
I really need some help,
My girlfriend thinks she’s pregnant. We’ve had sex once with a condom, and I once stuck my dick in her for like 5 seconds.

But she started bleeding about a week before her period. She said that it’s not normal period blood.

I don’t know anything about the female body, or sex.

I’m currently freaking out, so I’ll respond to anyone.

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She hasn’t noticed any other symptoms of pregnancy besides the blood.

I'm pretty sure early bleeding is not a sign of pregnancy

Talking from experience here:

KEEP HER CALM the best you can OP because if she starts to believe that she is pregnant, then she will start having some of the symptoms, even if you're both in the clear.

Get tests. Don't waste money on the cheap, dollar general brands.

If you want to be extra sure, have her get a blood test, that is the surefire way to tell if she is pregnant or not.

She's probably bleeding because of penetration.

How soon can I get tests done? We had sex like 10 days ago

I fingered her the other night pretty hard with long finger nails, could that have caused it?

Actually. It is. Light bleeding/cramping is a symptom of early pregnancy.

If you fingered her with long nails, however, that could also be it. But to answer you, the best time to do a pregnancy test is

>first thing in the morning.
>the first day of a missed period before taking a urine pregnancy test


Its highly highly highly unlikely. If its only blood than I'd say she's just freaking herself out man females do it often, bleeding in early pregnancy is NOT normal that I've ever heard, the one time my gf got pregnant her tits were really sore and she was more tired than normal, really nauseas and throwing up. You have to wait until after her period was supposed to be THEN do the test the day after she was supposed to get it. My gf used a dollar store pregnancy test and it still read positive, just do it first thing AM. Morning piss is strongest in hormones. As for getting rid of it (if that's something you'd need) you can apply online at aid access for abortion pills, it's $95 and they mail it within 2 weeks but she has to be under 9 weeks along. Its 2 drugs, one stops the flow of progesterone(hormone that allows pregnancy to continue) and one that helps her body expel the contents of her womb. It'll hurt ofc like any period, the drugs are extremely safe, if she starts bleeding a stupid amount go to the ER, they won't find the drugs in her blood and it'll look like a normal miscarriage.

Thanks, I really think she’s over reacting, me also. I’m old enough to raise a child I guess. But I don’t want to be with this girl for the rest of my life. I’m going to break up with her after this is over.

Don't get trapped. If you think she'd lie to you then watch her take the test if she claims its positive

>I don’t know anything about the female body, or sex.

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its jamals, OP

Well you can play this stupid game and feel like you're life is gonna end for the next week while her vagoo gets in order. Or you can man up and get a pregnancy test. It's worth the piece of mind because even if you chill out about it your GF will keep reminding you because women are just neurotic.

Trust me I have had pregnancy scares before, and it is always better to get a test.

P.s. but TWO that are different brands. Bitch will still not believe the test if it is only one, TRUST ME

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she's overreacting.

I've have sex with no condom and yeah it's a bit stupid and I did have a pregnancy scare (only because my period was over 20 days late), but he never came in me hence I'm not pregnant

There's a lot of debate over whether precum contains sperm or not, but as long as you never actually splurged inside her then it is very low chance.

She could have bled from penetration, and sometimes period can seem a bit strange or come at unexpected times. How much did she bleed? Btw the more she freaks out the more she will be convinced she is feeling other symptoms and her period might even be a bit late from stress.

Best thing to do is keep her calm and get a pregnancy test to ease both of your minds

I think she bleed for like 2 days just a little, she said she it stopped today, after I fingered her i noticed a small amount of blood on my finger. I’m pretty sure the blood is from that.

I think it’s to early to take a test. We schedule a planned Parenthood appointment we’ll get a blood test done

I think it’s still to early to do a normal pregnancy test, we scheduled a doctors appointment to get the test done.

It's not pregnancy user it's vaginal discharge, calm the fuck down and get educated on the subject before you start dicking women.

You can get implantation blewding, but that's usually aroun 4 days before her next period, not a week

If it's pale pink/light brown it could be ovulation bleeding. It's rare though, and happens around the middle of the cycle

I approve of your choice to get a test done. Don't freak out too much

Women don't bleed if they're pregnant. Unless, of course, it's trying to abort. You're fine. If she DOES end up pregnant, get a paternity test. You don't wanna end up paying 18 years for someone else's bastard.

Also, get her ass on birth control if you plan on having sex more in the future. If she refuses, then that should raise a red flag for you. Better to be safe than sorry.