and still think we should stick with Trump, but it would be nice to see if Tulsi can shake things up within the Democrat party and isolate their hypocrisies, so I support her rising to power within the democrat party.
She's literally a berniebro. Look at her platform, it's pretty much identical to Bernie.
he's been compromised for some 30 years. even turned over a list of his own newsletter subscribers to the feds back in the 80s. he glows in the dark.
And then Trump won. A lot of people love David Duke, nobody cares what CNN has to say
Yeah the Feds or CIA didn't ransack his home or office...
This is 50 minutes long. Give a timestamp to whatever you want me to hear or don't get so spammy.
This is now a Dr. David Duke thread!
Look at these cucks convinced that a man who loves his race is a 100% negative figure for the entire society.
Such a bottom bitch mentality to not even consider speaking your mind openly and deal in semantics and hidden agendas. You might as well be jews and the white genocide will be your holohox
Poor frog.
Brilliant political move by ultra right ICON ! Now get him to endorse Kameltoe Harris and Spartacus Booker ! Then,buy popcorn!
Everything is valid because it is Dr. David Duke.
Know your "Brands!"
>risk having cory booker, kamala harris, Elizabeth warren, Bernie Sanders, Julian Castro, Kirsten Gillibrand.
I'm not a gambler. I minimize risk to increase odds of a favorable outcome. I'm not an accelerationist and Tulsi is better than the other dem candidates. Call me when any of those other candidates meet with Assad or openly oppose doing Israel's dirty work in the middle east. This puts the republican candidate in a position to show his love for Israel or go harder than tulsi in on that issue.
I would love to have the power of David duke. You could just endorse anyone to destroy their political careers lol.
“Vote for Hillary for more chaos.”
I dont think hes controlled opposition. He saw how ceazy the left was being, and saw an opportunity to grab for more power. Since at the moment, the left is literally worse than the KKK. Itll be interesting to see how the relationship between KKK and black people develop, now that there is a sizable amount of niggers that have evolved into black men and women.
After all, black people did originally live in america. The KKK cant tell them to go back.
>KKK leader
>Ex-KKK leader
I don't even care about this guy but these "journalists" deserve a fucking rope.