How do get rid of wart?

Had this wart for years and have tried everything
>compound W many times
>picked away with razor blade until near bare skin but grew back
>liquid nitrogen at doctors
should i burn it with a hot nail or something
i just want to get rid of it quickly in one go because i'm busy with collage

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Apple cider vinegar. A classmate had a similar problem with a wart that would just not go away, and apple cider vinegar instantly got rid of it.

I attacked mine with a pair of small scissors and that was a lot of fun. Try corn/callus removers, ones that adhere to the skin surface all day. Salicylic acid and the apple cider vinegar someone else suggested are both keratolytic. Continue treating as this makes it easier to remove.

Instead of a razor blade, try using a #11 surgical scalpel to carve it out. It has better control and maneuverability than a razor blade and should be part of every first aid kit. You may need tweezers to help extract the wart in parts.

more cute feet pics, then you get the avice.

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Peeing on it in the shower helps faster than anything I’ve tried.

Laser. You need an operation.
Keep touching it and it'll spread like crazy.

Put apple cider vinegar on cotton ball, tape to, keep on over night. Repeat next night. It will turn black and fall off after a couple days.

No joke, I had a plantars wart and the doctor told me to run to the hardware store and grab some duct tape. That’s it. Just put duct tape on it. The adhesive is acidic and eats away at it.

Swear this works... my brother had a wart that wouldn't go away and my mom read about trying banana peel. She cut up and froze banana peels and rubbed a piece on his wart every day. The damn thing fucking disappeared

I had a very deep wart about 3x size in the same place that took 2 months to remove. Get those small round spot bandages with the tiny square cloth and 2 or 3 Doctor Scholls wart removers with the freeze applicator. The liquid stuff didn't do much for me so the combo pack is up to you. Take longer hotter showers so your foot pad gets soft, then use the freeze applicator and hold it dead center on the wart for 20-30 seconds as soon as possible after drying your foot. Stick a bandage on it so it stays clean and gets less irritated by friction, but take it off after work or before bed. Do it daily or every other day if the skin around the wart starts to look darker. After a week you should start gently scraping off the edges and top of your wart with a razor or scissors after a shower and before freezing it, just remember to clean the blade afterward so the wart virus doesn't spread. After 2 or 3 weeks it should be damn near gone and just a tiny black dot, but give it another week of treatment before trying to gouge it out entirely.

What I did was create a sterile environment, cut all the way down to the dermis with a razor, soaked the area in peroxide, burned it with a torch, and the bandaged it up with anti-viral cream. Every night afterwards I'd soak it in peroxide, and then rebandage it with the anti-viral cream until it healed.

Cutting it alone never worked, it'd just come back. So I think you're either going nuclear, or waiting it out.

I've been told that duct tape is more effective than liquid nitrogen at getting those shits off. Although I haven't gotten to test it myself. If you do try it make sure it doesn't have weak ass adhesive, get the real shit.

I wish I knew exactly what I did to get rid of my wart.

I went to doctors to get it frozen, tried pharmacy cures, tried cutting and digging into it with blades and needles and tweasers to extract the roots, put duct tape over it, and it just kept fucking coming back.

Eventually I just gave up and stopped paying attention to it until I forgot about it, and then months and months later I checked again and it was gone.

Sometimes people experience warts due to having a compromised immune system, so when they get back into the swing of things, their body is actually able to deal with it.

Stop cutting warts, they only spread.
Put anything like this for a couple weeks, every fucking day until your skin immediately around and over the wart is a big white callous spot. Then remove the whole dead chunk. It's painless and you just have to cover it with a bandaid to avoid the product coming off from rubbing on the socks.

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I froze mine every day instead of the packaging-recommended one time per week or so. Nearly fucked up my nail bed but it was gone after a month.

Aloe vera, chop a bit to expose inside of it, melt it by a bit, then run it over your warts
Do it x times tills it's out
Works for me some years ago

Just carve it out

There's this fluid you can buy in the pharmacy section of Walmart that you put on the wart and it kills it layer by layer.

Or you can use a pair of pliers warts suck user best of luck to u

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i basically ripped it out
came back a few times, and at some point it just stayed away

Get a red hot screwdriver and dig in. Works every time. Burns for like 1 second and then the pain is non existent.

Here you go

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